Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 668 Visitors from Ordos

Autumn passed in the blink of an eye, and the cold winter entered again. During this time, I dealt with several more small vaginas, but I have never been able to find one suitable for extracting spirits.

Fortunately, he has integrated Taijun She's power with his own, and has entered Li Mazi's dreams more than once while he was sleeping.

Once, I played a prank on Li Mazi, condensing his spiritual energy while he was sleeping, and made him become the emperor. The result was that this boy was just as I expected. After he ascended the throne, he was busy playing with the seventy-two concubines of the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard all day long. There are no military affairs at all.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I pulled him back from the dream. I didn't expect that after he knew it was me, he kept pestering me and continued to let him be the emperor in the dream. I had no choice but to move Ruxue out, and then he gave up.

A few days ago, I figured that the Eternal Spirit Ring could be awakened, so I injected some blood essence and successfully awakened the little Ring Spirit.

I thought that I could summon any Yin Spirit to fight at will, but the Ring Spirit said that it could only be drawn randomly. It was the first time I used it in the ghost market, so I made an exception and gave me Guan Yunchang, who took the head of an admiral among the armies.

After listening to it, I felt a little discouraged, and my expectations for the Eternal Spirit Ring were not that high. After all, I used it as a life-saving thing. If I were to randomly draw it, if one day I encountered a difficult opponent, I would awaken a scum like Princess Taiping with a combat power of five, and I would be duped.

The little Ringwraith seemed to see what I was thinking and said with a smile: "Master, don't be discouraged. As your spiritual power increases, your options will become wider and wider. When your own spiritual power reaches a certain level, I will remind you to turn on Selector mode."

After listening to it, I gained confidence. Anyway, I will gather spirits many times in the future, and my strength will continue to strengthen. I will definitely be able to choose generals by then. Until then, I just don't regard the Eternal Spirit Ring as a trump card.

That day, I was leisurely sitting in the antique shop playing with Wei Yu. From time to time, I used my spiritual power to remove antiques from the shelves. I felt like a hidden master in the fairy tale movie, and my heart was filled with pride.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and start having sex when I thought about the exciting place. After all, every boy has his own dream of being a hero. Just as I was thinking about it, an anxious voice suddenly came from the door: "Is Master Zhang here?"

I looked up and saw a woman in her thirties. She was wearing a headscarf unique to ethnic minorities. She was rubbing her hands and looking at me nervously.

Judging from the non-standard Mandarin she just spoke, she should be a compatriot from an ethnic minority. I hurried up to meet her and said with a smile: "I am Zhang Jiulin. What can I do for you, eldest sister?"

"Yes, yes!"

After hearing this, a sparkle appeared in the woman's eyes. She nodded repeatedly, grabbed my arm and said, "Brother, you must help me."

I couldn't help but be speechless, and before I could say a few words, I changed my name to "big brother". Fortunately, I have a gentle temperament. If it were a colleague with a bad temper, I might have kicked her out at that time.

I cleared my throat and asked her to tell her what was going on.

"My name is Tana, I came here from Ordos."

She paused for a while and said seriously: "My husband's name is Shi Jun. He is from Han nationality. He was very good to me when we first got married, but in the past few years he has been treating me worse and worse. He often looks at me fiercely. That look was like looking at an enemy."

"We are from rural areas, and we are not that particular. Although he is not as kind to me as before, we can barely get by, so I don't think much about it."

At this point, Tana suddenly stopped and couldn't help crying.

I quickly took a tissue from the table and handed it to her. She took it and wiped her tears before saying painfully: "We had a heavy snowfall a few days ago. From then on, my husband seemed to be a different person. Look, All ethnic minority people seem to have a blood feud. They often fight with others, smash other people's things, and even injure others with knives. Now they have been detained by the police station..."

As Tana spoke, she lifted up her sleeves and showed me her arms. There were bruises on them, and there were bloodshot bruises in some places. It looked like they had been beaten with a stick. Although she covered herself tightly, I could still tell from the collar that she also had injuries on her chest.

It's really heartbreaking that she suffered such grievances and still wanted to save her husband. I comforted her a few words and tried to ask: "Does your family have the habit of collecting antiques?"

