Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 641: Kill Yi Zhang Qing

Although the man in the T-shirt repeatedly emphasized that I should watch the show, at this moment I couldn't hold it in any longer. I took out my invisible needle and pointed it at Yi Zhang Qing, and yelled: "You try to move, Ichiro Tatsuzawa will be your fate!"

"Don't worry, Qingmei. Let's compete in any way. I'll see who can do anything to you!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the voice of a one-armed dragon came from behind me. He stepped forward and said fiercely: "It's a one-on-one competition. I'm willing to admit defeat. Why can't you afford to gamble?"

"You..." I was speechless for a moment, and my face turned red from holding back.

In fact, what he said is right. At present, Yi Zhangqing has indeed not violated the rules of the game. God knows what the T-shirt man is doing!

Just as I was stunned, Izhang Qingjiao shouted, and Onikiri quickly flew out of her hand, turning into countless rays of cold light in the air, attacking the man in the T-shirt from different directions.

Just as I was about to use the invisible needle to stop me, my arm was grabbed by the one-armed dragon. I couldn't struggle at all. Time seemed to stop at this moment. As the cold light of Onikiri got closer and closer, the man in the T-shirt was still indifferent!

"don't want……"

Seeing that the man in the T-shirt was about to be hit, I yelled hysterically, but at this moment the man in the T-shirt knelt on the ground because of his severe injuries. Although he escaped most of the cold light by accident, there was still a lot of cold light that penetrated his stomach; the man in the T-shirt spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground completely motionless, even shaking the bronze whip in his hand. It's a long way out.

"Well done Qingmei, you have made great contributions to Longquan Villa."

The one-armed dragon laughed and threw me to the ground, and said jokingly: "After taking care of this troublesome guy, it will be your turn next!"

I ignored his ridicule and wanted to stand up and help the man in the T-shirt up, but I couldn't use any strength at all. It felt like all the bones in my body were falling apart. I couldn't accept this ending! The T-shirt man will not die, absolutely not!

"That's it. I thought you were so capable."

Yi Zhangqing said something disdainfully to the man in the T-shirt. He stood up and walked forward as if he wanted to pick up the bronze whip. At this moment, a scene that everyone could not believe appeared: the bronze whip lying on the ground suddenly flew up. , passed directly through Yi Zhangqing's abdomen.

It didn't take more than two seconds. When I came to my senses again, a hole as big as a bowl had appeared in Yi Zhangqing's belly. Her internal organs flowed out, and blood spurted out like a waterfall.

"How could..."

Her face was full of disbelief, and she grabbed her internal organs with both hands and tried hard to stuff them back into her stomach, but before she could succeed, she fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

The one-armed dragon, who was in high spirits just now, was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He rushed forward like crazy, hugged the body of Yi Zhangqing in his arms, and cried heartbreakingly.

"That's good, that's good."

At this time, there was another sound behind him. Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and shook his head helplessly.

Then he opened his eyes and stepped forward to pull me up. I quickly picked up the bronze whip and asked Zen Master Baimei what all this was about.

"Chu Yi knew that he couldn't control the bronze whip at all. In addition, he was hit by Yi Zhangqing's secret plan. He would definitely lose if he continued to use it. So he used the most dangerous method, combining the human sword with the sword!" said Zen Master Baimei quietly. .

I was stunned after hearing this. The integration of man and sword is an extremely high-end magic. To put it simply, it is to integrate one's soul into the sword. In this way, the person is the sword and the sword is the person. It can burst out in a short time. The powerful lethality was best demonstrated when the bronze whip pierced Yi Zhangqing's body with its absolute strength just now.

However, this kind of spell is usually only used by highly qualified people, because there are many taboos about the integration of man and sword, such as the storage of the body, whether the soul can accept the backlash of negative things, whether the combination of man and sword can achieve the desired effect, etc. If you are not careful, you will end up in despair.

Apart from these, the biggest difficulty in uniting man and sword is that ordinary people cannot separate their souls from their bodies. Obviously, the man in the T-shirt is not capable of reaching this level, so he did not avoid Yi Zhangqing's attack and deliberately They ruin their bodies so that their souls can leave their bodies.

I have always known that the T-shirt man would sacrifice his life for me, and I also knew that he had been trying his best to cultivate me, but I never thought that one day he would fulfill me in this way.

I was stunned for a long time and looked at Zen Master Baimei, and asked coldly: "You knew he would do this, so you deliberately let the one-armed dragon in, just to let him stop me and ensure that the T-shirt man's plan went smoothly. Is it right?"

"That's right." Zen Master Baimei admitted in a low voice.

After hearing this, I raised my fist and punched him in the face, but finally stopped when I was close to his face. With tears in my eyes, I said tremblingly: "No next time! Damn it!"

After saying that, I put the bronze whip in the arms of the man in the T-shirt, then picked him up through gritted teeth and walked out. Zen Master Baimei followed me without saying a word. At this time, the one-armed dragon, who was crying almost crazy, suddenly caught up with me from behind, stared at me with scarlet eyes, and said with gritted teeth: "Leave him here, I won't kill you!"

This is the most dangerous time I have felt since I entered Fengdu. If the bosses in the ghost market scare us because they can control our life and death, then when a person does not even care about his life, the so-called rules do not exist. .

Even though they are mortal enemies, I can still understand the relationship between the one-armed dragon and Yi Zhangqing.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect? Just like Yizhangqing and the one-armed dragon were laughing at me and the T-shirt man just now, who could have thought that the situation would be reversed in the next moment?

No one can tell what is right and what is wrong, especially those of us in the business of femininity dealers. We spend our whole lives pursuing nothing more than a clear conscience, right?

I won’t hand it over to people.

But I really didn’t have the heart to say anything gloating to the one-armed dragon, so I replied with a sullen face: “One-armed dragon, you were telling me the rules just now, where are your rules?”

"If Qingmei loses, I will never stop you! But how did she die? How did she die?"

The one-armed dragon roared with tears in his eyes. In the end, he was speechless and could only gasp like a beast.

"The move in the first year of junior high school is indeed unusual, but he didn't break the rules, right?"

After saying that, I ignored him. After all, the enemy is the enemy. If Yi Zhangqing survives, the people crying now will be me and Zen Master Baimei.

The one-armed dragon yelled "Ah" behind me, and then I felt a murderous intention coming from behind me. Zen Master Baimei immediately took out his Buddhist beads and rushed towards me.

But at this moment, a red light suddenly flashed above my head, and then I heard the screams of Zen Master Baimei and the one-armed dragon.

Looking back, I saw them both falling to the ground, and the Demon Lord's enchanting and sexy voice came from above: "The winner has been decided, congratulations to the winner for getting the Horse King Whip!"

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