Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 646: Buddhist Formation

The Yin-Yang Tiger had tasted the power of the invisible needle, and as soon as he turned around, he used the Taiyi Traceless Sword to protect himself.

After resolving the crisis of Zen Master Baimei, I took back the invisible needle, and then a sweet mouthful of blood surged up in my throat. I frowned and swallowed the blood forcefully.

Zen Master Baimei took advantage of this opportunity and retreated.

"Where's the first grader?" I looked around and didn't see the man in the T-shirt, so I asked a little strangely.

Zen Master Baimei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said bitterly that Chu Yi was controlled by them.

Before I knew what was going on, a white light flashed in front of my eyes, and then the man in the T-shirt appeared in front of us.

His face was rosy, and the wounds on his body had recovered to some extent. The Eight-sided Han Sword had been unsheathed at this moment, and his delicate face was extremely cold.

I took two steps forward and said excitedly: "Are you okay?"


Zen Master Baimei shouted loudly, and at the same time, the man in the T-shirt held up the Eight-sided Han Sword and stabbed me straight.

Although I couldn't figure out the situation, I knew that I would definitely die if the sword stabbed me, so I immediately rolled to the ground.

The Eight-faced Han Sword was nailed to the ground next to me, and a hole opened in the ground.

Seeing that the attack failed, he pulled out his sword expressionlessly and struck again. I was forced to roll around on the ground, barely dodging his attack.

The Yin-Yang Tiger and the One-Armed Dragon laughed twice and attacked together. Zen Master Baimei and I were immediately at a disadvantage.

In the blink of an eye, I was cornered by the man in the T-shirt, and I had to control the invisible needle to stab his hand.


Zen Master Baimei rushed over and shouted in a stern tone: "Take back the invisible needle, they..."

Following a popping sound next to my ear, Zen Master Bai Mei's voice paused, and he looked at me with a bit of hatred. I turned around in confusion, only to find that the man in the T-shirt was kneeling on one knee holding the Eight-faced Han Sword. The tiny invisible needle had already pierced his eyebrows, and was still piercing deeper.

I was startled and quickly took back the invisible needle.

"The poor monk is going on a killing spree today!"

Baimei wrapped the beads around her wrist, stared at Yin Yang Tiger and the others and said coldly.

Yin Yang Hu smiled disdainfully and said, "Old Bald Donkey, I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

The one-armed dragon also looked at us coldly, and said sinisterly: "Don't talk nonsense about these two dying people, kill them to avenge Qingmei."

I felt bad, so I picked up the Madonna's staff and rushed over.

The one-armed dragon sneered and caught the Madonna's staff with his bare hands. His arm strength was so strong that I couldn't move for a while.

Then he hit my chest with a palm, and I took a few steps back and sat down on the ground.

The situation of Zen Master Baimei was even worse. He completely gave up his defense and allowed the Yin Yang Tiger to use the Taiyi Traceless Sword to leave large and small wounds on his body, while he bit his fingers and drew something crazy on the ground.

"Master, we won't do it again! We promised we won't do it again!"

Seeing him playing suicidal style like the man in the T-shirt, I was so frightened that I screamed.

The one-armed dragon picked me up in his hand and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, you should worry about yourself."

I stared at him with scarlet eyes and told him all the tricks I knew how to do. This unorganized attack finally made him confused.


He suddenly got angry, knocked me back with a palm, and said two words with disdain.

I spit out a mouthful of blood, gritted my teeth and shouted, "Crazy? Who the hell is as crazy as you in Longquan Villa? You bite people everywhere like a mad dog all day long!"

His face darkened, he stepped forward and pinched my neck, and asked word for word: "What did you say?"

My face instantly turned red from suppressing it, but I still struggled to say that you people in Longquan Villa are mad dogs, mad dogs that bite people all day long!

Although I knew I shouldn't anger him at this time, the man in the T-shirt and the Zen Master Bai Mei fought desperately in front of me one after another, which made me lose all reason.

"I kill you!"

The one-armed dragon was indeed angered by me, staring at me with scarlet eyes and roaring. I was so shabby that I told you to fucking kill me. If you kill me, of course the Jiangbei Zhang family will avenge me!

He loosened his grip and hesitated. It seemed that Longquan Villa was somewhat afraid of the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

"Brother, get out of the way!"

The Yin Yang Tiger's urgent voice came, and the one-armed dragon immediately rolled to the side, and then a sharp white light hit me.

The strange thing is that I didn't feel any pain. Then I realized that Zen Master Baimei was using a feint to force the one-armed dragon to let go of me. Immediately afterwards, another white light flashed, wrapping me like silk and pulling me to the side of Zen Master Baimei.

Zen Master Baimei's body was stained with blood. As soon as I opened my mouth, he interrupted me and weakly asked me to give him Guyuan Peiben's medicine.

I quickly took out a few herbs from my arms, Zen Master Baimei chewed them casually and then fed them to the man in the T-shirt to swallow them.

The man in the T-shirt passed out again, but judging from his appearance, he must have regained his senses. Then Zen Master Baimei cut his palm open and said without any doubt: "I will send you two back now."

He is preparing to use the Buddhist method of shifting the universe!

But the cost of casting this spell is that Zen Master Baimei loses five years of his life. He is already very old. I know very well what five years means to him, so I have to refuse with gritted teeth.

"Don't say no!"

Zen Master Baimei blocked my words and shouted sternly: "Even if you don't need it, you can't afford to delay the first year of junior high school."

I nodded and said no more. Zen Master Baimei sat there and began to recite a spell. In a blink of an eye, the surroundings lit up with blood-red light. I saw Yin Yang Tiger and the others watching from the periphery in fear.


As Zen Master Baimei shouted, the figure of the man in the T-shirt gradually disappeared. After the man in the T-shirt left completely, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yin Yang Tiger and the others finally couldn't wait any longer and actually used their sword energy to attack Zen Master Bai Mei's formation, shattering the red light surrounding us in an instant.


Zen Master Baimei spat out a mouthful of blood and struggled to get up to continue setting up the formation. I quickly shouted: "The first grade of junior high school has gone back, now take care of yourself first."

After listening to my words, he no longer set up the formation, but reluctantly held up the beads and used white light to protect us.

After the Yin Yang Tiger saw that the sword energy was blocked by the white light, he bit the tip of his tongue and spit out the blood on the sword. With the blessing of essence and blood, the power of the sword energy suddenly increased, and the white light around the beads suddenly dimmed, as if thousands of Buddhas had passed away at this moment.

I couldn't help but take a breath, is this the power of the Quanzhen Seven Sons?

Then the flying sword energy surrounded the two of us like a whirlwind, and within a short time our bodies were covered with large and small blood marks.

Zen Master Baimei spit out a mouthful of blood on the beads, and the white light on the beads lit up again, barely able to compete with the sword energy.

"Go back to the inn and take care of Junior One!"

Bai Mei held up the prayer beads and fought while retreating. Seeing that the white light on the beads was about to dim again, he turned his head and yelled at me, and then threw me out of the battle circle with all his strength.

I knew it was useless to stay here, and besides, the condition of the man in the T-shirt really needed to be taken care of. I gritted my teeth and used the invisible needle to find the exit of the illusion, and ran out without looking back.

"Haha, he can run faster than a rabbit."

Following the cold laughter, a black shadow stopped in front of me. My steps stagnated, and I held the Madonna's staff tightly and looked at the one-armed dragon that was catching up.

Even though he didn't have any weapons in his hands, my calves couldn't help but twitch.

Even the man in the T-shirt is no match for him, let alone me. I can be killed by him in a matter of minutes!

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