Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 644: Dead Shadow Tree

"Haha, cleverness leads to mistakes!"

The Yin Yang Tiger stood by the well and gloated: "Since you like this well so much, old monk, I will let its owner entertain you."

As the fierce wind swept up from under my feet, an ominous premonition suddenly came to my mind. Could there be a terrifying evil spirit living in this well?

Zen Master Baimei stood up straight, and the beads in his hand spun faster and faster. In an instant, white light illuminated the entire well.

There were also a lot of sweat beads on his forehead.

I held up the Emei thorn and stared around cautiously. If there was an evil spirit in this well, it must be at the level of a ghost king, because only in this way would the situation mentioned by Zen Master Baimei happen.

It's not that the Yang energy here is strong, it's just that the surrounding Yin energy doesn't dare to approach the evil spirit here.

Yin Yanghu laughed and left. Zen Master Baimei and I looked at each other and knew that things were going to be difficult. Zen Master Baimei sighed and said, "My little friend, it was Lao Na who harmed you. Lao Na will definitely send you out."

I stared at him sharply and yelled, "What do you mean by that?"

He shook his head and said that you understand in your heart, so why bother asking.

Of course I understood that what Zen Master Baimei meant was to sacrifice himself at the last moment to keep me alive.

I stared at him coldly, my anger kept rising, and finally I shouted with a red face: "I said I won't do it again!"

He was stunned by my yelling and sighed helplessly. I said nothing and turned my head to stop looking at him.

The moment I turned around, my eyes felt a little sore. How could I let the man in the T-shirt and the white-browed Zen Master risk their lives for me?

Once again, I longed for the power of myself without having to drag them down every time.

But now there is no such thing. The prerequisite for becoming stronger is to escape from this well smoothly.

After staring for a long time, there was nothing strange in the well. I asked doubtfully: "Is it possible that the Yin Yang Tiger is playing tricks and wants to consume our energy?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded and said it was possible. Why don't you go to bed first and I'll call you when something happens. I shook my head and said that the protagonist of this game is you, and you must be energetic.

He smiled and nodded at me, then lifted up his clothes and recharged his energy on the spot.

As soon as Zen Master Baimei closed his eyes, the only sound of breathing was quiet around him. I controlled the invisible needle to move around the well, not missing any corner.

After the invisible needle flew around, the situation in the well was also reflected in my mind. Although the image was not clear, it was enough for me to understand the well!

If I guessed correctly, this well should be the legendary Well of Forgetfulness.

I took a breath, and I would feel at ease if it was Wangqing Well. It is the most magical well in Fengdu Ghost Town. It is said that ghosts with destiny can see their afterlife in Wangqing Well, so many ghosts come here with hope. At this point, I hope that I am the fateful ghost, so they will not do evil when they come to the Well of Forgetfulness.

As the spirit relaxed, the invisible needle became more active, and even jumped to the mouth of the well several times.

I hurriedly withdrew it, but a picture appeared in my mind: the Yin Yang Tiger was hiding obscenely by the well, watching our every move.

My heart skipped a beat, and I pretended to take the invisible needle back casually. I leaned side by side with Zen Master Baimei and touched him with my arm without leaving any trace.

As expected, Zen Master Baimei was not asleep. He hummed softly and stopped talking.

Seeing that Zen Master Baimei was prepared, I stopped talking nonsense, closed my eyes and rested!

When daybreak was about to break, Baimei and I suddenly opened our eyes. At the same time, the Yin-Yang Tiger at the well made a move. He poured buckets of ice water on us to give us a chill.

A burst of evil fire suddenly burst out from the bottom of my heart. I immediately asked a few little ghosts to take me out of the well, and then I hit him with the Madonna's staff.

Zen Master Baimei came out of the well right behind me, throwing his beads and trying to put them on the Yin Yang Tiger's head!

Although Yin Yanghu is a man of both civil and military skills, his most powerful feature is his quick reaction and good use of conspiracy. His combat effectiveness is not particularly strong. He was quickly unable to withstand the attack from Zen Master Baimei and me.

I was secretly happy and prepared to take him down in one fell swoop. But at this moment, the one-armed dragon suddenly appeared, carrying a white figure and passing by us.

I couldn't help but feel nervous when I saw it. The white figure was obviously the man in the T-shirt.

"Hurry up!"

Zen Master Baimei shouted, and I caught up with the Holy Mother's Staff. The Yin-Yang Tiger wanted to stop me. I was in a hurry to chase the one-armed dragon and had no intention of dealing with him. I directly used the Beidou Tianlang Jue. The Holy Mother's Staff quickly glowed red, and I held it up to stab the Yin-Yang Tiger.

The Yin-Yang Tiger quickly dodged, and Zen Master Baimei immediately came up to entangle him. I hurriedly chased in the direction where the one-armed dragon disappeared.

The one-armed dragon was very fast, but he seemed to be waiting for me, so I never lost him.

I knew there must be a trap for the one-armed dragon to lead me there, but the man in the T-shirt was in his hands, so I had to bite the bullet and take it. Along the way, kiddies kept rushing up to me and staring at me with smiles: "You are going to lose, you are going to lose."

I was furious and shouted a few times, but they ran away with smiles again.

"Oh shit!"

