Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 658: It is your own fault and you will not live.

After Wei Yu entered, Wu Lin asked me if this was caused by the employee who installed the network cable?

I thought about it and said that this possibility is unlikely. After all, as long as the Yin spirit is put into any network cable, it can roam freely through the network cables all over the world and reach any place where the network cable is installed.

The most important thing is that now I have determined that there is someone behind Yin Ling, and it is Wulin and their business rivals!

If it was just Yin Ling who accidentally entered the network cable, he would have gone on a killing spree, but Yin Ling has still been very targeted in dealing with Wulin.

I feel that the mastermind behind the scenes has not lost the most basic conscience. He may have just been despised by Wulin and the others and made this move. After thinking about it, I asked Wulin if he had criticized any other movies recently? Or which artist was hacked?

He probably didn't expect me to ask these questions suddenly, so he hesitated and nodded.

Then he told me that some time before the incident, they hacked three works of the same director in succession.

The director is a veteran in the film industry and releases an unforgettable work almost every year. However, this director repeatedly rejected Wulin's company's solicitation. Finally, the boss was cruel and issued an order to eradicate dissidents!

After giving the order, Wulin and the others immediately used tens of thousands of accounts to smear everything on the Internet, from private life to movie quality. Anyway, as long as they could be blackened, they had to make up all the places that couldn't be blackened.

A few days ago, in order to break through the blockade, the director made three films in succession, and devoted his life-long dream to each film, preparing to bring a visual feast to the audience.

What he didn't expect was that under the double attack of hostile companies and professional trolls, the box office of all three movies was dismal.

This director is talented and I admire him very much. After hearing what Wulin said, I was so angry that I wanted to slap him twice, not to mention the director whose dream was shattered...

I think the problem may lie here, but everything will have to wait until Otama comes back to make a decision.

Judging from the previous times, Oudama should be back soon. Unexpectedly, Wulin and I waited all night for her to come back. I couldn't help but worry, but I couldn't get into the network cable. For a moment, I was so anxious that I was like ants on a hot pot wandering around the room.

Wulin seemed to want to comfort me and moved his mouth several times but no words came out. I thought he should have realized his mistake, so I comforted him a few words.

At noon, Oudama finally came back. As soon as she came back, she bit my finger. It seemed that she was really tired.

After she had eaten and drank enough, she changed back to her human form and sat on the sofa, panting and saying, "I followed her all night, and I actually followed her to Beijing."

I gasped after hearing this. The distance between Beijing and Fujian is thousands of kilometers. I didn’t expect Oyu to reach it in one night. This speed is faster than the high-speed rail!

Then she told me that the black shadow stopped in a courtyard house in Beijing, and then an old man with gray hair put it into a gourd.


I interrupted Otama, quickly searched for a photo of the director from the Internet, and handed it to her. Oudama only glanced at him and nodded repeatedly, saying that it was this old man.

I finally figured it out, just as I thought, the director couldn't stand the abuse from these Internet trolls, so he found a way to get their addresses, and then used black shadow to deal with them.

Although he used Yin spirits to kill three people, I didn't think he was cruel at all. If it were me, I might be even better than what he did! After all, the authorities are blind to the beholder.

"The old man put the shadow into the gourd, said a few words, and entered the yard. I think he may not cause you any more trouble."

Oyu turned around and said to Wu Lin. This was the first time that Oyu spoke to Wu Lin in a good voice. He must have felt Wu Lin's concern, right?

"What do you think?" I asked Wulin following Oyu's words.

The director is a serious Beijing veteran who is very particular about his conduct. He would definitely not do this unless he was forced to a certain extent.

If he says forget it, he will definitely not cause trouble with Wulin again.

"I will never do this kind of thing that harms others and benefits myself again! But even if the director doesn't harm me, the ghost is still there. If I don't get rid of it, what if it harms others?" Wulin asked with some entanglement. .

This is what I'm waiting for. From the beginning of benefiting himself at the expense of others, to now being a man who takes responsibility, he has indeed learned a lot from this incident.

I said that I was going to Beijing to visit the director. After hearing this, Wulin immediately said that he would also go and said that he was not afraid of danger.

I rejected him. After all, it was possible for the director to face me calmly, but how could he face the martial arts? Will the director turn himself in at that time, or will he continue this farce?

I flew from Fuzhou to Beijing that night. Before leaving, Wulin asked for my bank card number.

I received a text message notification on the plane. He transferred more than five million to me, and the number was accurate to the last few cents.

Immediately afterwards, Wulin sent me a text message. He said that he had stored all his ill-gotten gains over the past few years in this card and had just transferred all his savings to me.

I didn't refuse. Throwing the money away was by no means a bad thing for Wulin. Moreover, he has a car, a house, and a villa, and he will live a good life no matter what he does. At that time, he just made a mistake and regretted it for eternity.

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to find me!

Of course, I only kept one million of the money as a reward for this incident. As soon as I got off the plane, I found a reputable charity and anonymously donated the remaining four million.

Later, Weiyu took me to a place full of courtyard houses in Dongcheng District based on the impressions from that night.

When she stopped at the door of a courtyard and told me that this was the director's residence, I didn't rush in. Instead, I leaned against the crack in the door and looked inside.

I saw the director's upper body naked and his lower body wearing large pants. There was a fan placed on the small square table next to him.

He held the bird cage to play with the birds inside, and from time to time he picked up the small teapot from the table and took a sip. He looked like an old farmer who had just returned home from work in the fields to rest.

I admired him even more. I pushed the door open and bowed to him respectfully: "Master Liu!"

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