Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 654: The Man Who Cut Out His Tongue

"What, you don't know?"

After hearing my question, the middle-aged man's voice suddenly became louder, and then he seemed to realize something and said angrily: "Wulin must have hidden something from you. There are some things that I am not comfortable talking about. You should wait until he wakes up and ask yourself. "

After saying that, they left. My chest felt tight with anger, and I wanted to kick Wulin in the face a few times.

But then I thought that he might have something to hide, so he suppressed the fire in his heart and carried him back to the villa.

Since he was taken up during the day, his yang energy was not consumed much by the sunlight, so he woke up after lying in bed for more than half an hour.

After opening his eyes and seeing me, he immediately screamed: "Master, save me, the shadow is coming, the shadow is coming during the day this time..."

Seeing him in such a frightened state, I felt speechless for a while, so I comforted him with a few words. After he came to his senses, I said with a serious face: "You'd better tell me the real situation again. If you still dare to hide anything, please hire someone else!"

Wulin was stunned after hearing this, and asked me what was going on with a confused face.

I sneered and said, stop pretending, I know someone has been killed before you, why didn't you tell me!

After hearing this, he sat down on the ground, trembling all over and said no, things won't be like this, I won't die, I won't die...

Seeing him like this, I already knew something in my mind. It seemed that he was indeed hiding something from me.

After a while, Wulin recovered and whispered that he didn't hide it from me on purpose, but that he deceived himself into thinking that what happened before had nothing to do with him.

It turned out that he and three other young men were working for an Internet company. They wrote Douban movie reviews, Shuishui posts, copywriting, etc. on weekdays.

Although several people are in contact through the Internet, they have a good relationship with each other and are in contact almost every day.

But since last month, the other three young men have gradually disappeared. Wulin couldn't find them on the Internet, so he had to go to the door to look for them through the address he left before, but was shocked to find that all three partners were dead!

The only thing these three people have in common is that they all work for this company. Wulin is so smart that he suddenly thought that he might also suffer disaster, so he quickly learned some tricks of the three-legged cat to ward off evil spirits. It was only later that the black shadow seriously threatened him, and Wulin felt that he couldn't stand it anymore, so he started asking for help, and finally found me.

"Then how did the three of them die?" I quickly asked. It was definitely not a coincidence that the three of them died one after another.

While this may have something to do with the job they held, the first step is to identify the cause of their death, otherwise it will all be in vain.

Wulin shook his head helplessly and said that he visited three families, but the family members of the three families refused to announce the cause of death. By the time he went there, the body had already been buried, so he had to leave it alone.

"Let's just let it go?" I rubbed my nose, feeling that the family members of the deceased also had something to hide.

Could it be that the death of the deceased was too tragic, or was there some other inside story?

When things got to this point, I needed to find out the real situation and immediately asked Wulin if he knew where the deceased's grave was.

Wulin nodded and said that he had gone to the grave to express condolences before, so he could probably remember the place.

After hearing this, I immediately packed everything I might need into the car and asked Wulin to take me to the grave of the deceased.

Fortunately, these three people are also from Fujian, so we don’t have to travel all over the world to arrive at the grave of the first deceased in a few hours.

Maybe the deceased's family was relatively well off and he believed in burial, but seeing the tomb built against a mountain and surrounded by green woods is a typical example of good Feng Shui.

It was already evening, and there was no one on the entire hillside, which was convenient for us. I dragged Wulin to the tomb and observed it, and found that the tombstone of the deceased was surrounded by thick cement boards.

I squatted on the ground and tried to knock, and found that the sound coming from below was very muffled, which meant that all the cement boards were sealed.

In this way, even if we smash open the tomb, it will be impossible to restore it intact. If my family finds out and calls the police, I will be labeled a tomb robber.

In desperation, I had to ask Wulin to take me to the deceased's home.

On the way, Wulin told me that only an old mother was left among the deceased. The old lady lost her son in her later years and her temper became very strange. So he asked me to be careful when speaking and not to irritate the old man.

