Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 651 Good Yin, Evil Yin, Different Yin

After dealing with the troubles of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Yin Xinyue began to work intensely again. As an ordinary person, Li Mazi naturally did not recover that quickly. He had been living in the hospital and was taken care of by Ruxue and Li Xiaomeng every day.

Ever since Li Mazi almost died in Fengdu Ghost Town, Ruxue's attitude towards me has changed. She no longer calls her brother-in-law at the same time, and her speech has become lukewarm.

I know that Ruxue hates me. She has been so hot on my face so many times that I can no longer go to the hospital to see Li Mazi. I can only wait for Li Mazi to come to me after she recovers.

Fortunately, Oudama, a little fox, has become docile after strict training by the T-shirt man. She drags a fluffy little tail and dangles cutely in front of me all day long, so her life is not too monotonous.

The Eternal Spirit Ring is a rare treasure, but I used it to summon the Martial Saint Guan Yu at the last critical moment, so it was temporarily sealed! Apart from the little Nazgul, I didn’t have any channels to learn about the Eternal Spirit Ring, so I had to wait until the two-month deadline had passed before I could have a good chat with the little Nazgul.

It is worth mentioning that I have been studying the secret book given by the boss of the ghost market for the past month. At first, I thought it was something incomprehensible, but I didn’t expect it to be a rare practice book. It not only introduces how to draw cultivation from Yin spirits, but also introduces the usage and taboos of various Yin objects in the world.

The book generally divides yin into three types: good yin, evil yin, and divergent yin.

Like Jigong Living Buddha and Tea Sage Lu Yu, they are good yin, only doing good deeds and never harming others.

Lu Bu, Han Xin, etc. belong to Qiyin, which refers to Yin spirits that can be taught.

The rest is the evil yin. As the name suggests, the evil yin refers to those who are extremely evil, unwilling to be saved or educated, and just enjoy killing people. But the number of evil spirits is the least. After all, no matter how evil the evil spirit is, it has its own pitiable side. The most typical example of this kind of evil spirit is the Tai Sui in the Tai Sui finger-wrestling incident.

In addition, the secret book also records many ways to find Yin objects. If used properly, powerful magic weapons can be obtained through them. Unfortunately, the above content was handwritten by the owner of the ghost market. It was very sloppy and I couldn't understand it in a short time.

Despite this, I still have a good understanding of the evil things in the world! No longer a layman.

And according to the secret book, absorbing the cultivation of Yin spirits is the fastest way to practice. After all, Yin spirits that are hundreds or thousands of years old, even if you extract 1% of their power, it is better than ten Twenty years of secluded cultivation!

While I was studying the secret book, little ghosts kept coming to my door to feel uncomfortable. They had all participated in the ghost market, so they wanted to steal some treasures from me to take advantage of something.

Fortunately, their strength is average, so I basically don't need to do anything, and Xiaowei Dama can easily deal with them. Several times there were near misses, and I gradually stopped paying attention.

But what puzzles me is that the people from Longquan Villa have not appeared since the end of the ghost market. My godson was deposed by me, and all four elders were wiped out. This owner of the village can really keep his composure!

They must be brewing some conspiracy secretly, but the man in the T-shirt didn't contact me, which means that Longquan Villa has no plans to deal with me yet, so I don't have to worry.

As I had more free time, my occupational disease recurred. I wanted to ask the man in the T-shirt, Senior Rat and Zen Master Bai Mei if they had anything to do recently, but I was afraid of injuring them again, so in the end I had to walk around the antique street alone. go.

In fact, the biggest charm of Antique Street is not that the antiques are valuable, but the touching stories behind each antique. They all represent the rise and demise of an era, and can be said to be the last stronghold of traditional culture.

Moreover, in the antique street, you can see traditional gadgets such as candy-making figures, paper-cuts, and handmade rattles that are on the verge of disappearing. I am interested in these things again. I buy something to eat and play every day, which makes my life very nourishing.

That afternoon, I was watching two old men walking on stilts with great interest when my cell phone suddenly rang. This was an unfamiliar number. It seemed like another business call came to my door. After the call was answered, the other party asked me in a low voice if I was Master Zhang Jiulin?