I feel like a tiger is being bullied by a dog. The ghosts in Fengdu cannot be killed just because they want to. To beat a dog, it depends on the owner. If the Demon Lord does something wrong again, we don’t know how we will die.

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became, so I simply directed all the anger in my heart at the one-armed dragon. If they hadn't been a hindrance, I would have gone back to save my father-in-law and mother-in-law with the Mermaid Tears.

"Little friend, why are you still here?"

The anger in my heart grew stronger and stronger. It was not until I heard the ethereal voice of Zen Master Bai Mei that I realized that I had been immersed in my own fantasy just now...

There are no imps around, that's right!

Now we are isolated by the big guys, and these little guys can't see us at all.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and was about to continue chasing. When I looked up, I saw where was the one-armed dragon? I said with a gloomy face: "I lost you. I don't know how the first year of junior high school is doing now."

Baimei frowned, held the beads in front of him, muttered a few words in a low voice, and suddenly threw the beads over his head.

The beads spun around a few times, white light emitted from the whole body, and then ran in one direction.

I was overjoyed. Could it be that the Yin spirit in this Buddha bead could sense the traces of the man in the T-shirt?

Sure enough, Zen Master Baimei said, "Follow me." Then he pulled me and ran forward with the beads. After running for a long time, the beads stopped at a giant black tree that was big enough for ten people to hug.

There is a circle of black yin energy surrounding the crown of the black tree. I am very curious why this yin energy only surrounds the top of the black tree. A closer look revealed that there was a trace of Yin Qi trying to rush out, but as soon as it left the canopy, it was bounced back by an invisible barrier.

"What the hell is this?"

I swallowed. If this thing were born, grandpa wouldn't be able to hold it down, right?

Zen Master Baimei said quietly: "Little friend, if we lose, I'm afraid we will become fertilizer for this dead tree."

It turns out that this is a dead tree that specializes in absorbing the body and soul of the dead. I broke into a cold sweat at what he said and quickly looked away. I caught a glimpse of a white shadow out of the corner of my eye. I looked over in shock, and then I wanted to tear the one-armed dragon into pieces: the man in the T-shirt was hung from the branch of the dead tree.

"First grade of junior high school!"

I yelled and rushed toward the Dead Shadow Tree with the Holy Mother's Staff, but I was bounced back by a barrier before taking two steps.

My whole body felt like it had been frozen in the refrigerator for more than ten hours, and my limbs instantly became stiff. I looked at the Dead Shadow Tree in horror, thinking to myself that just a barrier was so powerful, wouldn't the man in the T-shirt be...

Zen Master Baimei lifted up his cassock, sat down on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Recite sutras with me!"

He recited the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, and I recited my Tao Te Ching. After reciting the sutra several times, my limbs gradually returned to normal. I waved my arms and asked: "Master, what should we do now? He is in the first grade of junior high school..."

Zen Master Baimei put the beads on his wrist, his upper and lower lips collided quickly, and a white light suddenly enveloped him. Then he stood up and let me meet him outside, and then walked to the Dead Shadow Tree alone.

As he walked to the place where I had just been bounced back, there was a violent ripple around his body. The white light collided with a circle of black energy, causing a tingling electric sound.

His figure shook a few times, and when the white light was almost exhausted, he finally entered the Dead Shadow Tree. After entering, he moved much faster. It seemed that the Dead Shadow Tree only set up a barrier. I breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Zen Master Baimei shouted loudly, and retreated like lightning. He staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


I hurriedly helped him up and gritted my teeth and said it was better for me to go!

Zen Master Baimei shook his head, sighed and said that Chu Yi was trapped in the illusion. Unless he woke up by himself, he would subconsciously attack anyone who went there.

After I cursed, I turned around and ran towards the inn. Zen Master Baimei stopped me, frowned and asked where I was going.

I sneered and replied: "Of course I will go back and deal with Yin Yang Tiger. As soon as he loses, the one-armed dragon will have to release Chu Yi!"

"My little friend, don't be impulsive!"

Zen Master Baimei put his hands together and recited Amitabha, and then placed a Buddha bead between my eyebrows: "Don't let them affect your sanity, otherwise the life of my first Taoist friend will be in danger."

After hearing this, I trembled all over, and my mind, which had been blinded by anger, came to my senses. I quickly recited a few lines of the Tao Te Ching to suppress the evil fire in my heart.

The man in the T-shirt is still trapped in the illusion. Once I leave, Zen Master Baimei will be unable to save people and guard against being attacked. I asked a little collapsed: "What should I do now?"

Zen Master Baimei thought for a while, shook his head and said that Chu Yi's soul was merging with his body, and there was no time to waste. It was better to find a way to rescue him now.

I gritted my teeth and said stubbornly: "Master, let me try it! This dead Yin tree has too much Yin energy, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold on."

Zen Master Baimei was stunned after hearing this, and then nodded. Seeing him like this, it was easy to tell that he was also worried that the T-shirt man wouldn't last long, and my heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Bai Mei gave me the Buddhist beads that had been hanging around his neck, and then recited a few Buddhist scriptures. The beads lit up with white light and enveloped me as if they were blessed with energy. Suddenly I felt a warm current flowing throughout my body.

"No matter what you see after you go in, it's all fantasy. Remember, remember!"

Zen Master Baimei instructed, and then he sat cross-legged on the ground and said, "I will protect the Dharma for you."

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