Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 642 Ten Thousand Buddha Beads VS Taiyi Traceless Sword

I gave them a somewhat indifferent look and continued walking to the inn with the man in the T-shirt on my back.


Zen Master Baimei faintly recited a Buddha's name, followed, clasped his hands together and said, "Don't worry, little friend, nothing will happen to you on the first day of the new year."

I ignored him, went back to the inn, put the T-shirt man on the bed, and carefully treated the T-shirt man's wounds.

There was not a single piece of intact flesh on the T-shirt man's body, and black blood kept pouring out from the wounds caused by Onikiri. Zen Master Baimei used the same method as last time to treat the wound of the man in the T-shirt. The knife cut him, but he didn't scream like he did in the morning.

There was no reaction from him when the ointment was applied.

I was so anxious that I burst into tears and yelled at Zen Master Baimei: "How could this happen?"

Zen Master Baimei shook his head and said: "The soul of Chu Yi is still trapped in the Horse King Whip. I still need to trouble my little friends to bring him out."

I glared at Zen Master Bai Mei, but he still looked unfazed. I lost my temper because of him, so I had to come up with some guy stuff to summon the spirit of the man in the T-shirt.

The Horse King's Whip already belonged to the T-shirt Man, so it was not difficult to summon the spirit. With a few drops of the T-Shirt Man's essence and blood, his soul floated out of the Horse King's Whip.

The soul of the man in the T-shirt was very weak and could disperse at any time. I hurriedly asked him to enter the physical body!

No matter how awesome the T-shirt man is, he is still a human being, and the longer the separation of body and soul, the harder it will be to recover. His soul nodded towards me and swayed into his physical body.

As the man in the T-shirt groaned, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, there was a noise coming from downstairs of the inn, and Zen Master Baimei's expression changed, and he hurriedly stood by the window to look at the situation outside.


He recited a Buddhist verse and said calmly: "It's time for the poor monk to appear."

I ran to the window and looked up, and saw that the picture above the trading center had changed to: "Ten Thousand Buddha Beads vs. Taiyi Traceless Sword."

"here we go……"

Zen Master Baimei said quietly, and then he waved his cassock and walked out of the room.

I quickly picked up the guy's stuff and followed him. Although I was dissatisfied with him for stopping me from saving the T-shirt man before, I also knew that this was what the T-shirt man meant, and Zen Master Baimei was just cooperating.

There are two masters on the other side, and I can't let anything happen to Zen Master Baimei again.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as I went out, I saw Zen Master Baimei standing there motionless, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Zen Master Baimei pointed out his hand and motioned me to look forward.

Following his line of sight, we saw the Yin Yang Tiger and the One-Armed Dragon staring at us with ferocious expressions.

I was happy when I saw it. It seemed that Yi Zhangqing's death was a big blow to them!

Zen Master Baimei frowned and said, "I didn't expect that the one-armed dragon actually recovered..."

After I heard this, the expression of gloating suddenly froze on my face. Although the attack just now by the Demon Lord was just a punishment, Zen Master Baimei vomited two mouthfuls of blood. His breath is still a little unstable, but the one-armed dragon Already safe and sound.

How powerful is this one-armed dragon!

The one-armed dragon laughed coldly, and slowly drew his palm in front of his neck. The Yin-Yang Tiger's big eyes were also full of hostility, and he looked at us as if he were looking at a dead person. The two of them stared at each other arrogantly before walking out of the inn.

My face darkened and I asked Zen Master Baimei what should I do? The Yin Yang Tiger is difficult to deal with at first glance, and with the one-armed dragon, we are definitely no match.

Zen Master Baimei didn't look too good either. He pondered for a long time before sighing and saying, "Amitabha, I can only take advantage of the situation."

After that, he went downstairs, and I followed him closely. The streets were busier than yesterday, with large numbers of monsters and monsters gathering on both sides of the streets. They were intently looking at the scene above the trading center, but they turned a blind eye to us.

"here we go!"

I murmured, and Zen Master Baimei held the beads and walked all the way to the outskirts of the trading village.

After walking for a while, Zen Master Baimei looked at the sky, turned to me and said that the battle must be resolved before dark.

After a little thought, I understood what he meant. There is no moonlight in the dark night in Fengdu. The pair of yin and yang eyes of the yin and yang tiger can move freely in the dark, but Zen Master Baimei and I cannot. Our movements will definitely be restricted after dark. .

Then we quickened our pace and left the trading village. From afar, we saw the back of the Yin Yang Tiger turning around and disappearing in front of us. I was about to chase after me while holding the staff of the Holy Mother. Zen Master Baimei grabbed me and pointed at the empty front and said, "Look over there."

Following his line of sight, I saw rows of antique courtyards springing up from the black ground like mushrooms after rain. I counted seven of them in total.

Zen Master Baimei murmured in a low voice, so it turned out to be like this.

I asked in confusion: "Master, what is this?"

Zen Master Baimei bowed towards the seven small courtyards and bowed, saying something to offend him, and then began to recite something. The beads in his hand began to glow white as if he was blessing the Dharma.

The white light gradually became a bit dazzling. I raised my hands to block my eyes, and then I heard Zen Master Bai Mei shouted: "Go!"

The beads flew towards the seven small courtyards in response to the sound, and Zen Master Baimei and I also chased it to the front of the small courtyards. There is a Bagua picture engraved on the door of the courtyard. Thinking that the other person’s ghost object is the Taiyi Wuhenjian, an incredible idea appears in my mind: Could this ghost object be the Yin spirit of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen attached to it?

Unexpectedly, Zen Master Baimei nodded seriously.

"Depend on!"

I cursed secretly. In history, the Quanzhen Seven Sons were the direct disciples of Wang Chongyang, the founder of the Quanzhen Religion. Although the martial arts novels such as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" exaggerate the martial arts of the Quanzhen Seven Sons, the Quanzhen Seven Sons are still His Taoist cultivation has indeed reached its peak.

For example, Changchun Zi Qiu Chuji once prayed for blessings and rain for the people, and was called a living god by the people. He even traveled thousands of miles to the west and persuaded a generation of genius Genghis Khan not to raise a butcher's knife against innocent people. His deeds were long remembered by China. Recited.

Zen Master Baimei held the beads and examined them for a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is only Qiu Chuji's Yin spirit on the sword."


I yelled and pulled Master Baimei to roll to the ground. A sword wind passed over the top of my head, causing my scalp to burn with pain.

Zen Master Baimei jumped up, put the Buddhist beads on the hilt of his sword, and pulled it down suddenly. The speed of the sword instantly dropped, and then it fell to the ground with a clang, and the seven small courtyards behind him slowly disappeared.

I couldn't help but frown. The Yin Yang Tiger went to great lengths to lure us there, and it must have been more than this.

Just as he was about to remind Zen Master Baimei to pay attention, the situation suddenly changed. The traceless sword that had fallen on the ground suddenly stood up, and the tip of the sword twisted incredibly and stabbed Zen Master Baimei.

Zen Master Baimei couldn't avoid it, and his arm was scratched with blood. The Wuhen Sword sucked blood and made a buzzing sound. I couldn't believe it, so I quickly went up and dragged Master Baimei aside.

Sure enough, as soon as Zen Master Baimei and I left there, several gleaming blades stabbed out of the ground.

If I hadn't acted quickly, Zen Master Baimei would have become a sieve now...

He touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said thanks to my little friend. I shook my head and said to him: "The situation is very bad now, what should we do?"

Zen Master Baimei said: "My little friend, try to take as little action as possible for a while."

I nodded to reassure him!

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