Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 647 Ghost Hand VS Eternal Spirit Ring

I quickly took out all the useful things on my body and stared at the one-armed dragon, not letting go of his every move!

He waved his arm, and before he could get close, a powerful fist wind came towards me. I quickly recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, the red light of the Holy Mother's staff appeared, and the fist of the one-armed dragon was already in front of me.

The red light of the Holy Mother's staff was suppressed inch by inch, and my chest was shaking violently, as if it would explode at any time.

Then the one-armed dragon went straight for my throat, I roared, and with the last bit of willpower, I inserted the invisible needle between his eyebrows!

He probably didn't expect that I could still fight back even though I was at the end of my strength. He didn't even try to dodge, and a lot of blood flowed out from my eyebrows in an instant.

What I didn't expect was that he just raised his hand and wiped it, and the wound miraculously healed.

A wave of despair surged into my heart, and I fell to the ground weakly, my mind went blank, and I stared blankly at the one-armed dragon's hand hitting my throat...

At this time, an old hand lightly blocked the attack of the one-armed dragon. I turned around and found that it was Zen Master Baimei. For some reason, I felt that his Taoism seemed to have suddenly improved a lot.

After the one-armed dragon and Baimei Zen Master used their magic power for a while, the disappeared wound between the eyebrows suddenly burst open again. Zen Master Baimei took advantage of the victory to pursue him and put Buddhist beads around his neck. The one-armed dragon stumbled and fell to the ground.


The Yin Yang Tiger ran out of the illusion. When he saw the one-armed dragon falling to the ground, he roared and rushed towards the Baimei Zen Master.

With the help of the Yin Yang Tiger, Zen Master Baimei gradually became unable to do what he wanted. In the blink of an eye, the Yin Yang Tiger stabbed several holes in his body, and his body fell limply to the ground.

Only then did I realize that his sudden change in power just now was just a reflection of his past.

Yin Yang Tiger showed off and stepped on Master Bai Mei's chest, slapped his face with the Taiyi Wuhen Sword, and roared viciously: "You old bald donkey has half of your body buried in the loess, why are you pretending to be a great god?" ?”

Zen Master Baimei still looked unfazed by the humiliation, but it was extremely painful for me to see him.

He nodded at me: "Let's go!"

I closed my eyes and couldn't help crying.

Then he grabbed the Madonna Staff on one side and ran back desperately. At the same time, he swore in his heart that after the trade fair was over, he would destroy Longquan Villa even if he risked his life!

After returning to the inn, I immediately stood by the window and looked at the image above the trading center.

The picture was still full of flames, but I seemed to be able to see through the firelight that the Yin Yang Tiger was wantonly humiliating Zen Master Bai Mei.

I clenched my hands and engraved the image of Yin Yang Tiger in my mind over and over again, planning to operate on him first as soon as I went out.

"came back?"

At this time, a weak voice came from behind. I turned around and found that the man in the T-shirt had woken up. He asked worriedly: "Why is it just you, Baimei?"

I didn't dare to look at him, so I told him briefly what happened.

"court death!"

After hearing this, the man in the T-shirt's eyes turned red instantly, his fists clenched tighter and tighter, then he spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted again.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of cheers on the street. I stood by the window and looked over, and found that the image in mid-air showed that Yin Yang Tiger won and received the Taiyi Wuhen Sword.

The winner has been decided, and my heart seems to have been hollowed out in an instant. I wonder how Baimei Zen Master is doing now, whether he has...

Thinking of this, I went downstairs like crazy to find him, but as soon as I left the inn, I saw Zen Master Baimei being carried over by several black figures.

The leader of the ghosts said a few words and threw Zen Master Baimei on the bed, and then they left.

Although I don’t know what it says, the kind smile that ghosts give when they leave is universal. It seems that Demon Lord will not kill Zen Master Baimei just because he loses. This is good news.

Looking at the two people lying on the bed, I felt extremely depressed!

I originally thought that the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Bai Mei could win completely, but in the end, both of them were seriously injured after the two duels.

