Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 648: Battle of Naihe Bridge

"Haha, I'll let you run away first!"

The one-armed dragon seemed to read my thoughts and shouted disdainfully behind him. After hearing this, my face felt hot, I gritted my teeth and quickened my pace.

In order to buy myself time, I crossed several illusions in succession this time, and finally stopped in a strange world.

Different from the previous illusions such as Wangqing River and Bat Ridge, the world in front of me is actually drizzling.

I have always thought that the rain in the underworld is blood red, but now it seems that is not the case. The drizzle is soft and soft on the body, and there is a sense of seeing it sneaking into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently.

I took a breath of hot air into the palm of my hand and then looked forward. I was shocked to see that the empty wilderness in front of me was densely packed with lonely ghosts.

They move stiffly and are walking forward slowly without any communication with each other. Even if they bump into each other accidentally, they will go around and continue on their way.

Such a scene, combined with the cold rain, looked like the end of the world.

The world in front of me was too empty, and I had to find a place to hide. I happened to see a small pavilion in the distance, and there was a black building behind the pavilion. That was the destination of these little ghosts.

I hesitated for a moment before running quickly towards the pavilion. As soon as I took two steps, I suddenly felt a strong murderous aura approaching, which instantly enveloped my whole body.

This murderous aura was definitely not coming from the one-armed dragon. He was not up to this level. I turned around cautiously, and at a glance I saw the ghosts behind me and around me all looking at me eagerly, their eyes full of hostility and greed.

"Holy shit..."

Seeing this scene, I realized that I was not in the trading center now. The ghosts would definitely pounce on me crazily when they saw the Yang Fire on me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough.

In the blink of an eye, the ghosts at the front pounced on me. I cursed secretly and hurriedly took out a sun protection charm and stuck it on my body. Their movements immediately stopped, with a trace of suspicion on their faces. Finally, they shook their heads and their expressions became blank again. Keep walking forward.

I breathed a sigh of relief and ran quickly to the small pavilion. I saw a couplet hanging in front of the pavilion.

The first couplet is about the different paths between humans and ghosts, ghosts and humans, and humans and ghosts; the second couplet is about yin and yang, yang and yin, and yin and yang are forever separated. There is a black plaque at the horizontal position, with three big blood-red characters written on it: Hall of Ecstasy!

Seeing this, my heart skipped a beat and I stopped reflexively.

The Hall of Ecstasy is the only way to the Gate of Rebirth. It is said that only when ghosts pass through here can they truly die, while living people passing through here will also enter reincarnation, and even the gods cannot save them.

After passing the Hall of Ecstasy, there is a spring. Each ghost must drink the spring water and tell the ghost messenger all the good and bad things he has done in his life. Then the ghost messenger will escort him to the Tenth Hall of Yama to be punished.

The ghost behind saw me standing in front of the pavilion for a long time without entering, so he reached out and pushed me.

I quickly stepped aside to get out of the way, then took out the invisible needle and closed my eyes to feel it. Soon, the image of a one-armed dragon rushing towards me holding a ghost hand appeared in my mind.

The only buildings in this illusion were the small pavilion and the passage at the back. Since I couldn't go in, I simply gave up and sat there and waited.

Watching the ghosts pouring into the Hall of Ecstasy, I suddenly came up with an idea: use invisible needles to bring the one-armed dragon in!

Then I shook my head. As the second person in Longquan Villa, the one-armed dragon would not be fooled by me at all.

At this time, I suddenly thought of the Naihe Bridge on the Wangchuan River!

When the man in the T-shirt was injured before, he didn't dare to step into the Wangchuan River. But except for being almost confused at first, I didn't feel any discomfort.

Does this mean that the higher a person approaches the Wangchuan River, the greater the harm he will suffer?

With this idea in mind, I took the initiative to meet the one-armed dragon in the direction, but he didn't show up after a long time. I used an invisible needle to observe in confusion, only to find that he had disappeared.

I thought I had missed something, so I closed my eyes again and felt it carefully, but I still couldn't find his location.

"Did he also use something similar to a sun-shielding charm?"

I muttered to myself, after all, the invisible needle uses yang energy to roughly locate the target, and then I concentrate on eliminating them one by one. If the one-armed dragon covered his yang energy, the invisible needle would naturally not be able to find him.

But he didn't take me seriously. After getting the ghost hand, he became even more arrogant, as if he was sure of me. How could he be cautious enough to hide his yang energy?

I felt like there was some conspiracy here, but I couldn't figure out what the problem was, and I was a little worried for a while.

At this time, the Holy Mother's staff suddenly glowed red, and my brows instantly knitted together, because it only glows when there is special danger, and even when it was surrounded by ghosts just now, it did not move.

Then the red light on the Holy Mother's staff flashed faster and faster, and I became more and more nervous. I looked around in panic. At this time, a strong Yin energy suddenly came from the illusion behind me. Before I could react, a black light flashed... Wu's ghost hand sword has already reached him!