I nodded, thinking that this guy from Wulin has a pretty good heart!

Finally, the car stopped in front of a European-style luxury villa. Compared with others, Wulin's small villa looked like a private house.

He told me that this was the house of the deceased, and once again asked me to be careful with my words. A row of black lines suddenly appeared on my forehead...

Since Wulin was a close friend of the deceased, the security guard at the door did not embarrass us, and we easily arrived at the room where the old lady lived.

As soon as I got closer, I heard crying coming from inside. I went to the window and took a look, and found an old lady holding a black and white portrait and crying bitterly.

Just as he was about to go in, he heard the old lady murmuring in a low voice: "My poor son! You died so miserably, what should your mother do?"

She spoke very slowly and her voice was very sad, as if she was talking to herself or talking to the dead.

When I heard this, I had an idea and changed my mind. I winked at Wulin and squatted by the window to listen.

Sure enough, the old lady kept talking, many of which were things the mother and son had experienced together when the deceased was a child. Wulin and I both felt a little sore after hearing this.

She never said how the deceased died. I was a little frustrated, but I didn't want to disturb her, so I prepared to leave. But just then the old lady screamed suddenly, and then cursed viciously in our direction: "You damn bastard, if you have anything to do with me, why did you kill my son? He is still so young, you The killing is not over yet, why do you have to cut off his tongue! Bastard, the old woman will fight you today."

She yelled and cried, suddenly picked up the crutch and threw it this way. Wulin and I looked at each other and ran towards the gate in unison, only to find the security guard standing out.

I was a little worried, afraid that the security would hold us accountable. Unexpectedly, before we could say anything, the security guard took the lead and said with a bitter smile: "Since the death of the eldest young master, my old lady has become like this. I'm sorry to you two..."

It turned out that the old lady didn't notice us, but went crazy herself. I breathed a sigh of relief, recalled what the old lady said just now, and quickly asked: "Did your young master have his tongue cut out?"

"You...who are you and why do you ask?"

The goodwill on the security guard's face immediately disappeared after hearing this, and then he looked at us warily.

I didn't say anything. I took out the small beads from my arms and released Oudama, letting her circle around and put them back into my pocket. Then I looked at the security guard and said, "I'm here to avenge your young master." , can you tell me now?"

The security guard was so frightened when he saw this scene that he nodded slowly after a long time. But he immediately said that he didn't know anything, probably because he didn't want to take responsibility, so I didn't ask for any more details.

After thanking him, I asked Wulin to drive me to the second deceased's home.

He closed his eyes and thought slowly: Wulin said that the shadow wanted to take away his tongue, and the tongue of the deceased in front happened to be missing. Could it be that... this shadow had a perverted hobby of eating human tongues?

These are all the clues I can think of so far, but I have to wait until the situation of the remaining two deceased people is clear before I can draw a conclusion as to the specific situation.

Wulin said that the remaining two deceased people were in the same village. It is said that one of them did the job first and introduced him to the other person because he thought he could make money.

It's a pity that both of them died in the end. After listening to this, I became even more curious about what kind of work they did? But in order not to disturb his train of thought, he refrained from asking further questions.

After talking for a while, Wulin said that the other two people lived far away and asked me to sleep first. I nodded and asked him to wake me up in the middle of driving to change my shift, then lay down on the seat and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly felt the car stop, but Wulin didn’t call me, and I was so absorbed in my sleep that I thought he went down to use the toilet.

But after a long time, the car still didn't start, but there was a bang-dong-dong sound from behind the car, like someone tapping on the window. I greeted Wulin in a daze, but he didn't answer me.

I had to force myself to cheer up, and when I looked up, I saw Wulin lying on the steering wheel and falling asleep. I shook my head helplessly, glanced behind me casually, and then my whole body suddenly became energetic.

There was actually a person, or rather a human skin, stuck to the back window!

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