The man in the T-shirt narrowly won by taking a sideways approach with his sword, but Zen Master Baimei was unilaterally crushed by the Yin-Yang Tiger. The Ten Thousand Buddha Beads were completely unable to suppress the situation. As a result, all the pressure was on my head.

If I lose the next game, everything the T-shirt man and White Eyebrow have worked hard for will be meaningless.

But now I don't even know the name of this broken ring. It is just a waste to me.

Even if I were to challenge the one-armed dragon face to face, I would not be his opponent. Besides, he is the oldest person in Longquan Villa, so he will definitely be able to make good use of the negative things he draws.

The start time is getting closer and closer. Zen Master Baimei is still in a coma, but the man in the T-shirt wakes up. He half-sits up and coughs heavily: "Jiulin, you have to believe in yourself! Never give up at any time, You should always think that as long as you persist, you will get the Mermaid Tears!"

I nodded, poured a glass of water and handed it to him, asking him to wait in peace, and then left the inn with the Madonna's staff.

When we were approaching the trading center, everyone took the initiative to make way for me. They all knew that I was the protagonist of the next game, and many ghosts were giving me thumbs up.

I ignored them and gently raised my head to look at the Mermaid Tears hanging in the air.

The man in the T-shirt is right, I must persevere. The long march of thousands of miles has reached the final moment, and I cannot lose under any circumstances.

Thinking of Yin Xinyue who is still waiting at home, I feel full of strength.

At this moment the crowd suddenly burst into cheers.

"It's finally starting!"

The impatient voice of the one-armed dragon came from the trading center. Then I saw the crowd dispersed and the one-armed dragon walked up carrying a strange-shaped knife.

He stopped next to me and looked up and down, and finally stopped at the ring I was wearing. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly burst into laughter and said jokingly: "Boy, it looks like we can continue to fight. There is no need anymore..."

Obviously, as a first-class figure in the circle of femininity, he could tell at a glance that my ring was a parallel import!

My face turned red from suppressing it, and I gritted my teeth and said whether it was necessary or not, I would only know after the beating.

"Look, it's out!"

"Oh my god, this is a ghost hand knife!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a burst of cheers from the crowd. I looked up reflexively and saw the image flashing: Eternal Spirit Ring vs. Ghost Hand.

After seeing that the one-armed dragon drew the ghost hand, I took a deep breath, and my already depressed mood suffered another fatal blow!

The Ghost Hand is one of the weirdest weapons in the world. It is said to have been made by an Italian blacksmith in the fourteenth century. At that time, the blacksmith borrowed a large foreign debt and was unable to repay it, so he had to kill his wife and children and use them His bones were made into this perverted broadsword and returned to the creditor.

However, three days later, the creditor's family was burned alive in a fire. From then on, the ghost's hands changed hands several times, but each owner died suddenly and mysteriously.

Later, the ghost hand disappeared, but the rumors about it continued unabated, and gradually became synonymous with the unknown. Unexpectedly, it would appear in the ghost market!

Although the ghost hand will bring misfortune to its owner, it must have powerful lethality. The one-armed dragon is missing an arm, which is exactly the same pain as the ghost in the ghost hand.

At this time, the little ghosts on the side started whispering again, and many people were asking what the Eternal Spirit Ring was.

"I've never heard of it. It's probably used to make up the numbers..."

"This young man is so unlucky. How did he get this crap? There's no suspense. The ghost hand will definitely win!"

As I listened to their conversation, my mind was in a mess. Everyone thought that I had no chance of winning, but I really wasn’t the type to admit defeat. The more this happened, the more it inspired my fighting spirit!

Suddenly, the chaotic chatter around me disappeared, and the images on the video also disappeared. I knew that the game had started, so I turned around and ran towards the entrance of the village.

A head-on confrontation will definitely not work. Only by running into a fantasy world and fighting guerrillas with him can you have a chance of survival! After all, I can go anywhere I want through invisible needles, but the one-armed dragon shouldn't be so easy.

This is my only advantage.

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