Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 656: Internet Trolls

"We...we are..."

Wulin was quite excited at first, but when he heard my question, he was immediately discouraged and hesitated for a long time without daring to explain.

Obviously their work should not be visible to the public. I said with a dark expression, "If you don't tell me, I won't care about this matter."

He was so frightened that he grabbed me and said, "Master Zhang, don't be angry, I'll tell you everything." Then he said it hesitantly.

It turns out that they are professional trolls, that is, trolls who specialize in black movies.

They belong to a large film and television company, which is already considered the leading brother in the domestic film industry, but the company boss is still not satisfied and wants a monopoly.

Therefore, while this company uses commercial means to suppress its peers, it also maintains a large number of people like Wulin at high prices.

As soon as other companies release a movie, Wulin and the others will register tens of thousands of accounts and search for flaws on the Internet to smear it.

The Internet is so developed now, and the accounts they operate are all recognized as big movie critics.

Therefore, within half a month, the film they target will become a bad film in the eyes of the audience, causing a dismal box office and losing all their money.

After listening to this, I was quite speechless. I felt that they had betrayed their moral integrity in order to make money. This behavior seriously harmed the interests of the audience, and in a big way, it even killed the future of Chinese movies.

But after all, I didn’t break the law, it was just a moral issue. I breathed a sigh of relief, patted his shoulder and asked, will I continue to troll people in the future?

"I won't spray anymore. Even if you kill me, I won't spray anymore."

Wulin shook his head vigorously. He said that although he made a lot of money doing this, he felt restless when sleeping every day and felt that he had lost his conscience.

Now that things have developed, anyone who is not a fool can see that they are all in trouble because of this job, and he doesn't dare to continue doing it.

No matter why the black shadow came to them, this is the price they should pay in Wulin, or in other words, retribution.

It's just that they are not wrong enough to die...

It was almost daybreak after working so hard. We came to an unknown small county nearby and randomly found a hotel to stay.

The facilities in this hotel are very poor, the toilets are shared, there is no network cable, there is not even a place to take a fucking shower, and the price is horribly expensive. If we hadn't been so sleepy, we wouldn't have lived here even to death.

Because there was no water, I had no choice but to skip the shower and just lay on the bed and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, I slept quite well in this shabby hotel, and slept until noon.

I stretched, stood up, and prepared to go downstairs to get something to eat, but suddenly I realized that Wulin and I had both fallen asleep because we were too tired. We had temporarily forgotten about the black shadow that could appear at any time, and we didn't take any precautions at all!

Thinking of this, I hurried to Wulin's room next door and knocked on the door.

Unexpectedly, Wulin quickly opened the door from the inside, yawning and asking why Master Zhang got up so early.

"Are you okay?" I breathed a sigh of relief and then asked in surprise.

Wulin was stunned after hearing this, then reacted suddenly and said excitedly: "Yes, we both slept, but the black shadow didn't show up. Could it be that the black shadow knew that we found out that he likes to cut his tongue, so he stopped pestering him. Are you hitting me?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, his face darkened, and he said to himself: How could such a good thing happen? I'm afraid that there was some conspiracy brewing because the thing didn't come.

Wulin is right. So far, I have not been able to fight the black shadow head-on. It will definitely not leave on its own initiative.

But Wulin's words reminded me that maybe someone is really watching us secretly.

After all, they got into trouble because of their work. I think Sombra might be manipulated to deal with these internet trolls. If this is really the case, then the dark shadow's previous temptation to me was actually a warning from the person behind it!

Are you going to form a blood feud with your colleagues again because of dealing with Yin spirits?

I just felt like my head was getting bigger, so I scratched my hair randomly and asked Wulin to go home.

After returning to the small villa in Wulin, I used a kitchen knife to cut the honeycombs I collected into pieces and spread them on Wulin's bed, then covered them with sheets.

Then he used the handful of soil dug from the earth building to shape a clay figure. In order to increase the attraction to the black shadow, I also deliberately pinched the tongue of the clay figurine to be very big. I wrote Wulin's eight characters on the talisman, pasted it on the back of the clay figurine, and then placed the clay figurine on Wulin's bed.

After setting everything up, Wulin rarely cooked a rich meal. Not to mention, this guy's craftsmanship is really good, even Xiaowei Yu held a big piece of ribs and gnawed it with relish.

After the meal, Oyu's attitude toward martial arts improved significantly. I cursed secretly, thinking that her stance was really not firm!

It got dark not long after dinner. I told Oyu to hide on the roof and observe what was going on around me. Then I pulled Wulin into the bathroom of the bedroom.

I kindly gave him the Lightning Strike Wood to use for self-defense. Unexpectedly, this guy didn't know the goods and snatched away my Madonna Staff. I had no choice but to let him go.

Counting the talisman I had posted on the door and window before, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as the shadow dares to come, I will definitely be able to keep it!

After waiting for a while, Wulin lost his temper. Every once in a while, he would bend over and lean out half of his body to look outside. He was afraid of the black shadow attached to the magic talisman and did not dare to come in. He asked me if I wanted to tear off the magic talisman?

"I know it's useless, but I can't tear it apart."

Of course the magic talisman is useless, otherwise I would have caught the black shadow. The reason why I put up the magic talisman is to show the real culprit who controls the shadow.

Wulin understood what I said and simply sat on the ground and started playing with his phone. I was still vigilant at first, but I didn’t expect that the black shadow still didn’t appear until after 12 o’clock. I thought it might not come.

Besides, Oudama is still guarding the roof. If something dirty breaks in, it will never escape her eyes. So I relaxed my vigilance appropriately and sat down on the wool felt to rest.

Although I didn't want to talk to Ruxue, I still called her to ask about Li Mazi. After all, I hadn't seen him for several days.

Ruxue said that Li Mazi recovered very quickly in the past two days, and said that Li Mazi was very happy away from the world of evil things.

She deliberately told me every word not to look for Li Mazi again, which made me feel very unhappy. I shouted angrily: "Ruxue, please listen clearly. Li Mazi was doing this before I met you! I I don’t owe you anything, and Mazi doesn’t owe you anything either! Now that you have formed a family, I respect you, but you have to make your position clear!”

After saying that, I hung up the phone directly. We all know that Ruxue is a petty woman, but I always thought that she just had a bad temper, and it will be obvious when something happens this time. Ruxue can't tell the difference between the big and the small kings. Ever since she married Li Mazi, she has been living the life of a queen.

Apart from giving birth to a daughter for Li Mazi, he had done nothing.

Now that I think about Mazi’s earning money being dangerous, what was she doing when she bought famous brands, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton?

It was the first time Wulin saw me getting so angry, and he weakly asked me what was wrong. I shook my head and said it was okay, exchanged a few words with my sister-in-law, and then rubbed my face, feeling that I had indeed gone too far just now.

Maybe it's because I'm in a bad mood. Normally I wouldn't say such harsh words. I quickly read a few passages from the Tao Te Ching. After I calmed down, I casually glanced at the bed and was shocked to find that the clay figurine was broken!


I yelled and hurried to the bed to take a look. I was shocked to find that the big tongue of the clay figure was missing, and the talisman behind the clay figure had also lost its luster.

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