Fortunately, the Holy Mother's Staff was always on my body, and by some strange combination of circumstances, it blocked me. The ghost hand that was originally stabbing at my neck moved slightly to the side and flew past my shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, the yin energy approached me again. I knew that the ghost hand was flying towards me again. I suddenly shivered and rolled on the ground. I quickly took out the invisible needle and controlled it to stab the ghost hand. It hit him in the opposite direction.

Thick black mist emitted around the ghost hand, and the invisible needle glowed faintly with silver.

In terms of penetrating power alone, the invisible needle is not weaker than the ghost hand, but my magic power cannot be compared with the one-armed dragon. As soon as I make contact, I feel like there is a stone pressing on my chest.

Not long after, the silver light around the invisible needle became weak, as if it would be defeated at any time, but the black mist around the ghost hand continued to increase, forcing the invisible needle to retreat bit by bit.

It stands to reason that I should be able to resist for a while if I gather all my energy together, but the one-armed dragon hasn't appeared yet. I don't dare to consume too much prematurely, so I find an opportunity to withdraw the invisible needle, and then quickly say Beidou. The Heavenly Wolf Jue activated the Holy Mother's Staff.

After this period of running-in, the Holy Mother's Staff has developed a tacit understanding with me. It flew out and hit the ghost hand back a lot. At the same time, the scream of the one-armed dragon came from the ghost hand!

I was stunned for a moment, then realized that he had melted his soul into the ghost hand, which explained why I couldn't find any trace of him before.

The man in the t-shirt was beaten until he was about to die before he forced his soul out, but the one-armed dragon easily managed to combine the human sword with the sword, which once again shows that he is much more powerful than the man in the t-shirt.

The Madonna's staff had a powerful explosive power when it was first activated, and it accidentally injured the one-armed dragon attached to the ghost hand.

Even so, I didn't dare to be careless and chanted the incantation attentively.

After one blow, the red light on the Holy Mother's staff was no longer as strong as it was at the beginning, and it became a stalemate with the ghost hand.

I found that although it still wanted to rush towards me, its speed was much slower than before. It seemed that the one-armed dragon could not withstand being attached to it for a long time.

After all, he was much more powerful than me. After five minutes, I felt that my energy supply was somewhat insufficient, and the power of the Holy Mother's staff was much weaker.

The speed of Ghost Hand is slower than before, but it still keeps approaching me. I know that the most critical point in the fight is the current stalemate stage. The side that cannot withstand it first will definitely lose the initiative if it retreats again and again, not to mention that the one-armed dragon must not have used its full strength.

While I still had some strength, I threw the invisible needle and fired a feint. The one-armed dragon knew how powerful the invisible needle was and immediately turned the blade to block the invisible needle.

I seized the opportunity and quickly took back the Madonna's staff and the invisible needle, and ran desperately towards the illusory world around me. The invisible needle flew into the illusion with my thoughts, and a rough route appeared in my mind.

The speed of the invisible needle is much faster than that of the one-armed dragon. Although he kept following behind, he was eventually thrown away by me.

I bent down and held my knees, gasping for air. After my heartbeat stabilized, I rushed towards Wangqingchuan.

Originally, he was already consuming essence while attached to the ghost hand. If he were led to the Naihe Bridge, he would definitely not be able to withstand such strong Yin Qi. Then my chance would come!

Soon I came to Naihe Bridge. Even though it was my second time here, I was still very nervous without the T-shirt man accompanying me.

At this time, the staff of the Holy Mother began to flash red again, and it seemed that the one-armed dragon had chased me. I gritted my teeth and climbed up the Naihe Bridge while shaking the Huansi Bell.

As soon as I got up, I heard the screams of ghosts crying and wolf howling coming from the water. These lonely wild ghosts were all preparing to drag me as a scapegoat, but they were injured by the Huansi Bell.

I couldn't help but feel frightened, and shook the Huansi Bell more quickly. After a while, the little devils below seemed to realize that the Huansi Bell was difficult to deal with, and they all retreated into the water, but I still didn't dare to stop.

At this time, the ghost hand had rushed up, but it did not go up the bridge, but stopped at the edge of the bridge. This shows that my idea is correct. After thinking about it for a moment, I yelled at it: "One-armed dragon, you turtle bastard, do you have the guts to come up and beat me?"

"How about it, are you scared? I tell you that Yi Zhangqing will die without mercy. I will kill you and Yin Yang Tiger later. You four elders can go to the Palace of Hell to play mahjong."

I kept cursing, trying to piss him off.

Sure enough, as I cursed, the ghost hand that was originally hesitant rushed up the bridge and stabbed me.

Finally taking the bait, I bit the tip of my tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood on the Holy Mother's staff, then chanted a spell to drive it forward!

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