Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 637 Three Finale Artifacts


After hearing this, I looked over conditionedly, and it took me a long time to realize that the Mermaid Tears must have been condensed into pearls by some kind of force, and they will naturally turn into liquid when I use them again.

I couldn't wait to get it, and excitedly asked the man in the T-shirt how to get the boss's treasure?

"These three items are not for sale. They are usually only used to market, but occasionally they are given away. For example, people who have made contributions during the transaction or the most active group may receive rewards."

The man in the T-shirt told me not to worry, because there were basically no groups coming to this trade fair except us and Longquan Villa, so the only ones who might get rewards next are us and Longquan Villa.

After hearing this, I felt relieved. Even if I got the Shark Tears, the One-Armed Dragon and the others would still deal with me, so there was no need to bother me.

Then the man in the T-shirt enthusiastically introduced two other treasures to me. The dress on the left is said to be the dress of Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty and is priceless; while the glazed fire phoenix mask on the right is said to have been used by a Taoist master in the Han Dynasty. , has a strong attack power. The man in the T-shirt said that if he could communicate with the mask, he could even release the fire phoenix on it, which is similar to my invisible needle.

Although these two treasures are not bad, my mind was full of Mermaid Tears, so I didn't have much interest in them.

Now that the shark tears came out, we finally breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to go back to the inn to rest. However, as soon as we arrived at the door of the inn, a group of black figures rushed up and surrounded us.

I subconsciously took out my Emei thorn as a precaution, but the man in the T-shirt and the Zen Master Baimei reached out to stop me at the same time. Then the man in the T-shirt kept a smile on his face and communicated with the leading shadow in unintelligible words.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zen Master Baimei explained in a low voice: "These black figures are the ghost servants of the bosses, who are responsible for the security of the ghost city!"

I couldn't help but frown after hearing this, feeling that there must be no good reason for them to come to my door.

Sure enough, the man in the T-shirt turned ugly after talking to the black shadow. He said cautiously: "Those big guys still know about the conflict between us and the people of Longquan Villa, and now they want to take action on us!"


Because the ghost was nearby, I asked the man in the T-shirt with my eyes if he could find a way to escape. He simply shook his head and said to give up this idea as soon as possible.

"These big guys who are running a ghost market together, even the Lord of Hell is afraid of them."

Zen Master Baimei followed, and just as I was about to answer, my vision went dark, and there was only the sound of the wind in my ears, and I vaguely felt that my body was rising.

I don't know how long it took, but my eyes suddenly became brighter and my body fell to the ground. I opened my eyes and saw the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei next to me, and on the other side of us were the three of them, the one-armed dragon.

It seems that Gui Cha's work efficiency is not just a boast, I can't help but click my tongue.

Then I bravely looked around and found that this was a main hall, with a row of blue candles lit on both sides of us. Our two groups were standing at both ends of the main hall.

At the end of the hall, there were a few shadowy shadows sitting in the sky. Six rectangular boxes were neatly placed on the incense table in front of these shadows.

These black figures are undoubtedly the bosses of the ghost market, those beings whose names are shocking: Demon Emperor, Judge, Demon Lord...

It's just that I don't know what the box on the incense table is. Judging from the quantity, it seems to be specially prepared for us. Could it be that each person is rewarded with a piece of poison and we are asked to kill it ourselves?

I quickly rejected my guess. If these people wanted to kill us, they wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt doubtfully, but he also shook his head in confusion.

At this moment, a charming female voice came from the direction of the shadows: "From now on, everyone chooses a box, and I will play a game with you, haha."

After the woman finished speaking, none of us moved. We wondered what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

Even the one-armed dragon, which has always been arrogant and domineering, did not dare to step forward. After all, our strength is too small in front of these three ghost market bosses.

At this time, the woman's shadow became clearer and clearer, and finally transformed into a noble lady wearing a red wedding dress and a phoenix crown. Her mouth is small and her lips are slightly parted when speaking, which is very charming.

It's a pity that her face turned pale, as if she had applied a layer of cream on her skin, which really affected her beauty.

When I was looking at her, she was also looking at us, and said coldly: "You have violated the rules of the ghost market. Logically speaking, you should all be executed and sent to the eighteenth level of hell. But since you are the first offender, this lady I’ll give you a chance to live!”

I was relieved when I heard this, but the man in the T-shirt shook his head and whispered: "Don't be careless."

Sure enough, a hint of cunning appeared on the woman's face and she continued talking.

It turned out that each of the six boxes contained a ghostly object that shocked the past and the present. He asked us and the people in Longquan Villa to each draw one, and at the same time randomly decided who would fight whom.

She asked us to only use the vagina when we fight, otherwise it would be a foul.

The form of fighting is not limited, and the scope of fighting is not limited to the trading center. You can use your fists and kicks at will throughout Fengdu.

After the woman finished speaking, several shadows at the end of the hall laughed at the same time. Then she waved her hand, and a screen made of flames actually formed in the center of the hall.

I was shocked to find that the flame screen was automatically divided into countless small pieces. It was a live broadcast of various areas in Fengdu!

As if to open our eyes, the woman specially zoomed in on the small area representing the trading market. A bustling scene suddenly appeared in front of our eyes, and we could even vaguely hear the voices of ghosts bargaining.

Then the woman switched the screen to countless small squares and said jokingly: "When you go back tonight, study the vagina you picked up carefully, and don't try to escape. Your every move is under my nose! "

By the time she finished speaking, I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, and I completely gave up the idea of ​​being clever.

The faces of the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei were no better than mine, but their mentality was better than mine. After thinking about it, they walked forward and picked up a box respectively.

When the people from Longquan Villa saw them moving, they hurried up and each took out a box.

"The odds are the same, grab a yarn!"

I cursed secretly and walked forward to pick up the last box.

Then the woman transformed into six pieces of paper and floated them lightly in front of us. Each of us drew one. In the end, the man in the T-shirt faced Yi Zhangqing, the Baimei Zen Master faced the Yin Yang Tiger, and I faced the Yin Yang Tiger. The strongest one-armed dragon...

"In order to ensure the fairness of the fight, you two cannot know what kind of thing your opponent has drawn before the competition begins. Go back and prepare. The first game will start at eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

After the woman finished speaking, she walked back to the end of the hall without waiting for our reply. Then someone came forward and took us back to the inn.

When I went upstairs, the one-armed dragon looked at me with a sneer and said you'd better not be too weak.

"Stay with me to the end!"

I replied tit for tat, but I did feel a little uneasy. After all, the one-armed dragon is the strongest among the three elders, but I am the weakest among the three of us.

But this is exactly in line with Tian Ji's rules of horse racing. The T-shirt man and the white-browed Zen master should be able to defeat their opponents. Even if I lose to the one-armed dragon, it will not affect the overall situation.

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