Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 653: Lightning Strikes Wood

I don’t know why, but I suddenly heard the sound of iron chains while I was asleep. My consciousness suddenly became clear, and then I felt an inexplicable panic.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized something was coming in. I wanted to open my eyes, but my upper and lower eyelids seemed to be stuck with glue and I couldn't open them at all!

I wanted to rub my eyes, but when I raised my hand, I bumped into a hook-shaped metal object, but I clearly remembered that there was no such thing around me.

Wulin once mentioned to me that the black shadow was holding an iron hook to hook his tongue. Could it be that the black shadow is already here now?

As soon as I thought of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on my back. Although I don’t know why Black Shadow hasn’t taken action yet, he must have been holding back his anger when he came to me.

I quickly adjusted my mentality and read a few passages of the Tao Te Ching, and my body gradually became relaxed. After I opened my eyes, I punched forward fiercely, but the punch came up empty.

There was no black shadow in front of me at all, and I didn't even notice a trace of Yin Qi, but the feeling of being suffocated just now was really real.

This is similar to what Wulin told me before. I guess the reason why this black shadow didn't attack me as soon as it came up was to explore my path.

I looked at the sunny sky outside, and my heart sank. I didn't expect that the black shadow was not afraid of the sun. Before going to bed, I comforted Wulin, saying that the shadows didn’t dare to come out during the day, which was really a slap in the face!

Thinking of martial arts, I was shocked. I jumped out of bed and ran to his bedroom. As soon as I entered the door, I saw him sitting in front of the computer, typing away.

I took a deep breath and asked him why he wasn't sleeping. Wulin waved his hand and said that he was not sleepy yet, so he had to hurry up and work. After saying that, he looked at me carefully and asked with suspicion: "Master Zhang, why are you so flustered?"

"It's okay. I'm afraid you won't be safe here. It's okay. I'll go back to sleep."

I replied with some embarrassment, and ignored his confused look. I went back to my room and lay down to recall carefully, preparing to find some clues, but I couldn't find any clue after searching for a long time.

At this time, Xiao Weiyu crawled out of his pocket, looked around furtively, and said in confusion, Brother Bad, why do you look so bad.

It's okay that she didn't ask, but when she asked, I was so angry that I was asleep. But she, a fox demon, couldn't feel the presence of the Yin spirit. It was really embarrassing!

I said angrily that a dark shadow came into the room just now and almost killed me. Fortunately, I read the Tao Te Ching in time, otherwise I might not have been tortured as well.

After saying that, I pretended to sigh and said to myself: "This little fox drinks my essence and blood every day and refuses to do anything. Should I drive her away..."

"Okay, let's go!"

After hearing this, Wei Yu pursed her lips, turned around angrily and walked out, but she was obviously just showing off, turning back three times, waiting for me to persuade her to come back.

I deliberately turned my face away from her, and she walked to the door and stopped. After hesitating for a while, she flew over to my arms, waved her little arms and said pitifully: "Bad brother, Please don’t drive me away, okay, I don’t want to leave, woo woo…”

Seeing her cute and cute look, I felt a lot more comfortable. Besides, it was just to tease her, so I reached out and scratched her little nose.

"Bad brother, bad brother, I hate you so much..."

Odama realized that I was just joking, and kept hitting my chest with his small fist, but the force was very small. After a while, she stopped and said aggrievedly: "Bad brother, that person's essence and blood are impure, and I didn't drink enough. I accidentally fell asleep when you were sleeping just now."

I couldn't help but feel dumb after hearing this. It seems that she has been sucking the blood and essence of the T-shirt man and me since she came back from Japan. The blood and essence of ordinary people is of no use to her anymore. Speaking of which, I don't blame her for this.

I pinched her little nose and asked her if she felt anything was wrong in the room. After all, a fox's nose is sharper than a dog's.

After hearing this, Oudama jumped out and scurried around the bedside, window, door cracks, desk and other places with nimbly movements, like a waving white dog.

Before I could react, she had already returned to me and said with some embarrassment: "Bad brother, I'm sorry, I didn't find it..."

"It's not your fault."

I smiled at her reluctantly, bit off my finger and fed her a few drops of blood, then put her back in my pocket.

Weiyu is a descendant of Daji, and can be said to be the little ancestor of the fox world. Even she can't catch the scent of the black shadow. It seems that things are serious.

The black shadow came and went without a trace, and the quick-attack strategy obviously didn't work, and the only option was passive defense.

In this way, the Holy Mother's Staff alone was completely insufficient. I thought about it and prepared to go out to find something. When I passed by Wulin's room, I looked inside and saw that he was still typing on the keyboard, so I left the villa without calling him. .

Because Pingyuan Village is quite primitive, it is not difficult to find things that can ward off evil spirits. I saw a huge beehive in the woods and used a branch to poke it down.

Beehives, also called hives, are the place where bees live and produce. Many remote areas and ethnic minorities love to eat hives, saying they can be fried and eaten.

I have never tasted the taste of honeycombs, and I am not interested in it, but I know that honeycombs are used to ward off evil spirits!

The secret book mentioned the hive, saying that there were countless souls of bees in the hive. Although the strength of a bee as a single individual is average, if a Yin spirit breaks into it, the bee souls living inside will be gathered together and released in an instant, and the power is evident!

I just didn't expect that after the hive landed, dense bees flew out of it and rushed toward me blankly.

I was startled, and quickly lit the dry leaves on the ground with a lighter and waved them back and forth. As the smoke around them grew thicker, the bees fled.

I breathed a sigh of relief, completely extinguished the sparks on the ground, and walked further inside with the hive in my arms. I found a tree with the upper part bare and the entire bark extremely dark.

Lightning strikes wood!

Unexpectedly, I stumbled upon the lightning strike wood here. I was so happy that I took out my dagger and climbed up to it and cut a wooden stick the size of a baby's arm.

Thunder strike wood is wood that has been struck by lightning and has great spiritual power. According to legend, the crutch used by Tieguai Li, one of the Eight Immortals, was made of thunder strike wood.

With the Lightning Strike Wood and the Beehive, I felt much more at ease. When I passed an earthen building on the way back, I quietly dug a handful of dirt in the corner.

Soil is yin, and the soil in earth buildings has experienced wind and rain and has a certain amount of spiritual power, which can play a certain role.

I looked at the three kinds of treasures I had found and felt full of confidence. Unexpectedly, as soon as I approached the Wulin villa, I saw him being pinned to the ground by several powerful young men, struggling constantly.

Wulin's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and he kept pushing himself up. It was obvious that these young men could no longer hold down, so I rushed forward and stabbed him hard between the eyebrows with the lightning strike wood!

Wulin screamed, twitched and lay motionless on the ground. He was undoubtedly possessed by a Yin spirit just now, but I still couldn't find the Yin spirit, so I had to carry him back to the villa.

At this time, a few strong men stopped me. The leader looked at me kindly and asked me if I was Mr. Yin Yang invited by Wulin?

I nodded and asked him what happened. He rolled his eyes and asked me if I had found out the reason.

"There are no clues yet, but there will be progress soon." I said seriously.

"That's good, don't let that thing harm anyone again..."

The prime man sighed, turned around and led the people away. I was stunned for a moment, turned back and grabbed his arm, and asked eagerly: "Brother, are you saying that before the martial arts, this thing has harmed other people?"

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