Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 639: Killer Bat

"Speed ​​up your pace and walk through the woods as fast as possible."

The man in the T-shirt whispered, and then we quickened our pace. The smell of rotting meat became stronger and stronger, and the noises similar to those of mice became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly a few drops of water fell on my head. I thought it was raining and looked up, but I was shocked to find a bloody corpse hanging on the tree!

Countless fat bats clung to the corpse and gnawed at it. Blood dripped down from the wounds on the corpse and fell on me...

I couldn't help bending over and retching. The man in the T-shirt stretched out his hand to block my mouth, but it was too late. I opened my mouth and vomited.

The moment I made the sound, all these bats turned their heads. After seeing us, their eyes instantly turned red, and the corners of their mouths hanging with pieces of meat opened and closed, revealing the sharp teeth inside.


The man in the T-shirt saw that the bat had been alerted and immediately yelled at me. I didn't dare to hesitate, raised my legs and started running. At this time, there was a dense buzzing sound behind me, and I knew they were chasing me. I bravely looked back and found that the man in the T-shirt had already been caught up, and he was holding two weapons and firing his bow left and right under the siege of bats.

These bats are about the same size as chickens. If they are bitten, they will lose a large piece of meat. Moreover, they must be highly poisonous if they live in such an environment. Therefore, the man in the T-shirt seemed to be in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, several pieces of his clothes were bitten open. Daokouzi.

I quickly released the invisible needle, and then rushed forward with the Emei thorn. The Emei thorn has no distance advantage, and every time I stab it in, my face will be splashed with smelly blood.

Fortunately, although this kind of bat is ferocious, its number is limited. With the hard work of the man in the T-shirt and I, most of the bats were killed, and only a few flew back to the tree, a little panicked. Look at us.

"It's so fucking scary!"

I looked at the T-shirt man's clothes that were almost bitten to pieces and said with some fear. The man in the T-shirt nodded and said that these were bats raised by corpses. They had lived in an environment full of yin energy for a long time, so it would be strange if they didn't mutate.

He suddenly stopped as he spoke and looked at me motionless, his eyes full of doubts. Following his gaze, I saw my clothes and realized that I was unscathed.


I hesitated for a moment and then suddenly realized that I had been killing the bats just now, and they never took the initiative to attack me. What was going on?

The man in the T-shirt looked at me and thought for a long time, then suddenly said: "No!"

At this moment, the bats that had been hiding in the tree flew down and bit the man in the T-shirt on the back with lightning speed.

I subconsciously controlled the invisible needles to resist, but only blocked one. The man in the T-shirt knew from my expression that he was in danger, but he had no time to turn around, and the remaining bats bit him in an instant.

The man in the t-shirt groaned and showed his back to me. I stabbed it several times in a row to kill all the bats.

"How are you?"

I asked nervously, and the man in the T-shirt waved his hand and said it was okay, and continued to rush towards the Wangchuan River.

There were no more accidents after that, and we arrived at the Wangchuan River smoothly. From a long way away, we could already see the soaring Yin Qi floating on the river.

When I walked forward, I found that the water in the river was red, almost like a river of blood. At this time, a splash appeared in the river. I looked over curiously, only to find that there was a sweet-looking little girl waving to me. I just He wanted to walk over but felt someone slap him on the face, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

"I told you to wait outside, is that okay now?"

The man in the T-shirt scolded, and he took off a small piece of mold from the bronze whip and wiped it on my temple. Then he pointed at the Wangchuan River and said, take a closer look at who is waving to you just now.

I looked in the direction just now and saw a girl who had been disemboweled. A large pile of intestines floating in the water looked very disgusting.

She continued to wave to me, and when she noticed that I was indifferent, she glared at the man in the T-shirt and retreated into the water with a look of reluctance on her face.

"The people here are all imps who cannot be reincarnated. They are always trying to recruit living people to be their scapegoats, so those who cross the river will cover their ears and eyes and run straight across. You'd better take the initiative to send them to the door yourself!"

While the man in the T-shirt was chattering, he tied the Eight-faced Han Sword and the bronze whip tightly with a rope, and then threw them into the river.

