Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 661 Tsim Sha Tsui Water Monster

In the next few days, Yin Xinyue and I continued to have sex in the hotel. We walked around the neighborhood during the day and tasted a variety of delicious food.

The week passed quickly. Yin Xinyue received a call from the company, saying that there was a new program to be produced, so she had to go back early.

I was left alone in the hotel, feeling a little disappointed. I wanted to call the man in the T-shirt to ask about the situation, but I was afraid of disturbing him.

Fortunately, Li Mazi called me at the right time. He said that his injuries were almost healed and he was going to be discharged from the hospital. He asked me where I had made a fortune recently.

"I'm in Hong Kong, and I'm looking for a guy in a T-shirt to hang out with for a few days." I knew this guy had been depressed recently, so I deliberately teased him.

Sure enough, Li Mazi couldn't hold it in any longer after hearing this, and immediately expressed that he wanted to come to Hong Kong to find me.

Seeing that I didn't reply for a long time, Li Mazi said unhappily: "Brother Zhang, are you not angry with Ruxue? She is a little girl who knows nothing. She can break up the life-long friendship between us. Of?"

"You think too much." I felt much better after hearing what Li Mazi said.

He was right, Ruxue was just a little girl, there was no need to get angry with her. I pinched my nose and said, "Don't look for me. Look for business as soon as you are discharged from the hospital. I will be back soon."

Seeing that I was serious about what I said, Li Mazi agreed.

After hanging up the phone, I decided to contact the T-shirt man tomorrow. Unexpectedly, the T-shirt man called me at dawn. He said that he had just finished disposing of a vaginal object and asked me where I was now.

"Wait for me in the Taoist temple!"

I was so happy that I immediately rushed to Lost Way Temple. When I arrived, I straight away took out the secret book and showed it to the man in the T-shirt. I couldn't wait to ask, "Can I extract spirits now?"

The man in the T-shirt looked at it for a long time, with unconcealable excitement on his face.

I thought to myself that there should be some way to this matter, otherwise there would be no need for him, a big ice cube, to be so excited.

Sure enough, the man in the T-shirt said excitedly: "Jiulin, the things recorded in this secret book are so profound, it is simply the lifelong experience of the three bosses of the ghost market! As long as you can understand it even if you only have a little knowledge, your strength will be far superior to mine. If you can understand them all, I’m afraid even the Demon Lord won’t be your opponent!”

But before I could get over my joy, he poured cold water on me again, shook his head and said, "But extracting a spirit is not that simple, especially for the first time. You must reach a consensus with the Yin spirit."

Then he told me in detail, it turns out that soul extraction is not as simple as I thought, it requires opportunity!

Because the soul extraction also needs to find the right target, it is impossible to just pull a lonely ghost, that is completely meaningless.

Even if I do encounter a powerful Yin spirit that has been practicing for thousands of years, such as Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, I have not been able to completely overwhelm its strength. It is very likely that it will be resisted during the spirit extraction process, and it may be killed by the Yin spirit. .

I can only pay attention to the next process of dealing with Yin objects, and try to meet a Yin spirit that has certain strength and is willing to share its power with me.

"If I never meet him, will I never be able to extract the soul?"

I was completely discouraged after hearing this, but I still asked unwillingly.

The man in the T-shirt was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He closed his eyes and started counting with his fingers. After a while, he raised the corners of his mouth, patted me and said, "It all depends on your luck..."

Seeing that he seemed to have figured something out, I stopped worrying about this issue and asked him what he was doing a few days ago.

"A fisherman over in Tsim Sha Tsui caught a strange man-eating fish, but I took care of it."

The man in the T-shirt said calmly, as if he could handle it easily.

But this is normal. In our industry, a single thought can mean life or death, so no matter how dangerous the situation is, as long as we can get through it, it is a trivial matter.

Since I couldn't extract the spirit, I didn't stay any longer and took Otama back home.

Li Mazi seemed to have a telepathic connection with me. He called me that day. When he learned that I was back, he rushed over and hugged me: "Brother Zhang, Mazi, I miss you so much. "

He looked lively and vigorous, and it seemed that he had really recovered. I patted him happily and half-jokingly and half-seriously asked him if he had found any good business these days.

"What do you think?"

When I asked this question, Li Mazi suddenly became energetic and said in a very arrogant manner: "There is a wealthy businessman in Zhangjiajie who has encountered a lot of trouble recently. I found out through the circle of friends that he is looking for experts. How about we give it a try?" ?”

Unexpectedly, he found a business in just a few days, and I couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up.

Then he asked with some uncertainty whether he was reliable?

Li Mazi waved his hand and said: "How can this thing be 100% reliable? If it is, it's not our turn! Let's go and give it a try. If you're lucky, you can make a fortune. If it's fake, just treat it as a tourist trip."

