Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 657: The Ghost on the Crawling Line

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, a dark shadow burst in from under our noses. I punched the head of the bed, angrily called Oyu back from the roof, and asked her angrily what happened.


Oyu was obviously startled when he saw the clay figure on the bedside, and then his eye circles turned red, and he said in disbelief: "No, this is impossible. I didn't even blink on the roof this time, it's impossible for the Yin spirit to come in from the outside! "

"Then what do you mean, the ghost comes out of the house?"

Seeing her aggrieved look, I couldn't bear to blame her anymore, and my voice softened a lot.

Oudama said nothing more, his eyes were red, and after being stunned for a while, they automatically turned into beads.

I sighed, put her away, and reluctantly let Wulin go to sleep first. The black shadow had already killed the clay figurine, and I thought he wouldn't come tonight, but I still put the lightning strike wood next to his pillow.

Afterwards, I went out and walked around the villa. The black shadow has appeared several times now, but I haven't even seen what he looks like, so I feel very depressed.

The village is surrounded by the sea, and the air is already very fresh. As the night deepens, the salty sea breeze feels very cool on the body.

I felt the fresh air and felt much more comfortable, so I turned around and walked towards the villa. Although the black shadow had just arrived, I still didn't dare to leave for too long, for fear that he would come back and kill me.

When I was almost walking to the villa, I suddenly noticed a figure sneaking around the door. He was holding something similar to pliers in his hand, and he glanced into the villa from time to time. It was obviously not a good thing.

He was probably the black hand hiding in the dark. He discovered that the black shadow had cut off a tongue made of mud, so he came to see what was going on. Thinking of this, I slowly hid under a nearby tree and quietly observed.

After a while, he seemed to be sure that the people in the villa were asleep, so he slowly walked in, entered the lobby on the first floor, and went straight to the second floor without stopping at all.

Judging from the way he was familiar with the road, he was obviously heading to the martial arts world. I was afraid that something might happen in the martial arts world, so I didn't dare to wait any longer. I took out the Emei thorn from my waist and followed him quickly.

After going upstairs, I happened to see him walking into Wulin's bedroom. I breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over and yelled, "Stop!"

Unexpectedly, he didn't pay attention to Wulin at all. Instead, he held something in his hand and pointed it at the network cable next to the computer, as if he wanted to cut the network cable.

Following my sudden roar, his body trembled suddenly, and the thing in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

He only hesitated for a second, turned around and ran towards the window. I yelled and rushed towards him, grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Then I stepped on him and said coldly: "Waiting for so long Jiu, I finally caught you!"

Wulin, who was sleeping, heard the noise and turned on the light. He asked me drowsily what was going on? I ignored him and continued to look at the person coming, and then I saw his appearance clearly.

This is a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. He is thin and has a listless face as if he has been hit by something dirty. He does not look like someone who can control the shadows.

I looked at the iron pliers he dropped on the ground again, and thought to myself, could this kid be here to steal the computer?

"Brother, I was wronged, I am a good person..."

Before I could speak, the boy spoke in a panic. After saying that, he pointed to Wulin, who had just gotten out of bed, and said, "I know brother Wulin."

When Wulin heard the boy calling his name, he immediately became more energetic.

He quickly rubbed his eyes, looked at the young man and asked, "Are you Duan Kun?"

After hearing this, the young man nodded repeatedly. Seeing that they really knew each other, I let him go and asked them what was going on.

It turns out that one of the three colleagues who died in Wulin was named Duan Qian. The two of them had the best relationship on weekdays. They always liked to chat via video chat when nothing happened.

The young man who broke into the villa was called Duan Kun, Duan Qian's younger brother. He also met Wulin in the video through his brother, so the two of them had a rough impression of each other.

The reason why Duan Kun took advantage of darkness to cut the network cable in Wulin's room was because he dreamed of his brother when he went to bed last night.

