Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 645 Yin Yang Tiger’s poisonous plan

I made a decision in my mind and rushed towards the Dead Shadow Tree again with the Madonna Staff. To my surprise, I was not attacked by the Dead Shadow Tree this time and easily approached the man in the T-shirt.

All the wounds on the man in the T-shirt were torn, and streams of blood dyed his white shirt red. His face was very pale, which made me feel distressed.

"Fuck you!"

I couldn't help but curse, since I've known him, I've never seen him so embarrassed.

I suppressed the anger in my heart and raised my hand to untie the rope that bound the man in the T-shirt. Unexpectedly, I couldn't untie it after a lot of effort. I cursed a bastard in frustration.


Just when I was at a loss, the man in the T-shirt suddenly called me. I looked at him reflexively and was surprised to find that he woke up.

I shed tears with excitement, lowered my voice and asked: "First grade, how do you feel now?"

Now the man in the t-shirt feels like a rag doll to me. He took a few breaths weakly and said: "I'm fine. This dead tree has a very strong yin energy. You put two drops of blood on the rope and wait for it. Once the black energy dissipates, it will be solved.”

I took a closer look and found that there was a faint black gas coming from the rope. It seemed that the black gas had just affected my mind. Otherwise, even a three-year-old child could untie such a knot.

Then I bit my index finger open, squeezed out a few drops of blood and was about to wipe it on the rope, but out of the corner of my eye I saw the man in the T-shirt staring at me!

No, he's not a T-shirt guy!

I smeared the blood on my eyelids in a panic, then looked at the man in the T-shirt, and saw that he was still hanging there dying, with no sign of waking up.

"What a shame."

I couldn't help but curse. No wonder the man in the T-shirt recovered so quickly. It turned out that I was deceived by the illusion.

The yang energy in the man in the T-shirt became weaker and weaker. Two of the three yang fires were extinguished, and the last one became dim.

I squeezed a few drops of semen blood into his mouth, waited until the last of his Yang Hua stabilized, then untied the rope, carried him on my back and walked back.

After walking for about ten minutes, I felt something was wrong. Although the Dead Shadow Tree was big, I could definitely get out of its range in five minutes.

It seemed that it was more powerful than I imagined. I quickly drove the invisible needle to lead the way. Unexpectedly, the invisible needle flew out and circled around me like a headless fly, and finally landed softly on my hand.

I had no choice but to put away the invisible needle, close my eyes and walk around without thinking about anything. After walking for a long time, I finally felt an obstacle lying in front of me. I happily opened my eyes and found that there was a black wall in front of me.

The biting cold rushed towards me, and I felt a thump in my heart: What kind of wall was this? It was obviously the Yin Qi that had gathered together to form a solid body!

"Little friend, is that you?"

Zen Master Baimei's voice rang outside the wall, and I shouted with joy in my heart: "It's me, Master. I saved the first grade of junior high school. Please think of a way to help me out."

Zen Master Baimei didn't respond for a long time, and I was anxiously spinning in circles with the man in the T-shirt on my back. In fact, the most I can do is to use up some energy to rush in, but the man in the T-shirt has weak yang and fire, so I'm afraid that his soul will be scattered if he rushes in.

"My little friend, listen carefully to the next words and don't make any sound!"

Zen Master Baimei's voice suddenly sounded in my mind. My heart trembled, and I knew something was wrong.

"It's a lie that you saved this Chu Yi. Chu Yi just woke up and communicated with the poor monk. He is still in the inn. We fell into the trap."

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, but after Zen Master Baimei finished speaking, I instantly felt a chill on my back.

The people in Longquan Villa are going to trick me one by one. They tricked me with plum pockmarks before, but now they are doing it again, and I actually fell into the trap again!

I gritted my teeth and stabilized my emotions. I couldn't let him realize that I knew his identity yet.

I was afraid that the counterfeit would see the flaw, so I had to pretend to be anxious and look for a way out.

Zen Master Baimei's voice continued: "The one you saved should be the Yin Yang Tiger. He has the Taiyi Traceless Sword on him, so don't fight forcefully!"

In fact, even if Zen Master Bai Mei doesn’t tell me, I also know that fighting hard at this time is just courting death. Then I put the Yin Yang Tiger down and pretended to continue feeding him a few drops of essence and blood, and then the Yang Fire in his body became even stronger.

