Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 662: Death of Servant

Yang Yue was afraid that her villa would become a haunted house if the trouble continued, so she began to look for experts to do something about it.

Soon a Taoist priest came to help, but unfortunately the Taoist priest was a charlatan. He just drew a few yellow symbols and pasted them on the wall and said that the problem had been solved. As a result, another person died in the villa the next day, and this The second person who died was a male servant. Like the previous two maids, the cause of death could not be found!

Yang Yue was completely panicked, fearing that she would be the next to die, so she immediately spent a lot of money to find an expert for help. It happened that Li Mazi was also looking for business a few days ago, so the two hit it off.

After listening to what he said, I thought about it carefully, then held my chin and asked, "Where did those three servants die?"

They didn't die for no reason, they must have been killed by something. I always feel that all this has something to do with the junk warehouse. Maybe they violated some taboo by having an affair in the warehouse.

But there were two people having an affair, but three people died, which made the clues much blurred. I had no idea for a while, so I had to ask in detail.

As if reading my thoughts, Yang Yue shook his head and said: "Those three servants did not die in the same place. They all died in their bedrooms in the middle of the night. And I don't have a camera here, so I can't judge the deceased at all. Was he the one who had an affair that night?"

"Take me to the scene to see it!"

I sighed and followed him to the rooms of the three deceased people. Two of the maids lived in one room, and the other male servant lived in another room.

The decoration of both rooms is relatively good, and they are fully equipped with air conditioning, computers, etc. It can be seen that Yang Yue treats the people below him well. Because someone had just died, there was an inexplicable coldness in the room. I closed the curtains, focused my attention on the room, and finally saw a cloud of gloomy energy on the bedside and the dresser.

"Did the two maids die on the bedside and the dresser respectively?"

I asked habitually. Yang Yue's eyes widened immediately after hearing this. He held my hand and said that he is really a god. I am saved now.

Then he changed the topic and asked me if I saw anything? I continued to observe, but found that there was only the Yin Qi of the two deceased people in the room, and there was nothing else out of the ordinary.

The same is true for the maid's room. Everything looks normal. The more it looks like this, the more it shows that the mischief this time is not simple!

The last time I came to Junchen made me understand that dirty things appear in various ways, and they can appear from all kinds of unexpected places, so I secretly told myself to be careful.

Since no clues were found in the deceased's room, I turned my attention to the debris warehouse again and asked Yang Yue to lead us there.

He seemed to be very afraid of this warehouse. His eyes flickered for a long time before he came back to his senses. He sighed and slowly walked towards the second floor.

I felt something was wrong with him, so I looked at each other with Li Mazi. Li Mazi winked at me. It seemed that he also noticed Yang Yue's abnormality!

Finally, Yang Yue took us to the door of the innermost room on the second floor. There was an iron chain as thick as a thumb wrapped around the door, with a seal from the Public Security Bureau attached to it.

"After the accident, I felt there was something wrong here, so I asked friends from the Public Security Bureau to help seal the house..." Yang Yue explained, taking out a bunch of keys to unlock the house.

I stopped him, walked forward gently and reached out to touch the door. I was shocked: it was extremely cold, like ice cubes in winter.

It seemed that the real owner was hiding in the junk warehouse. I motioned to Li Mazi and Yang Yue to stop talking, and then wiped two drops of cow tears on my eyes.

The door can block the naked eye, but it cannot block the Yin Qi. As the unique bitterness of cow tears comes to my eyelids, I can clearly see a cloud of purple gas lingering in the room.

Although I couldn't see what was causing the trouble specifically, but judging from the purple energy that filled the room, it was definitely not simple.

It would be easy to alert someone by rushing in. In order to prevent dirty things from escaping, I signaled Li Mazi and Yang Yue to leave quietly.

"Brother Zhang, are you sure?"

Li Mazi knew from the look on my face that the thing was inside, and asked worriedly. I shook my head and said, "It doesn't look like it's going to be easy to deal with."

After saying that, I turned to look at Yang Yue and asked him what was put in the sundries warehouse?

He thought for a while and said there were some discarded furniture and some shady antiques.

"Those antiques were sold to me by tomb robbers, but before I could resell them to foreigners, these idiot tomb robbers were caught! I was afraid of getting into trouble, so I temporarily locked the antiques in the junk warehouse. It seems that almost a year has passed, and it’s time to take action.”

Yang Yue said naturally, after all, I am also an antique player, and he has nothing to hide.

After hearing this, I became more confident. What he called shady things was a jargon term, specifically referring to the treasures dug up by tomb robbers.

This kind of antique itself has a strong yin energy and resentment, coupled with the catalysis of some special conditions, it is very likely to become a yin object.

The thing causing trouble is most likely one of these antiques. He said that this batch of antiques had been stored in the warehouse for about a year, and the death incident only occurred in the past two months.

It must be that the two cheating servants accidentally angered the Yin spirit, which caused the disaster!

This shows from the side that the Yin spirit hates people who have affairs. The Yin spirit hates cheating, and even hates the person who cheats with it. This must be related to its experience in life.

"Master, what do you think we should do about this?"

Seeing that I didn't speak for a long time, Yang Yue asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, wait until night to check the situation. It's broad daylight now. Rushing in may arouse the vigilance of the evil thing, and I'm not sure I can directly tell what is causing trouble. It would be a big deal if it takes the opportunity to run away. Trouble."

After saying that, I asked Yang Yue to arrange for us to rest. Just as he answered the phone, he asked his servants to arrange for us to move in, and he hurriedly went out to do errands.

Li Mazi looked at Yang Yue's back and said with emotion that success is not easy for anyone. After hearing this, the servant nodded in agreement and said, "The boss is like this. No matter what the situation, he will not delay the work at hand."

After the servants left, Li Mazi jumped into my room with a sneaky look and asked me if there was anything I needed his help with.

"If you can't sleep, go out and find me a kitten."

I knew Li Mazi was in a mood, and it would be difficult for me to fall asleep if I didn't put him away, so I said casually. Li Mazi nodded and went out happily.

I took the time to fall asleep. Fortunately, Li Mazi didn't bother me again. It was already evening when I woke up. When I went downstairs, I found Li Mazi playing with a white cat.

Yang Yue sat opposite him, her brows furrowed as if she had something on her mind. I coughed lightly and walked forward. When they saw me, they both stood up and asked me how I was resting.


I touched my nose in embarrassment, and then replied in a serious tone: "As soon as it gets dark, everyone in the villa will stay in the room immediately. No matter what happens, don't come out. I'll go meet that thing!"

After that, I took the key to the sundries warehouse from Yang Yue, and went to the corridor on the second floor with Li Mazi to wait.

In order to facilitate our movement, Yang Yue turned off the power switch of the villa, and the whole villa was instantly plunged into darkness.

As the night deepened, the temperature in the sundries warehouse at the end of the corridor dropped significantly. Li Mazi and I felt a dark wind blowing from there even though we were far apart.

"Brother Zhang, why...why is it so cold?"

Li Mazi didn't wear much, and his body was shaking from the cold. He rubbed his palms and asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, it's coming out soon!" I said with a sullen face.

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