Yes, this kind of opening statement was 100% asking for my help. I shook my head and then identified myself and asked him if he needed help.

"Master Zhang, I'm at the door of your antique shop now. Please come back quickly! If you don't help me, I will die..."

Judging from the voice, the man was at least thirty years old, but he seemed extremely panicked at the moment. It seemed that he was encountering a life-or-death matter.

I frowned slightly, asked him to wait outside the store, and then quickly returned.

As soon as I reached the corner of the alley, I saw a man pacing back and forth anxiously in front of the antique store.

He was wearing a black suit and had a straight haircut. He looked very refined and looked like a business elite.

After seeing me, he hurriedly came up to me, took my hand and begged me again to save him!

It seems that after such a long period of hard work, everyone in the circle knows that Zhang Jiulin is a young talent with both beauty and intelligence. I sighed self-deprecatingly and invited him into the store.

I poured him a glass of water, and then I looked at him carefully. I felt that he looked a bit like Wu Yifan, a rising young boy. He had big sparkling eyes and a tall nose. He looked quite like a Korean oppa.

He took the water glass and held it in his hand, took a hasty sip, and then said: "My name is Wulin, I... I may have encountered a ghost."

"This is basically the case for everyone who comes to me. Just tell me the key points!" I patted his shoulder calmly.

Seeing that I spoke very casually, he was obviously relieved and tried hard to organize his words before he started speaking to me.

He said that in the past few days, he would hear the sound of iron chains being dragged every night, making him unable to sleep peacefully. Finally he fell asleep, and a terrifying black shadow appeared in his dream. The black shadow didn't speak, it just stared at him and sneered. He couldn't see the shadow's face clearly, but he could see the black shadow through the night. Shadow's two eyes.

"Master, you don't know! The black shadow's eyes are like two red light bulbs, staring straight at me. It also licks its tongue from time to time, as if it wants to eat me..."

When Wulin said this, he was so panicked that he dropped his tea cup. Seeing his frightened look, I knew that things would not be that simple, so I nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"It was okay the past few days. Nothing happened to me after he woke me up. After knowing that he would appear every day, I asked the old man next door for a folk exorcism method. I put a pair of scissors under the pillow. Whenever a black shadow appears, I subconsciously hold the scissors in my hand. But...but last night..."

Wulin couldn't continue talking at this point. He collapsed and squatted on the ground crying, which was extremely inconsistent with his refined appearance.

No matter how strong a person is, he will still do this when he encounters a demon and a monster for the first time, right?

I sighed, took out a piece of soothing spiritual jade from the cupboard and put it in his pocket.

Wulin's mood stabilized, and he said in a low voice that after the black shadow appeared last night, he found that he couldn't wake up, his consciousness was hazy, holding scissors was useless, and even biting the tip of his tongue was useless. !

"Are you sure you were dreaming yesterday? Could it be that you weren't asleep at all?"

The method of warding off evil spirits by pressing scissors and using the essence and blood on the tip of the tongue is very effective. Unless he encounters a particularly powerful ghost, or a fierce ghost who comes specifically to seek his life, he can usually wake up, so I don’t think he was dreaming at all yesterday. .

Unexpectedly, Wulin nodded fiercely after hearing this and insisted that he fell asleep yesterday.

"After I realized that the scissors were useless, I subconsciously wanted to run away. I didn't expect that except for my arms, I couldn't move any other part of my body. It felt like I was being pressed against the bed by a ghost. The black shadow watched me struggling on the bed and actually let out a perverted laugh. , and then he rushed forward and took out a strange iron hook to hook my tongue!"

At this point, Wulin felt as if his whole body had been hollowed out, and he exhaled forcefully.

It turned out that just when the black shadow's iron hook was about to hook his tongue, the rooster outside suddenly crowed several times. The black shadow suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed instantly.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Wulin's forehead as he spoke, and he said with red eyes: "Master Zhang, please do me this favor. The black shadow failed to harm me yesterday, and it will definitely come again today."

What he said is true. It seems that the black shadow is indeed here to seek life!

I didn't dare to be careless, so I immediately took the Holy Mother's Staff and the Secret Book of Yin and Yang from upstairs and followed Wulin towards his house.

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