Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 652: The cute little fox

Since Xiaowei Yu followed me, I would let her out for some air every day to relieve my boredom. Because Wulin suddenly came to my door, I forgot about her in my hurry. As a result, while I was driving, she shouted angrily in my pocket: "Bad brother, let me out quickly, I'm bad, I'm bad."

"Who... who is talking..."

Before I could speak, Wulin in the passenger seat asked in horror.

This is not to blame for his timidity, after all, there were only two of us in the car, but a little girl's voice suddenly came out.

I told him not to worry, saying it was a spiritual pet I raised, then reached into my pocket, took out the silver bead, and placed it under the windshield.

As soon as the bead hit the ground, it quickly spun and finally turned into a human form.

Little Otama seemed to know that I had ignored her because of Wulin's arrival. She deliberately exposed her pointed fangs and long tail and bared her teeth at Wulin, as if she would pounce at any time.

Wulin, who had never seen such a battle before, screamed in surprise and clung tightly to his seat, saying incoherently: "Help me, don't let the vixen harm me, please..."

"Oudama, if you do this again, I will lock you up!" I scolded.

"You are so timid. You are not as good as a little girl like me. It's so boring. My aunt won't play with you anymore."

Odama was a little scared after hearing what I said, and then she completely changed back to her human appearance, pointing pitifully at her shriveled belly.

She wants to drink my blood again! I shook my head helplessly and asked her to wait until I finished dealing with the black shadow of the Wulin family before feeding her.

This little fox's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. If I feed her now, I'm not sure I can still fight that black shadow.

"No, no, I want to eat now, I'm hungry, woo woo woo..."

Oyu pouted and said, that loli face was a little aggrieved and a little cute, and looked extremely cute.

To be honest, after this period of running-in, I seemed to regard her as my own daughter. I couldn't bear to starve her, so I reached out and prepared to feed her. At this time, Wulin suddenly reached out to stop me, and then asked cautiously: "Master Zhang, are you going to feed her with your own blood?"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I heard that feeding a spiritual pet requires a lot of energy. How about I feed her for you?"

Wulin seemed to be very afraid of Oudama, even though he was talking to me, his eyes never left her for a moment.

Of course it would be best to have someone feed me blood essence, but I'm a little embarrassed to trouble my employer, and Otama has a big appetite recently, and I'm afraid she'll empty out the martial arts world.

I thought about it briefly and was about to refuse, but when I looked up, I saw that Oudama was already lying on Wulin's hand and started sucking!

I was speechless for a while, so I had to agree, but my eyes were always fixed on Wulin's face. When his face turned pale, I quickly pulled Oudama away.

"No, no, I haven't eaten enough yet."

Oudama's face was full of reluctance, but if she was allowed to suck it, she would have to drain Wulin's blood. I comforted her for a long time, and promised to give her a big bowl of oden meatballs when I got back, and she reluctantly agreed, mumbling and flying into my pocket.

Wulin was a strong young man after all, and he had no other discomfort except that his face was a little pale, so I asked him for his address and then asked him to lie down and rest for a while.

Wulin's home is in Pingtan County, 300 kilometers away. Pingtan is located in Fujian Province and is the island closest to Taiwan from mainland China. It is said to be known as the Maldives of China.

But Pingtan is still in a state of development. It is said that there are many virgin forests on it and the natural scenery is beautiful.

After the car arrived in Fuzhou, I found a place to stop and woke up Wulin. He took me by boat into Pingtan County, and then transferred to Pingyuan Village where he was located.

There are many well-preserved earth buildings in Pingyuan Village. These earth buildings are antique. From the appearance, each earth building looks like a small bunker, with distinctive Fujian characteristics.

Wulin said that his family used to have an earth building. As the development process accelerated in recent years, the earth buildings were expropriated. Now he lives in a newly built house behind the village.

As he walked to the back of the village, he could see a row of small villas built against the hills, and he lived in one of them.

"You usually live here, don't you have a job?"

I asked with some curiosity after hearing what he said, because according to what he said, it seemed as if I had lived in this place with inconvenient transportation and far away from the city center all year round.

Wulin nodded and said that he worked at home and helped his boss through the Internet, but did not elaborate. I didn't ask any more questions and followed him into the villa. I found that the decoration inside was very atmospheric, with warm wallpapers on the walls and milky white wool felt under my feet. Although it was my first time here, I felt like I was home.

The first floor is the hall and kitchen. Wulin said that he rarely cooks and only orders takeout. I walked around and found nothing unusual, so I motioned for him to go upstairs.

There are three bedrooms on the second floor, each with its own bathroom.

Since the villa is newly built, there are basically no ghosts who will break in unintentionally. In addition, Wulin said that the black shadow clearly wants to take his life, so I suspect that someone is trying to harm him!

Thinking of this, I asked him if he had offended anyone or done anything untoward.

I don’t want to get in trouble with my colleagues just to help him. After all, in the circle of femininity dealers, there are always the best among the best. After hearing this, Wulin shook his head and said that he basically never went out, so how could he offend outsiders?

In fact, I knew the answer would be like this without him having to say it. Wulin is obviously not short of money and has a very gentle personality. Judging from the house decoration, he is still a warm man. It is difficult for me to imagine that he would do anything harmful. Immediately I checked on the second floor intently.

Logically speaking, if a Yin spirit comes to a room, the situation will be very obvious. For example, if you walk to a place with Yin energy, the temperature will suddenly drop, or your heart will beat inexplicably, etc.

But I walked carefully around the second floor several times, and even when I finally took out my compass, I couldn't detect the Yin Qi. Even Wulin's room was normal, I couldn't help but frown.

"Master, I really didn't lie to you. There really was a shadow coming to kill me. It was not a dream!"

Wulin thought I frowned because I didn't believe what he said, so he hurriedly explained.

I stretched out my hand to interrupt him and said in a deep voice: "I know. The Yin spirit that wants to harm you can completely cover its own Yin energy. It seems that it is not as easy to deal with as I thought..."

After that, I asked Wulin to allocate a bedroom for me. I drove for several hours and was indeed a little tired.

Wulin asked me worriedly what should I do? I said that thing would definitely not appear during the day, otherwise there would be no need for it to cover up its yin energy.

Since it is hiding itself, it means it still has concerns. Since we have to wait anyway, we might as well have a good sleep to recuperate our spirits.

After hearing this, Wulin's face looked better, he closed the door and went out. I didn't care about anything else, I lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly!

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