Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 665: Yang Clan Female General

I don’t know how long it took, but I was suddenly awakened by a chaotic sound of fighting. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in a vast battlefield, witnessing tens of thousands of people fighting!

The two sides fighting were the Song Dynasty troops wearing armor on one side, and the Xixia people wearing fancy clothes on the other side, because many of them had pigtails on their heads.

I thought I had arrived on the set, and hurriedly ran to the two people who were fighting. I was about to ask them what movie they were filming.

Suddenly one of them cut off the other's head with a knife, and blood spurted out more than two meters high.

I touched the blood on my face and was shocked to find that it was really hot human blood. The head rolled on the ground several times and finally fell at my feet. I looked over in confusion, but was shocked to see the eyes that were staring at death. !

This is really a human head!

I looked around in panic. The Song army had been defeated and the Xixia cavalry was slaughtering the remaining Song army unscrupulously.

There was blood and corpses all over the ground, and there were wailing sounds and the perverted laughter of Xixia people everywhere.

At this time, two Xixia people with pigtails came to me on horseback and saluted respectfully: "Report to your Majesty, all the female generals of the Yang clan have been annihilated by us. The last general also captured a few beauties, which are specially presented to your Majesty. Warm the bed.”

I followed them forward for a while by accident, and suddenly I found a dozen Han women surrounded by the crowd. They were wearing Song Dynasty armor, their bodies covered with bloodstains, supporting each other and leaning against each other.

In the middle of these women stood an old lady with gray hair, holding a dragon-head crutch in her hand and glaring at me angrily. Seeing me looking over, she let out a sigh and said righteously: "Thief, since I fell into your hands, I will give you a happy life. Although the general of the Yang family died today, the Song Dynasty will not die!"

After hearing this, I was shocked and subconsciously said, "Mrs. She?"

"Hahaha, it's me!"

She looked up to the sky and laughed, then hit her head on a rock and died on the spot. Upon seeing this, the other female generals cried and raised their weapons to wipe their necks.

At this time, the Xixia people quickly shot sharp arrows to deflect their weapons, and then countless people rushed up and tore their clothes.

"Brothers, let's have a taste of what it's like to be a female general of the Song Dynasty. Don't be anxious, line up, line up!"

The Xixia general next to me shouted and joined in. After a while, he picked up a half-naked woman and threw it next to me. He said in a flattering manner: "Your Majesty, this is the most beautiful woman from the Yang family. It is said that she is from the Song Dynasty." Princess Che, please accept it, General."

He repeatedly called me "King". I looked down in confusion and saw that I was wearing Khitan royal attire.

After waiting for a long time, I realized that I had arrived in the Song Dynasty, and at the moment of the final decisive battle between the female generals of the Yang family and the Xixia people.

I didn't expect that the famous female general of the Yang family would end up like this. I sighed. At this time, the general said again: "Your Majesty, this is the princess of the Song Dynasty, with golden branches and jade leaves, you..."

As she spoke, she pulled off the bellyband of the woman in front of her, revealing a large area of ​​snowy white. I never thought I could see Lord Cheshire's body, and I reacted instantly.

Reason tells me that I am a Han Chinese and cannot do such things that are worse than pigs and dogs. However, an evil fire rises up from my lower abdomen and keeps flooding into my head. A voice keeps appearing in my heart: "Hurry up, miss this." Chances are you’ll regret it, so get on it.”

I kept struggling between reason and evil thoughts, and finally defeated the evil thoughts with the help of the Tao Te Ching. At this time, the screams of the women outside had disappeared. I already knew their fate and couldn't help but clenched my fists.

At this time, the two generals saw that I was indifferent. They looked at each other, rubbed their hands and tried to knock Princess Che down.

"Fuck you, I will fight with you!"

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I pulled out the scimitar from my waist and killed one of them, then took his horse and left while protecting Princess Che.

"Kill him, he is a spy of the Han people, shoot the arrow quickly!"

Another general reacted and shouted loudly at the thousands of soldiers beside him. In a blink of an eye, I was surrounded and countless arrows flew over me.

"It seems we can't get out, so we'll die together."

I said with a smile. Although Princess Che did not speak in my arms, she winked at me gently. I lowered my body and blocked her body as much as possible.


Just when I thought I was about to suffer the pain of thousands of arrows piercing my heart, I suddenly woke up from the bed and realized that everything just now was just a dream.

But this dream was very real. I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and wondered why I suddenly had such a dream.

Although it was just a dream, I can recall every scene clearly. I don't want to believe this is true, and I can't believe that the female general of the Yang family ended up like this.

It took me a long time to come back to my senses. Just as I was about to get up, I suddenly smelled a musky smell in the air. I was stunned for a moment and then realized that we had smelled this smell when we first entered the sundries warehouse.

But the smell disappeared after Li Mazi and I entered the door, and we didn't see anything that could emit musk. It’s just that the focus of our observations at that time was on antiques, so we ignored this point.

So the Yin spirit came to my room just now, and the previous dream was also deliberately created by it. Could it be that Yin Ling is one of the female generals of the Yang Clan. I withstood the test of lust and risked my life to save Princess Che at the last moment, so it let me go?

After contacting the two people who died because of the affair, I felt that my guess was correct. I entered the sundries warehouse with Li Mazi in the early morning. Yin Ling just entered my room quietly and would definitely 'visit' Li Mazi.

If Yin Ling uses other tricks, Li Mazi may be able to see through it, but once he uses a honey trap, this kid will definitely fall for it!

My heartbeat suddenly accelerated. If something happened to him again, I would really be ashamed to see Ruxue. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran out with the Sirius Whip. When I turned around, I saw the kitten rolling crazily at the door of Li Mazi's room. , looking inside eagerly, but with fear on his face.

Cats, like dogs, are psychic animals, and its abnormality once again confirmed my guess. In my desperation, I didn't bother to find someone to open the door. I took two steps back, rushed forward and kicked the door open.

As soon as I opened the door, I smelled a strong musky smell, and then I saw Li Mazi struggling painfully on the bed.

His body had left the bed and was supported only by his limbs. He was twisting around as if he was avoiding some attack.

The area above his neck was blood red, and I could see his raised blood vessels from a long distance away!

Seeing that he was going to die at any time like this, I rushed forward with red eyes and whipped Li Mazi hard on the chest. A burst of purple smoke came out of his chest, and then he lay down on the bed.

At this time, the musk in front of me became stronger and stronger, and finally condensed into a figure. I subconsciously stepped back, cleared my throat, gathered a mouthful of saliva, and spat towards the figure.

Saliva originates from the human body and has a certain amount of yang energy. And since the Yin Ling this time is a female general of the Yang family, I don't think she will be unreasonable, so I don't need to use my blood to deal with her.

With a sip of spit, the figures that had just gathered dispersed, but then they got together again. In the end, she transformed into an old lady holding a dragon-headed crutch. She was clearly the Queen She who had just died for her country in a dream!

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