Shi Jun changed a few years ago, which shows that he has been affected by the evil spirit since then, but the evil spirit has not yet awakened, so he did not do anything too outrageous.

The heavy snowfall a few days ago awakened the Yin spirit, and Shi Jun was completely obsessed by the Yin spirit, so he became like a mad dog biting everyone he saw. So I suspect that the fetus is in Tana’s house.

Unexpectedly, Tana shook her head and said that she had no antiques at home. She said that she and her husband killed pigs and sold meat, and they were in the butcher business. The house was full of oil all day long, and they had no time to tinker with antiques.

I was stunned for a moment after hearing this. You must know that because the butcher kills pigs and sheep all year round, he has a strong evil spirit on his body, and ordinary dirty things dare not get close to him.

Because of this, people in many places will hire a butcher to curse in the room with a butcher's knife, which can basically drive away the evil things.

There are not many examples of people like Shi Jun who are pig butchers and are haunted by evil spirits, so I have some doubts about whether he has really been possessed by evil spirits, or is there something wrong with his own brain?

"Our family is living a pretty good life, and the child is very obedient. He gets along well with his fellow villagers on weekdays. There is no reason for him to become mentally ill."

Tana thought for a while and said, she still thought her husband was evil.

I nodded. Any guesses I made before seeing Shi Jun in person were untenable. I asked her to wait downstairs for a while, went upstairs to get the Sirius Whip and the Holy Mother's Staff, and then drove her to the airport by plane. Ordos, Inner Mongolia.

I received a call from Li Mazi on the way. He said he came to me for a drink with wine and meat, but the store locked the door and asked me where I was.

I knew I couldn't hide it, so I told him that I was going out to do a business and asked him to help me look after the shop at home.

Taijun She almost killed him last time, and that incident gave me a wake-up call, so under normal circumstances I decided not to involve him.

Li Mazi was rare and didn't blame me. He also said that I could handle the vaginal objects with ease and leave the family affairs to him. After all, Nianchu has learned to call him daddy. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that the child will lose his father.

Tana's family is located in Otuoke Banner under the jurisdiction of Ordos. This place is known as Dunhuang on the grassland and has many famous historical relics and rare plants.

The village she lives in is not big, with only a few dozen sparse households. Most of the house buildings have distinctive Mongolian characteristics, but there are also some Han buildings, which reflect the connotation of ethnic blending.

Tana's home is a farmhouse with a small yard. In the yard there is a rack for killing pigs, with iron hooks and several boning knives hanging on it. They are all covered with dust.

She told me that since Shi Jun's reform, she no longer does business. She, a woman, could not make a living by killing pigs, so she had to close the stall and find some farm work nearby to make ends meet.

Then she took me into the room. There was a little girl lying on the table doing homework. When she saw Tana, she cried and rushed towards her.

It turned out that this was her and Shi Jun's daughter Shi Li, who was in elementary school. Shi Jun went crazy and not only beat Tana, but even his own daughter.

Fortunately, Shi Jun was detained by the police station, otherwise Tana would not be able to worry about leaving her daughter at home!

After all, Shi Jun was just fighting with others, smashing things, etc. He would be released after being detained for a few days at most. If he paid a fine, he would be released immediately.

I didn't want to waste time here, so I asked Tana to ransom Shi Jun. After hearing this, she was embarrassed and said that her family couldn't afford the ransom.

It seemed that she was really at the end of her rope. I sighed and asked her to take me to the nearby police station. Anyway, it's just a matter of a few hundred dollars, so I might as well pay it for her.

The police station is in a town a few kilometers away. It takes less than ten minutes to drive there. Tana and I went to the police station to explain the situation and paid a fine. Soon a middle-aged man with a beard was released.

Tana quickly went up to him and asked him how he was doing in the past few days and whether he had suffered any hardships. Unexpectedly, Shi Jun slapped her on the face and said angrily: "You have the nerve to ask why you came here. Did you go fool around with other men while I was not at home?"

Tana was obviously stunned. She covered her face and looked at her husband with aggrieved face.

Seeing this, Shi Jun kicked his nose and face and stretched out his hand to hit someone again.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I strode forward, grabbed his arm, and said coldly: "Your wife has no money, and I helped pay the ransom. She has been trying to save you these past few days!"

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