Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 643: Being clever but being misled by cleverness

In just a moment, the blade on the ground came to life, swimming towards us on the ground like a shark's back.

I took a step back, and Li Mazi's obscene voice suddenly came over: "Brother Zhang, please save me!"

I looked in the direction of the source of the sound in disbelief, and saw Li Mazi tied to a pillar, and a female ghost was stabbing him with a knife. When his green bean-like eyes saw me, tears immediately appeared: Brother Zhang, please save me, I don't want to die in the hands of this female ghost who is uglier than Sister Feng.

I looked at him with disdain, wondering if the female ghost would die if she looked more beautiful. He quickly stepped forward and used the Emei thorn to beat the female ghost to pieces, and then he untied Li Mazi's bonds with a casual pick.

After careful inspection, I found that he was not injured. I asked in confusion why you are here?

He blinked obscenely and said in a low voice: "The things in this ghost market are all of the highest quality. If you just pick them up, I won't have to worry about them for the rest of my life."

I looked at him speechlessly. This man was really hopeless. He would come anywhere just for money. Li Mazi chuckled and changed the subject abruptly: "Brother Zhang, what are you doing here?"

"of course……"

When I said this, my throat got stuck, I couldn't say the next words, and my mind suddenly went blank.

Li Mazi came up and put his arms around my shoulders, and said with a smile: "I just found something good. Come and see it with me."

I glanced at him suspiciously: "Isn't it another dangerous thing?"

Li Mazi glanced at me with disdain: "Brother Zhang, this is a ghost market. What evil things would come here to cause trouble? Isn't this a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple?"

"What I saw this time was a strange bead. Tsk tsk. If we get this thing, we will make a fortune."

Li Mazi winked and said, "Hurry up, or you will be snatched away by others!"

I always felt like something was wrong, but I couldn't remember it. I guess I was overthinking it.

Because the ghost market has been opened, all kinds of monsters and humans can coexist peacefully, which looks really weird.

Li Mazi pulled me to the trading center, pointed to a booth above and said, "Look, that thing is on the booth. I asked about it and it was called the Mermaid Tears. It's priceless."

Mermaid tears? After hearing this, my mind exploded, as if a bolt of lightning had struck me. I looked at Li Mazi, and he was dancing and introducing me to the benefits of Merman Tears.

"Get away!"

I picked up the Madonna's staff and poked him hard. After being beaten, his face turned ugly. He looked at me and said sadly: "Brother Zhang, if you don't want the Mermaid Tears, don't take it out on me."

I looked at him in shock. Is this really Li Mazi?

Then I bit my finger, smeared the blood on my eyes and looked at him again. I saw that he still looked sad, and the three sun fires on his body showed that he was indeed alive.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?" Li Mazi waved his hand in front of me and asked with a confused look on his face.

I pushed his hand away and said I was fine, just wait for me here. After saying that, he ran towards the entrance of the village, but couldn't sense the location of Zen Master Baimei. Li Mazi followed behind and asked breathlessly: "Brother Zhang, why are you so surprised that you are possessed by a ghost?"

I glared at him fiercely, but he came up to me and put his arms around me, and said obscenely, "Have you fallen in love with a female ghost? Please show me some things." After hearing this, I opened his arms irritably.

His eyes instantly turned red, and his voice suddenly became a bit louder: "Zhang Jiulin, I came all the way here, worried that something might happen to you, but you don't want to repay the favor, and you have repeatedly targeted me. Do you really think I'm easy to bully? "

As he said that, he suddenly raised his fist and hit me hard on my stomach. A clear tingling sensation suddenly came from my abdomen. I looked at Li Mazi in disbelief, but his shadow shattered like air the next moment.

There was half a blade stuck in my abdomen, and the blood flowed along the blade to the ground, and was instantly absorbed by the black earth without a trace.

Zen Master Baimei struggled to carry me on his back and ran quickly to the trading village: "My little friend, have you just fallen into an illusion?"

I was twitching in pain and couldn't speak at all, so I could only nod.


He quickly carried me upstairs and put me on the bed, and then said, "Please bear with me."

After saying that, he didn't even wait for me to react. He held my shoulder with one hand, held the blade with the other and pulled it out hard.

This time, my whole body convulsed with pain, and I cursed all the eighteen generations of Zen Master Baimei's ancestors in my heart. Fortunately, the knife did not penetrate deeply and did not hurt my internal organs. Otherwise, he could have killed me directly with just this one blow.

Then he quickly poured medicinal powder on the wound. I heard a sizzling sound and was so frightened that I quickly looked up and found that the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the wound on my abdomen healed without leaving a trace. If it weren't for the blood on the sheets, I would have thought that I had not been injured at all.

Zen Master Baimei sat aside with a sad face and said that the poor monk had also fallen into an illusion just now. Your injury was caused by the poor monk, so of course he must be responsible for healing it for you.

After hearing this, I was so angry that I wanted to stab him in the stomach with a knife. He stood by the window and looked up at the scene of flames in the sky without saying a word. I walked up to him and said, "Master, even if we lose this game, we still have a chance!"

