Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 664 Golden Phoebe Chair

The billionaire knelt down for me, and I couldn't help but tremble in my heart.

Because I know that he is not kneeling on me, but on behalf of his son to atone for his sins!

Poor parents in the world, the words "killing relatives for justice" are easy to say, but when really faced with this situation, how many people can face it calmly?

What's more, the matter is no longer limited to the grudge between Xiaoxia and Yang Hao. If the ghost in the junk warehouse is not dealt with, people may continue to die.

I sighed, asked Li Mazi and Yang Yue to calm down, and then told them about the ghosts in the sundries warehouse.

Li Mazi was not so excited anymore, and he also knew the seriousness of the matter. After hearing this, Yang Yue's eyes were full of disbelief, but he quickly adjusted and asked anxiously: "Master, how is my son now? Where is he."

"He is safe. As for where he is..."

I said without emotion: "Boss Yang, your son should be punished as he deserves. I saved him just to get him to commit suicide, not to help him escape!"

After hearing this, a trace of ferocity flashed across Yang Yue's face. I think he must have had the idea of ​​​​silencing me and Li Mazi. However, he was a smart man and knew that his son was in our hands, so he quickly gave up that idea.

"I know Ahao is doomed this time, but I am his father after all. I..."

Yang Yue shed tears slowly. He lost any aura at this moment. He was just a father who spoiled his children.

"Depending on your identity, I think it is unlikely that he will be convicted of the death penalty! Besides, going to jail can also teach him how to behave, which is better than facing the threat of Xiaoxia all the time."

I tried to enlighten him, and Yang Yue seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. Finally, he let out a long sigh and waved his hand towards me.

I took the two of them to the hotel roof and asked Wei Yu to come out of Yang Hao's body.

After Yang Hao regained his consciousness and saw Yang Yue, he crawled and hugged Yang Yue's thigh, crying and shouting: "Dad, save me, you are only a son like me. If I die, you will have no heirs." Save me."


Yang Yue slapped him on the face and said with tears in his eyes: "You must be rehabilitated in prison. I will find someone to take care of you and I won't let you be sentenced to death."

"What? Yang Yue, are you crazy? Tiger poison doesn't even eat its seeds. You actually want to hand me over to the police. You..." After hearing this, Yang Hao went crazy and pointed at Yang Yue hysterically.

I suddenly felt very sad for Yang Yue. What's the use of having more money, having given birth to such a stupid thing.

Without saying a word, Li Mazi kicked Yang Hao away and dialed 110.

The police car arrived soon. Because Yang Yue was a well-known local figure, the police did not make things difficult for them, and finally decided that Yang Hao had surrendered.

Yang Yue then led the police to the place where Yang Hao buried the body and dug out Xiaoxia's body.

How the country and the law will punish him is no longer a topic I care about. Looking at the police car driving away, I released Xiaoxia's soul and advised her with sincerity: "Girl, he has already received the punishment he deserves." , you should also hurry up and be reincarnated!"

Xiaoxia watched Yang Hao being taken away, and the anger on her face dissipated a lot. Then she saw her body being reburied and finally turned into a wisp of flying smoke.

After returning to the villa, Yang Yue fell to his knees when he got out of the car, and the bodyguards on the side quickly helped him up.

"Two masters, I have to trouble you to sort out the stuff in the sundries warehouse. I won't accompany you for the time being."

After Yang Yue said that, he let his bodyguard help him back to the bedroom, probably to find connections to help his son plead for mercy. Li Mazi asked worriedly: "Brother, what do you think this old guy will do if he finds connections to give his son a lighter sentence?"

"Since Xiaoxia has reincarnated, the cause and effect has been finalized. No matter how he works, Yang Hao will inevitably be imprisoned. This is his fate."

It was already dawn, and it was past the peak period of time for vaginal substances. I rushed to the second floor sundries warehouse with my Sirius Whip in hand. As soon as I arrived at the door, I smelled a strong musky smell. I paused slightly and gritted my teeth. Step inside.

Yang Yue had already restored the switch before. I turned on the lights and found that the room was not as messy as I thought. There are some cardboard boxes placed near the door, with a bed and two chairs inside.

There are quilts on the bed, so it's no wonder someone comes here to have an affair. The foot of the bed was very high, and I could easily see the antiques placed under the bed.

They are all porcelain, calligraphy and painting, etc., nothing special. I took them out one by one and observed them for a long time, and found that most of these porcelains came from the official kilns of the Ming Dynasty, and most of the calligraphy and paintings were from the Tang and Song Dynasties.

It seems that Yang Yue didn't lie to me. If it weren't for the tomb robbers, it would be difficult for him to receive so many genuine items at once.

Unfortunately, I rummaged through everything under the bed and couldn't find any antiques with yin energy on them. Li Mazi sat on one of the chairs and asked impatiently: "Brother Zhang, are there any vaginal objects?"

"Did not see it."

I stood up and patted the dirt on my body. I accidentally saw the chair under Li Mazi's butt, and my eyes were instantly attracted.

This chair is actually made of golden nanmu!

Golden nanmu is extremely precious. The ancients generally used it to make coffins, but few people used it to make furniture. But these two chairs looked like antiques at first glance. I picked up the other one and observed it carefully, and found that the texture on the back of the chair was very thick.

It feels very hard when you reach out and pat it, but when you press it lightly with your fingers, it has a certain amount of elasticity. This is fine golden nanmu, at least seven or eight hundred years old, probably from the Song Dynasty.

The royal family of the Song Dynasty all used golden nanmu to make coffins. The most famous one is that after Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea with the little emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty on his back, someone fished out the body of the little emperor and buried him in a coffin made of golden nanmu. From then on, It can be seen that the royal family of the Song Dynasty favored golden nanmu.

The owner of these two chairs lived in the Song Dynasty and actually made the chairs out of golden nanmu. He was at least a relative of the emperor.

I subconsciously felt that the problem was with the chairs, so I quickly pulled Li Mazi away and put the two chairs together for observation.

This is a typical pair of armchairs. The so-called armchairs mean that the patterns and decorations of the two chairs are symmetrical. If sold as a pair, they would be worth at least tens of millions. Unfortunately, I can't see any clues other than their own merit.

I sat on it for a while, and finally pulled Li Mazi out of the sundries warehouse. After going out, Li Mazi suddenly thought of something, ran back to the room, handed me the kitten he bought, and asked me What is the use?

"Its purpose is to play with you."

I spread my hands and ran towards my room quickly before Li Mazi could react.

After hearing this, Li Mazi was stunned for a moment and cursed angrily: "Zhang Jiulin, you are fucking kidding me!"


I closed the door heavily and lay on the bed to think about it. Since Xiaoxia was willing to reincarnate, she must not be lying, because ghosts can only reincarnate when they have no distracting thoughts.

Therefore, there is definitely something in the sundries warehouse that is yin. If you didn't see it just now, it just means that it is too powerful and can hide your yin energy. I will do this around the sundries warehouse tonight and I will definitely be able to force it out.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot more at ease, but I felt vaguely that something was wrong, as if I had forgotten some important clues. I tried hard to grasp the clue, but my mind became more and more confused, and I finally fell asleep.

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