What he said was clear and logical. It seemed that he had become a lot smarter during his time in the hospital. I was obviously moved by his words and immediately packed my luggage and set off with him.

Li Mazi told me the basic situation while driving along the way.

This time the wealthy businessman's name is Yang Yue, and he lives in Zhangjiajie.

Yang Yue is a very business-minded person. More than ten years ago, he was a poor boy who had just graduated from college. At that time, the state was responsible for allocating jobs to college students, so he was assigned to work in the Zhangjiajie Tour Group.

At that time, reform and opening up was in full swing, tourism was developing rapidly, and the state provided strong support for college students to start their own businesses. It was said that as long as they had relevant certificates, college graduates could get loans without any threshold.

Yang Yue seized the opportunity to get a loan from the bank, bought out the use rights of hundreds of acres of land near the scenic spot at one time, and then went crazy to develop tourist attractions.

Just like this, he suddenly became the leading wealthy businessman in the entire city at that time. After that, he started real estate at the right time and once again increased the price of land in Zhangjiajie several times.

Now he is less than forty years old, but he is already worth billions, with a series of halos of glory on his head. He is a truly successful man!

With the development of the Internet in recent years, he suddenly had the idea to start a business of trading antiques online, specializing in doing business with foreigners.

Firstly, foreigners who don’t know the ropes can easily be deceived. Secondly, foreigners who don’t like to bargain can easily make huge profits.

Facts have proved that Yang Yue is once again at the forefront of the times, and the antique business is booming. Unexpectedly, just as he was frantically chasing money, something happened, and his servants died mysteriously one after another...

Everyone speculated that Yang Yue might have collected a female object as an antique, which caused all kinds of troubles, and Li Mazi's circle of friends was all maxed out for a while.

After Li Mazi finished speaking, I was a little stunned, thinking that Yang Yue was a legendary figure. It's a pity that no matter how awesome a person is, he is so insignificant in front of negative things.

Li Mazi knew everything about Yang Yue's family history, but he didn't know much about the evil things that were causing trouble. I complained speechlessly: "Why don't you get some useful information."

He smiled bitterly and said that the evil object is at Yang Yue's house. When you take a look, won't you know everything?

I ignored him, but in my mind I was thinking about how much compensation I would ask Yang Yue for after everything was done.

After arriving in Zhangjiajie, Li Mazi got in touch with Yang Yue, and Yang Yue sent bodyguards to take us to a luxurious villa near the scenic spot.

As soon as we got off the bus, Yang Yue walked out of the room enthusiastically, grabbed my hand and said, "You are the famous Master Zhang, right? Thank you for traveling all the way."

"It's okay, this is what we should do."

I took a look at Yang Yue and found that he was of average height and thin with a bulging belly. I guess he had a beer belly from socializing a lot in recent years.

Then he led us into the luxurious villa. The decoration in the villa was very simple, not as luxurious as I imagined, but the living room was very clean and refreshing, with a simple beauty.

This made me like Yang Yue even more. After a brief exchange of greetings, I coughed and said, "Mr. Yang, there are rules in every profession. If I can solve the problem, you have to let me pick a treasure to take away."

I didn't know if it was a hidden object that was causing trouble, so I had to keep it safe and said that in the worst case, I would go back and choose an antique from his collection.

"Hey, don't say anything. As long as you help me get rid of the trouble, you can choose any of the antiques in my house." Yang Yue waved her hand and replied cheerfully.

I nodded and asked him to tell me the specific situation.

Seeing that he was hesitant, Li Mazi interrupted: "Boss Yang, tell me what you have to say. This is the business we are in. There is nothing we can't say."

Yang Yue rolled her eyes and recalled: "This started two months ago. At that time, a servant got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and found that a room in the villa was still lit. That room was usually used as a warehouse. It was unoccupied, so he wanted to turn off the lights, but he heard the sound of men and women doing that kind of thing coming from the room."

Having said this, Yang Yue smiled awkwardly.

I waved my hand for him to continue. For a boss as big as him, what family doesn't have seven or eight servants? As time goes by, it’s not surprising that someone catches their eye and finds an opportunity to have sex.

Later, the servant reported the matter to Yang Yue. After learning about it, Yang Yue sent someone to check it. After confirming that nothing was missing in the warehouse, he decided to turn a blind eye and pretended that he didn't know about it.

As a result, a maid died in the villa within a few days. There was no scar on her body, and there were no signs of a struggle around her, which basically ruled out homicide.

When the police came to the scene to investigate, the accompanying forensic doctor studied the body countless times, but was unable to find the cause of death. In the end, they could only characterize the case as suicide.

Everyone knew it was an excuse, but no one wanted to spend time on a dead person, and the matter quickly turned over.

Just when Yang Yue thought things had calmed down, another maid died mysteriously in the villa. He has been working hard outside all year round and has seen some supernatural phenomena. Faced with this situation, he naturally thought of supernatural events!

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