Zen Master Baimei turned his head and regained his unfazed expression. He clasped his hands together and silently recited Buddhist scriptures.

After all this trouble, the sky outside the window has turned dark, which is even more disadvantageous for us. After a short rest, we left the inn. Although the duel did not matter where we were, I didn't want to cause trouble in the inn. If the man in the T-shirt was affected, I was afraid that I would really collapse.

During the day, although the sky was always gray, the view was much better than now. At this moment, the sky was pure black. Zen Master Baimei was walking half a meter in front of me, but I could only see his faintly glowing beads.

The monsters and ghosts on the street look even more terrifying in the darkness, with colorful eyes wandering around like will-o'-the-wisps.

"Master, wait for me!"

Zen Master Baimei was very fast, and the light of the beads was getting farther and farther away from me, so I hurriedly followed him. After leaving the trading village, we came to the Sangui zone. I control the invisible needle to explore the path. This thing is extremely easy to use, but it consumes too much energy.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, my head was so swollen that I reluctantly took back the invisible needle. The picture fed back by the invisible needle turned out to be black.

Originally, I thought that walking in Fengdu at night would definitely hear a lot of weird noises, but the reality was just the opposite. There was no sound at all around me, and even the sound of our walking was swallowed up by the darkness.

This made me even more uneasy. I stayed close to Zen Master Bai Mei and did not dare to go far, for fear that I might get lost accidentally.

Zen Master Baimei didn't say a word and just kept walking forward. I only felt the colder and colder I walked, so I trembled and asked, "Master, where are we going?"

He paused in his steps, and through the light of the Buddhist beads, I noticed that he had a confused look on his face. My heart skipped a beat, he looked like he was obviously being controlled by someone.


I couldn't help but roar. The sound that a person muster up the courage to roar is full of yang energy. When encountering supernatural things, a roar can drive away the imp.

But I was just taking a chance. How could it be an ordinary kid who could control Zen Master Baimei?

Sure enough, he ignored me and walked straight forward, disappearing from my sight in less than two steps.

I hurriedly rushed forward, grabbed his cassock and walked with him.

No matter what traps Yin Yang Tiger and the others set, I will accompany Zen Master Bai Mei to step on them. As the yin energy around me became denser and denser, goosebumps appeared all over my body, but Zen Master Baimei didn't feel it and still dragged me forward.

I sneezed and felt like my body was freezing.

"Damn, just walk for ten more minutes!"

I yelled and recited the Tao Te Ching silently in my mind to drive away evil spirits. After walking for a while, I felt that my skin was cracked by the cold. I counted the time and said viciously: "Five minutes, the last five minutes of walking."

Time passed minute by minute, but Zen Master Baimei had no intention of stopping, but I was already freezing and covered in hoarfrost!

"Damn it, I quit, go back!"

As I said that, I turned around and ran back. Unexpectedly, Zen Master Baimei, who had been unresponsive all the way, pulled me back and gave me a hard push on my back.

Damn, I fell into a trap!

In the darkness, I felt like my body was in free fall, and I kept cursing in my heart.

According to the rules of the competition, Zen Master Baimei was probably controlled by the Yin Yang Tiger. However, Yin Yang Tiger's Taoism is comparable to that of Zen Master Bai Mei. If he wants to control Zen Master Bai Mei, he must be hiding within a hundred meters.

In other words, he must have seen everything that just happened...

With a muffled sound, I fell to the ground. The soil felt very soft, but my whole body still felt like it was falling apart.

Just as I was about to get up, a sound of breaking wind came from above my head. Looking back, I vaguely saw a black shadow coming towards me.

When I saw a flash of white light on the black shadow's hand, I realized that Zen Master Baimei had also jumped down.


I was hit so hard that I spat out a mouthful of blood. I didn't care who was controlling him, so I raised my hand and pushed him away.

He fell to the side with a thud, startling me.


I called out tentatively, and he moved, clasped his hands together and recited Amitabha, then looked at me and asked, "My little friend, are you okay?"

What else could I say except that it was okay? I asked him angrily what happened just now?

Zen Master Baimei suddenly covered my mouth, lowered his head and whispered in my ear: "Everything must be reversed when it reaches its extreme. The poor monk just calculated that the area around this well is the place with the heaviest yin energy in Fengdu, but this well has the strongest yang energy." It’s a place where we can stay for a night.”

"So you were just pretending?"

"Of course, in order to deceive Yin Yang Tiger and the others..."

I said angrily: "Master, if they appear now, we will be unable to fly."

Zen Master Baimei frowned, then relaxed, and said with certainty: "They won't come, they must think we are dead now."

"Master, don't forget those three ghost market bosses!"

I sighed. If we died, the Demon Lord would declare the Yin Yang Tiger to be the winner. Obviously, this trick would not fool them.

Zen Master Baimei was stunned after hearing this. He obviously hadn't considered this. He was a little embarrassed and said that he didn't think carefully enough.

I waved my hand. I couldn’t blame him. Our movements at night were restricted, so finding a place to hide was the most normal idea.

What I'm most worried about now is that this place was arranged by Yin Yang Tiger from the beginning!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I thought about it, several bursts of laughter came from above the dry well.

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