Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 636: Merman Tears Appear

After hearing this, my head immediately exploded, I turned around and ran as fast as I could.

Legend has it that there is a Meng Po on the Wangqing River. After drinking the soup made by her, lonely ghosts will be reincarnated. No wonder these ghosts are full of reluctance. I am afraid they are reluctant to let go of their previous lives!

I definitely can’t step into the Wangqing River, otherwise I’ll be given a bowl of Meng Po soup and my life will be over. But no matter how I ran back, what appeared in front of me was a new environment, not the original village.

Fengdu is the junction point between the yin and yang worlds, and there are many forbidden areas. If you are accidentally trapped in them, you may not be able to get out until you die.

So continuing like this is not an option. I looked at the blurry environment in front of me and suddenly thought of the invisible needle.

It's a thing in itself, and it's so fast that it can definitely show me the way!

In this way, even if I can't go out temporarily, I won't be exhausted to death. Thinking of this, I took out the invisible needle, concentrated on using my mind to control it and quickly shuttled around.

The ghost city and small village are not large in scope and can be seen at a glance. The man in the T-shirt and the people in Longquan Villa have strong yang energy and are also easy to confirm, so I mainly look for these two targets.

As the speed of the invisible needle became faster and faster, the pictures in my mind kept switching like turning the pages of a book. Soon I felt the yang energy in many pictures. I used my mind to turn the pictures over and look at them at a glance. To the T-shirt man and the three elders of Longquan Villa standing opposite.

Unlike other places, there is not a ghost here, but it is more terrifying than other places against the desolate environment.

Before I could react, the one-armed dragon flew up and rushed towards the man in the T-shirt. Because he only had one arm, the one-armed dragon created a gust of punch every time he made a move. Fortunately, the man in the T-shirt held the eight-sided fist. The Han Sword has a somewhat distance advantage and can barely maintain a tie with the One-Armed Dragon.

But at this moment, Yi Zhangqing suddenly took out several hidden weapons from his waist and threw them over to the man in a T-shirt on the ground.

The man in the t-shirt reacted quickly and immediately drew back his sword and knocked away the hidden weapon of Yi Zhang Qing. However, the one-armed dragon that had been prepared seized the opportunity and slapped the man in the t-shirt on the back.

The man in the T-shirt froze, then slashed the one-armed dragon's hand with his backhand sword, but the one-armed dragon seemed to be unaware of the pain, and actually raised his arm and grabbed the sword with his bloody palm.

I felt something was wrong, so I quickly followed the invisible needle and ran towards the direction of the man in the T-shirt!

At this time, Yin Yang Tiger, who had been preparing for a long time, suddenly moved out, holding his hands like claws and pulling them out towards the injured area on the back of the man in the T-shirt. Yi Zhangqing took the opportunity to throw out a few more hidden weapons. The man in the T-shirt tried to dodge but couldn't move his body at all. Can't move.

"Fuck you three against one!"

I cursed loudly and used my mind to control the invisible needles to scatter the hidden weapons. At the same time, I fiercely raised the Emei Thorn and threw it towards the Yin Yang Tiger.

He didn't know what I was throwing, so he was forced to give up his attack on the T-shirt man. The man in the T-shirt seized the opportunity and quickly recited a short spell, and then the eight-sided Han sword flashed with bright blue light and instantly cut off one of the fingers of the one-armed dragon. He screamed and took a few steps back in a hurry.

I took the opportunity to rush up to the man in the T-shirt and asked him if he was okay.

"How did you come?"

The man in the T-shirt said with a cold face: "We fell into a trap. They don't have any shark tears on their hands at all. That Baimei Zen Master must be a fake."

After listening to this, I understood why no ghosts came to stop the fight between Baimei Zen Master and the one-armed dragon. Because both sides of the fight were their own people, ghosts must have thought it was their internal conflict!

This is an obvious loophole. It’s a pity that the man in the T-shirt and I were so excited when we heard the Mermaid Tears that we didn’t pay attention to anything else.

"What did you do to Zen Master Baimei?"

In order to buy the man in the T-shirt time to breathe, I took the initiative to ask.

But before anyone from Longquan Villa could reply, Zen Master Bai Mei's compassionate voice came from all directions: "Donor, don't worry, I'm fine."

As the sound became clearer and clearer, the air began to be filled with golden light. After the golden light gathered to a certain extent, Zen Master Baimei appeared as if falling from the sky.

After he landed, he put the prayer beads in his hand back into his pocket, and the golden light disappeared in a flash.

I hurried up and asked him where he had been. Zen Master Baimei said that he was led here by people from Longquan Villa. He had been trapped because he didn't understand the situation here. Unexpectedly, he met us by accident.

After hearing this, a black line appeared on my forehead, and I thought to myself, you are honest enough, can't you say that you are here to help?

But no matter what, with the arrival of Zen Master Baimei, we both became evenly matched. Although I am weaker, I am better because of the invisible needle, which means that at least I won't suffer too much when I start.

The expressions of the three one-armed dragons who originally had evil smiles on their faces turned ugly. The reason why they took the risk to attack us at the critical moment when the ghost market was open was because they were afraid that it would be difficult to deal with them when they returned, so they chose to defeat them one by one.

Unexpectedly, the three of us got together by mistake, so they seemed to be riding a tiger.

"Still fighting?"

The man in the T-shirt asked coldly as he had almost rested. The people in Longquan Villa looked even uglier after hearing this, but in the end they did not answer the question, but looked at each other and quickly retreated.

"What do you mean?"

I asked in confusion, and the man in the T-shirt said thankfully that it was fortunate that you two came in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Because this is not a trading place in the ghost market, the bosses don't pay much attention to it. The talents of Longquan Villa are opportunistic and want to solve us here unknowingly.

But with the three of us here, we will definitely fall into a stalemate if we take action again, and it is very likely that the big bosses behind the ghost market will be brought out. By then, will the people of Longquan Villa be alive, let alone retaliate against us? It’s hard to leave Fengdu.

They obviously understood this truth, so they left voluntarily.

After hearing this, I secretly said something dangerous, and at the same time I felt a little worried. Since they could use the Merman's Tears to separate us, they undoubtedly knew the purpose of our trip. In this way, even if Mermaid Tears does appear in this trade fair, it will still be enough to fall into our hands.

After all, their strength is evenly matched with ours in all aspects!

The man in the T-shirt naturally understood this truth and immediately took us back to the trading center through layers of illusory scenes.

After a while, the traffic in the trading center increased a lot, and the number of sellers inside almost doubled, so that many stalls were set up outside.

We quickly turned around again, but still didn't see the Shark Tears. At this time, three white lights suddenly appeared in the sky above the trading market. When all the people or ghosts saw this scene, they all danced and cheered, even the man in the T-shirt There was a look of anticipation on their faces.

I looked at the time and saw that it was just past midnight and it was officially July 15th! It seems that this white light is the treasure that the bosses brought out this year.

Sure enough, as the white light dissipated, three treasures appeared in the air.

The one on the left is a piece of clothing as thin as cicada wings, with a few transparent beads in the middle, and the one on the right is a mask with a fire phoenix constantly swimming around on it, which looks very cool.

I didn't know what these treasures were used for, so I turned around and asked the man in the T-shirt. Unexpectedly, he and Zen Master Baimei were stunned. They looked at the transparent beads in the middle in a daze. I thought something had happened, so I quickly pushed him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Jiulin, you are really lucky."

The man in the T-shirt couldn't conceal his joy, and he said with a slightly trembling voice: "This is the Mermaid Tears you are looking for!"

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