Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 638: Horse King Whip VS Onikiri

As soon as he returned to the room, the T-shirt man opened the box and found a heavy bronze whip inside.

The bronze whip was dull, and the handle was even covered with gray mold. It looked like tatters to me.

I tried to hold it in my hand and weighed it, and found that it was much heavier than T-Shirt Man's Eight-sided Han Sword. This would definitely affect T-Shirt Man when he held it in his hand. I couldn't help but worry. Ask the man in the T-shirt if he knows what this is?

"This is the horse whip."

The man in the T-shirt thought for a while and said: "It is said that Lord Ma is a Taoist ghost hunter. He is fierce, with red hair and a yellow face. He was born with three eyes, and the third eye specializes in seeing ghosts in the world. Once he discovers something If ghosts cause trouble, use this bronze whip to beat them to death. It is a first-rate ghost nemesis."

I also know the existence of Lord Ma. Since it is his old man’s weapon, its power is naturally extraordinary. In addition, the man in the T-shirt uses a sword-shaped weapon, so there should be no big problem by then.

Then Zen Master Baimei also opened his box. Unexpectedly, there was a string of rosewood beads inside, with dense mantras written on each bead.

Although I don’t understand these Buddhist mantras, I felt happy after seeing the Buddhist beads. I feel that Zen Master Baimei is really lucky, because the weapon he is best at using is the Buddhist beads.

The man in the T-shirt looked visibly relaxed and asked Zen Master Baimei what was written on the beads.

"I can't understand it either."

Zen Master Baimei shook his head, and there was not much excitement on his face. However, he had always been unfazed by flattery, so I didn't take it seriously.

The things they smoked were quite satisfactory. I felt much more at ease and opened my box directly, only to find a shining silver ring inside.

This ring looks similar to a wedding diamond ring, except that instead of diamonds, it is inlaid with a piece of blood-red agate. This piece of agate looks smooth at first glance, but if you take a closer look, you can see that there are countless blood threads squirming slightly inside.

I thought it was a rare treasure at first, but I didn’t feel anything after wearing it on my hand, so I took it off and handed it to the man in the T-shirt, asking him if he knew what it was.

The man in the T-shirt looked at it for a while and then handed it to Zen Master Bai Mei, but both of them shook their heads.

Pocket-sized vaginal objects like this usually need to be activated with essence and blood. I simply bit my finger and poured a few drops of blood on the agate, then silently recited a few general mantras to integrate my spiritual power into it.

But after a long time, there was still no response from the ring. Essence and blood were all over the ring. I was so angry that I gritted my teeth.

"Oh shit!"

I couldn't help but curse. There were basically only two possibilities if the essence and blood couldn't be melted in. One possibility is that there is a powerful Yin spirit living in the ring, so that the outside spiritual power cannot penetrate; another possibility is that the ring is not a Yin object at all!

There doesn't seem to be anything outstanding about this ring. Neither the T-shirt man nor the white-browed Zen master can name it, so the ring is most likely a parallel import. I suddenly felt a little depressed, and asked with a grimace, "What should I do?"

"Don't worry, didn't the Demon Lord say that he would tell us the name of the evil creature before we fight?"

The man in the T-shirt comforted me, and I rubbed my face to stop myself from being so entangled. There must be a way from the car to the mountain, and maybe the one-armed dragon would pick something worse than my ring.

Because the T-shirt man was going to play against Yizhang Qing tomorrow morning, we went to bed early. Soon there was the sound of long breathing from the man in the T-shirt, but I became nervous.

The Demon Lord mentioned everything except the punishment for the loser. But the more this happened, the more worried I became, feeling that the loser would definitely die. Thinking of this, I clenched my fists and kept encouraging myself. I must not hold everyone back.

I fell asleep after thinking about it, and it was eight o'clock not long after I woke up the next day. Just when I was guessing how the Demon King would notify the man in the T-shirt? There were warm cheers from the trading center.

He leaned closer to the window and looked over, and was shocked to find that the three popular treasures in the sky above the trading center had been replaced by images conjured up by the bosses, which read: Horse King Whip vs. Ghost Cut, and below there was a row of crooked inscriptions.

At first we all thought that the Demon Lord would give some reminders on how to use the vaginal objects, but who knew that she would not say a word more than the names of the vaginal objects.

"It seems that things are not that simple anymore..." I couldn't help but say.

Yizhangqing is an assassin himself, and now that there is Onikiri, the man in the T-shirt will inevitably have a bloody battle.

"Onikiri is a ghost-killing artifact from the Heian era in Japan. The first owner was a samurai named Watanabe! He once used a boomerang to cut off the arm of the ghost Ibaraki Doji, scaring away the Hyakuki Yakou. From then on, the boomerang It’s called Onikiri, and I’m afraid there are many undead ghosts attached to it.”

The man in the T-shirt said with a solemn expression, and then asked Zen Master Baimei and I to wait for news at the inn. He said that he wanted to find a place to clean the horse whip.

I knew I wouldn't be able to wait for the ring information, so the T-shirt man and Baimei Zen Master absolutely couldn't lose. Now that the competition has begun, I was afraid that the man in the T-shirt would be in danger when he went out by himself, so I offered to go with him so that I could have someone to take care of me.

It would be safer for Zen Master Baimei to stay in the inn by himself, so the man in the T-shirt agreed after thinking about it.

After going downstairs, I found that almost all the people and ghosts participating in the fair were gathered in front of the screen in the sky. At this moment, the screen was divided into two. One part was me and the man in the T-shirt, and the other part was Yizhang Qingzheng and Yin Yanghu and the others. Discussing something.

"In the first year of junior high school, any actions of you and Yi Zhangqing will become transparent. How can you two plot against each other?" I asked, looking at the two screens, puzzled.

The man in the t-shirt was stunned after hearing this, then shook his head and said that they would not make such a stupid mistake, and there would definitely be other measures.

Then the man in the T-shirt took me out of the village and to the Wangqing River that I had broken into before. He said that there was the Wangchuan River in front of him, which was the darkest river in the world. The river was full of lonely ghosts who could not be reincarnated, so it was full of gloom.

The man in the T-shirt wanted to use the principle of yin and yang transformation, and use the yin energy in the river to wash away the dirt on the bronze whip.

I have grown up listening to the stories of Wangchuan Water and Naihe Bridge, and I yearn for these mysterious places. Now that I am accompanied by a man in a T-shirt, I am not so scared anymore.

After walking for half an hour, a forest appeared in front of them. Only the bare trunks of these trees were left, many of which had been broken in the middle. The ground was covered with a layer of withered yellow leaves, which looked particularly desolate.

I don’t know why, but just as I was about to step into the woods, my heart suddenly thumped and I took a step back subconsciously.

At the same time, the man in the T-shirt put his hand in front of me and said in a deep voice: "There is something wrong."

I nodded and pulled out the Emei thorn from my waist. The man in the T-shirt walked in first, carrying the Eight-sided Han Sword on his back and holding a bronze whip.

After walking a few steps in the woods, I smelled a strong smell of rotting meat in the air, and at the same time, a small sound suddenly came from the quiet woods.

The squeaking sound came and went, and it sounded like a rat barking, but how could there be a rat in a place like this?

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