Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 660: Endless Spring

After finishing the matter with Lai Junchen, I started studying secret books in the antique shop every day.

Finally, I understood the deepest thing recorded in the last few pages of the secret book: spirit extraction!

Cultivation of spirits refers to absorbing the strength of Yin spirits to improve oneself. This is a way to quickly improve one's cultivation. After all, those Yin spirits can be hundreds of years old or thousands of years old, and they are among the best in history. Civil servants and powerful generals.

If you take any amount of strength from them, it can be equivalent to an ordinary person practicing for half a lifetime!

If the soul extraction is successful, it will not only strengthen the body and improve one's magic power, but the most powerful thing is that it can activate the royal treasure special skill.

Why are the three bosses of the ghost market so powerful? It's because they understand imperial treasures that any simple evil object can turn decay into magic in their hands and become a divine weapon that can destroy heaven and earth.

It can be said that people who understand royal treasures can amplify the power of a ghost object ten to a hundred times.

After learning this information, I was deeply shocked. I felt that if I could find one or two legendary artifacts through cheats, and then follow the above method to extract spirits, I would be able to improve my strength very quickly.

Even if you can't kill all the invincibles in the world by then, you can at least protect yourself, and maybe you'll still be able to help the T-shirt man and the others.

Whenever I think of this, I can't help but laugh, making Yin Xinyue think I'm mentally ill. And she also knew that there was a conflict between Ruxue and me, so she encouraged me to go out and relax.

It was rare for her to be so elegant. After thinking about it, I prepared to go to Hong Kong to satisfy Yin Xinyue's shopping desire.

It just so happens that there are some contents in the secret book that I can't understand. I can go to Lost Way Temple to find the T-shirt man to learn from it!

My relationship with Yin Xinyue is inextricably linked to the city of Hong Kong. If it hadn't been for the human bone necklace, we wouldn't have been together, so I still have a good impression of Hong Kong.

This trip was free of the commotion of Li Mazi and Ruxue, and it was a rare moment of leisure. Yin Xinyue and I traveled south through Guangzhou, Shenzhen and finally arrived in the New Territories of Hong Kong.

Due to historical reasons, Hong Kong's culture is very diverse. Here you can see ancient oriental buildings and modern high-rise buildings. It can be said that Hong Kong is a veritable trade center in Asia.

The two of us worked non-stop and visited all the attractions in Hong Kong in just one day.

Several times during this period, I wanted to buy something for Yin Xinyue, but she shook her head and refused, saying she was too lazy to go all the way back to get it, but she kept choosing clothes for me.

The gap between Yin Xinyue and Ruxue was immediately apparent!

But I am a more casual person. I only wear loose casual clothes on weekdays and don't want to wear those suits and leather shoes, so I rejected her kindness.

At the end of the day, they didn't buy anything for a penny, but the two of them were exhausted and finally stayed in a hotel near Victoria Harbor.

As night falls, Hong Kong truly reflects the charm of an international metropolis. The bright lights in the square, the luxurious cruise ships in the water, and the old people selling milk tea in stockings on the streets all tell the beauty of this city.

I was lost in thought when Yin Xinyue came out of the shower and asked me to go and take a shower.

I turned around and saw that Yin Xinyue, wearing only a transparent gauze scarf, looked like a hibiscus emerging from the water in the beautiful light.

Her eyes moved and she moved her red lips slightly: "What are you looking at?"

After saying that, he put a finger on his lips and licked it with his tongue.

I just felt a wave of heat surging from my waist throughout my body. I rushed up to her and picked her up roughly, and strode to the window facing Victoria Square.

"You hurt me..." Yin Xinyue blushed and reached out to close the curtains.

I gently grabbed her hand, leaned into her ear and breathed softly: "Why don't you close the curtains? Let's make love under the moonlight."


Yin Xinyue twisted her butt coyly, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and for a moment the room was full of spring.

It was already noon when she woke up, and Yin Xinyue was fiddling with breakfast. I stood up and rubbed my aching waist, then leaned over and smiled silly at her.

After dinner, I asked to find the T-shirt guy and asked her if she wanted to come with me. She probably felt that there was no point in going by herself. After thinking about it, she shook her head and said that she would stay in the hotel and wait for me. She also said that if she got bored later, she would go to Disneyland to play, and asked me to leave her alone.

I reached out and stroked her hair, feeling that if I had another child, my life would be quite complete.

Hong Kong is a small place, and it didn’t take long for me to arrive at the Taoist temple where the man in the T-shirt lived in seclusion. When I entered the door, I couldn’t help but think of the little Taoist boy waiting for me at the door when I came last time, and I couldn’t help but sigh!

At this time, the air behind me suddenly felt strange. I quickly gathered my energy and felt it, and found that it was a very strong Yin Qi. I immediately took out the Sirius Whip and threw it out.

Since I got the Holy Mother's Staff, I rarely use the Sirius Whip, but it is my most convenient weapon after all. The main purpose of my visit this time was to see if I could successfully extract the spirit with the help of the man in the T-shirt, so I naturally chose the Sirius Whip, which is the easiest to use.

After turning my head, I instantly saw a shadow rushing over. The Sirius whip inspired lightning-like light, and the shadow that was hit let out a scream.

The scream was somewhat familiar, and when I took a closer look, I realized that the shadow turned out to be Xiaolin.

Xiaolin was wearing green pants and a red bellyband, and his pink face looked extremely cute, like a big-headed doll.

It sat on the ground and cried loudly, saying coquettishly: "Brother Jiulin, I saw you coming and wanted to give you a surprise. You are so cruel."


I immediately blushed and felt a bit contemptuous of myself for being so nervous in the presence of the man in the T-shirt. I quickly walked up and touched Xiaolin, and then asked how he was.

"He's not dead yet. Brother Jiulin needs a hug. He needs a hug!"

Xiaolin laughed and threw himself into my arms, asking me why I came here. I said I came to learn from the T-shirt man.

"The boss in the first year of junior high school is not here. He is out on business. I heard that the things he has to deal with this time are very troublesome and he won't be able to come back for a while, so he left me to look after the house." After finishing speaking, Xiaolin spread his hands and signaled that I was late.

I shook my head speechlessly. The day before yesterday, he called me to tell me that he had received a red gourd pretending to be Junchen. At that time, he was still in the audience, but he went out again in the blink of an eye.

Xiaolin suggested that I go find the T-shirt man, but I brought Yin Xinyue with me to Hong Kong, so it might not be helpful. I thought for a moment and said, "In this case, I will go back first. When the first grade of junior high school comes, you can tell him that I need help from him."

After saying that, I was about to leave Lost Way Temple, but Xiaolin wanted me to stay with him. It could be seen that it was quite boring to stay here by itself, so I left the little tailedama here for the time being.

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