I couldn't help but be speechless. A few drops of essence and blood could not restore the Yang Fire so quickly. The Yin Yang Tiger must have deliberately covered his Yang Fire before, but now in order to avoid my suspicion, he only revealed it bit by bit.

But this was exactly what I wanted. I said to him gently: "On the first day of the junior high school, I will take you out, but you must hold on."

As I said that, I carried him on my back and rushed into the Yin Qi. When the Yin Qi surrounded us, I clearly heard his scream. Because he had covered the Yang Qi, he couldn't bear such heavy Yin Qi at this moment.

I pretended not to hear his screams and rushed around in the Yin Qi.

Gradually, the Yin Qi also rushed into my body, and I felt as if my blood was frozen. The Yin Yang Tiger was almost exhausted by me, and then it rushed out of the barrier in one go.


The moment I appeared, Zen Master Baimei shouted. I turned around and threw the Yin Yang Tiger out, and strode behind Master Baimei.

Yin Yanghu immediately realized that he had been exposed, and with a sullen face, he used Taiyi Wuhen Sword Dance to make the tiger angry. Then a dense sword energy stabbed towards the face of Zen Master Baimei. Zen Master Baimei saw this and held up his prayer beads. He came up to him.

Although Yin Yang Tiger was tortured by me, his reaction ability was still very strong, and he easily resolved several attacks from Zen Master Bai Mei. After a few rounds, Yin-Yang Tiger's face only turned uglier, but Zen Master Baimei vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

I knew it would be too late if I didn't take action, so I hurriedly controlled the invisible needle and stabbed the Yin Yang Tiger. Even though his reaction speed was fast, he couldn't keep up with my thoughts. After being pricked by the invisible needle a few times, his movements gradually slowed down.

Zen Master Baimei took the opportunity to hit his forehead with a Buddhist bead. Yin Yang Tiger was so shocked that he gave up his defense and used his sword energy to surround Zen Master Baimei desperately.

I was overjoyed, and quickly controlled the invisible needle to stab his neck. Just as the invisible needle was about to pierce his cervical spine, he suddenly burst out laughing. While laughing, he roared crazily: "One life for one. It’s worth it!”


Zen Master Baimei suddenly shouted, desperately broke through the sword energy, turned around and ran back.

Seeing this, I felt an uneasy feeling in my heart. I made a determined effort to stab the invisible needle into the Yin Yang Tiger's neck. Unfortunately, due to my psychological fluctuations, the invisible needle missed its target, causing the Yin Yang Tiger to vomit blood.

"Leave him alone, the first grade of junior high school is in danger."

Zen Master Baimei turned around and shouted, and I immediately retracted the invisible needle and ran back with Master Baimei.

After returning to the inn, Zen Master Baimei kicked open the door and ran in, then ran out again and said nervously: "The first day of the year is not inside."

I was so shocked that I quickly ran in and took a look. I saw blood stains all over the sheets, and the horse whip and eight-sided Han sword belonging to the man in the T-shirt were also missing.

No wonder Zen Master Baimei and I almost played the Yin-Yang Tiger to death just now, but we didn’t see the one-armed dragon appear, and he actually came here to harm the man in the T-shirt.

I was about to rush out with murderous intent, but Zen Master Baimei stopped me and said in a serious tone: "I'm going to find Chuyi first. You should quickly find some medicine that can strengthen the foundation and strengthen the body, and then join me again!"

I looked at Zen Master Baimei in surprise. He rushed out in a hurry and had no time to explain to me.

Strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence is something that is only used when gathering souls. I felt a pain in my heart. Could it be that Zen Master Baimei sensed that something happened to the man in the T-shirt?

I hurriedly went downstairs to find a pharmacy. After talking to the boss for a long time, I realized that he couldn't see me at all. In desperation, I had no choice but to leave a note, then grab a few medicinal plants and hurried to the entrance of the village.

Just when I ran to the entrance of the village, the Buddhist beads on my chest slowly tilted up, and then I pointed in one direction. It seemed that Zen Master Baimei was there, so I hurriedly ran towards that direction.

I followed it for a long time before I heard the faint sound of fighting.

Following the sound, I saw Zen Master Baimei retreating step by step under the attacks of Yin Yang Tiger and the One-Armed Dragon. Yin Yang Tiger shouted and raised his sword to slash at Zen Master Bai Mei.

I threw the Emei Thorn over, quickly recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, and at the same time controlled the invisible needle to stab the Yin Yang Tiger.

Although I am a little powerless in this way, I can only take a gamble at the critical moment!

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