Suddenly there was a sizzling sound in the river, and then there was a scream. I braved it and looked over, and found many little ghosts running away in a panic.

After about ten minutes, the man in the T-shirt chanted a spell and controlled the Eight-sided Han Sword to fly out. Only then did I understand why he tied the two together with a rope. The feeling was that he didn't know how to control the bronze whip...

After being washed by the river water, all the mold on the bronze whip disappeared, and it looked as if it had just been made, with a faint cold light.

I stretched out my hand to untie the rope. Unexpectedly, after I put it down for a while, the rope had become as hard as steel.

The man in the T-shirt told me not to worry about it, saying that if I left the river, the yin energy attached to the rope would spread into the air soon, and the rope would turn into a pile of powder.


I gave a weak thumbs up, and the man in the T-shirt smiled slightly, but it gave me a forced smile. When I looked carefully, there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on his brow, and I quickly asked him what was going on.

"Maybe I consumed too much Yang Qi on the Wangchuan River just now. It's better to go back and rest."

The man in the T-shirt smiled and pulled me to continue walking. When I passed by the woods again, I was surprised to find that the corpses of the bats we killed had disappeared, and even the blood spilled on the ground was gone.

I was a little confused and asked the man in the T-shirt what was going on. Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt's face darkened, and then he half-knelt on the ground with a pop.

"First year of junior high school, why didn't you tell me..."

At this moment, I was sure that something was wrong with the man in the T-shirt, so I hurriedly ran behind him and tore his clothes off. I was shocked to find that his entire back had turned black, and the area bitten by the bat even turned purple. Blood is slowly oozing out.

From the beginning, I thought that he might be poisoned, but he always said that he was fine, so I felt relieved. Now it seems that he just doesn't want me to worry, and he blames himself and is a little angry.

"Jiulin, I thought it was just ordinary corpse poison, but now it seems... those bats were made by Izhang Qing, and she is already proficient in using Onikiri." The man in the T-shirt said intermittently.

I reacted immediately after hearing this. No wonder those bats didn’t attack me. It turned out that Yi Zhangqing had already targeted the man in the T-shirt. I didn’t expect her to move so fast, but it also showed that she didn’t know who I was. Stay with the T-shirt man, otherwise I would definitely be worse off than the T-shirt man now.

Then I picked him up and ran quickly in the direction I came from. The man in the T-shirt gave me directions intermittently at first, but he fainted later. I had no choice but to use the invisible needle to explore the path. Unexpectedly, the invisible needle clearly pointed out that I could enter the trading village by walking straight, but no matter how I walked, I couldn't get out.

Only then did I realize that I was not lost at all, but had broken into Yi Zhangqing's ecstasy. Fortunately, I had been wearing the Huan Si Bell on my wrist, quickly took it off, combined it with the spell, and shook it, and finally managed to get out of the predicament and return. Arrive at Trading Village.

The trading center was still surrounded by three floors inside and three outside as before. All the onlookers were staring at the sky attentively. Many people were whispering and pointing. I looked up and saw only the fiery red screen.

On the periphery of the crowd, the Yin-Yang Tiger and the One-Armed Dragon stood together with equally confused faces. Obviously, after the official start, the two of us would not be able to see the screen.

The man in the T-shirt was seriously injured, so I didn’t waste any more time and carried him to the inn and directly into Zen Master Bai Mei’s room. When I entered, Zen Master Baimei was studying Buddhist beads. When he saw me coming back with the man in the T-shirt on my back, his expression suddenly changed. Before I could say anything, he took the man in the T-shirt and put him on the bed.

Then he immediately took out a set of knives, simply roasted them with candlelight, and then dug directly into the wound of the man in the T-shirt. When the first cut was made, the man in the T-shirt woke up from the pain. He trembled and called me. He went over and grabbed my arm with one hand and tightened the sheets with the other hand. He gritted his teeth and told Zen Master Baimei to continue.

"There is something left on your back. It must be taken out immediately. Please bear with it!"

After saying this, Zen Master Baimei frowned and continued to scratch the man in the T-shirt. Every time he scratched the man in the T-shirt, his upper body would struggle reflexively. His delicate face turned red from suppressing it, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans oozed from his forehead. His eyes were raised high, but he never shouted stop.

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