His brother told him that the problem was with the network cable, and asked him to find a way to cut off the network cable at Wulin's house no matter what, so that Wulin would not become the next victim...

After listening, I looked at Wulin. Wulin was silent for a while and nodded vigorously, indicating that I could believe Duan Kun's words.

But what could be wrong with the network cable?

I thought about it in my mind, walked to the computer, unplugged the network cable, put it to the tip of my nose and smelled it. There was no yin at all.

Besides, the four of them live hundreds of miles apart. Who can tamper with their network cables at the same time?

You must know that Internet companies have long developed to the point where each town has one salesperson. It is unrealistic if the salesmen in these places are playing tricks when installing network cables at the same time!

I looked at Duan Kun with a sullen face and asked him what he was here for.

Unexpectedly, when Duan Kun, who was still weak and weak just now, saw that I doubted him, he jumped up and grabbed me by the collar, shouting hysterically: "Why do you doubt me? If something happens to Brother Wulin because of your mistake, you How can I compensate for my dead brother..."

At this moment, I clearly felt the anger radiating from him, and no matter how well a liar pretends, he will never achieve this effect. So I believe Duan Kun, but I still don’t think that ghosts can crawl into everyone’s home along the Internet cable. I feel that this is a bit ridiculous!

Unexpectedly, Wulin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said that he believed in Duan Kun. After saying that, he pulled Duan Kun aside and said in a deep voice: "Master, have you forgotten? We were sleeping in that small hotel without Internet access, and the shadow did not appear. .”

I was slightly startled after hearing this, and then I came to my senses.

At that time, I was still a little surprised why the black shadow didn't take the opportunity to appear. Now it seems that it really has something to do with the network cable.

At first I was anxious so I didn’t think too much about it. After his reminder, my thoughts suddenly became active: when the clay figurine had its tongue cut off just now, it was not that Otama didn't find the target, but that the person didn't enter the house from the outside at all, but crawled in along the network cable!

I didn't expect that I had innocently wronged Oyu. Recalling her aggrieved look just now, I felt a pain in my heart and quickly took out the beads, bit my finger and dripped a few drops of blood on it.

As the essence and blood were completely absorbed, Xiao Weiyu's voice came: "Bad brother, you are not allowed to bully Weiyu anymore. Weiyu has no other relatives except you."

Her coquettish words shocked me. I sighed and said, "Don't worry! I'll never do it again."

Duan Kun originally wanted to cut off the network cable secretly. Now that we have discovered it, his mission is completed.

After repeatedly telling Wulin to cut the network cable, Duan Kun said goodbye to us. There might be danger at any time in the villa, so Wulin didn't leave him alone.

I used pliers to cut off the network cable, then released Oudama and asked her if she could get into the network cable to see what was going on inside.

After hearing this, Wu Lin shook his head and said that this was not possible. The network cable was also connected to electricity. Although the electricity could not kill anyone, it would be difficult if Oudama got into it.

"That's what I'm worried about too."

I nodded and replied, he was right, I was afraid that Oudama would get electrocuted accidentally when he went in. Unexpectedly, Oyu burst out laughing. She covered her mouth and said, "You two are so stupid. I don't have a physical body, I'm just a spiritual being. The electric current won't hurt me at all."

"You mean that network cables, wires, water flow, and even blood vessels can be the medium through which you move?"

My eyes lit up after hearing this, and I asked happily.

Odama nodded and said not only that, the stronger the flow, the faster they move. Of course, this is only limited to the spirit state. If you have a parasitic body, you will also be harmed by electric current.

No wonder the black shadow comes and goes without a trace. His feelings have his own exclusive channel, and his own Yin Qi will be washed away by the constant flow of electricity, so there is no Yin Qi left in the villa.

After thinking about all this, I felt much relieved, and immediately asked Otama to get into the network cable to look for the black shadow. With her method, you can definitely feel the vague and vague Yin Qi from the electric current!

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