Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 669: Cut into pieces

Then Shi Jun still wanted to struggle. Even though he was a big man, how could he struggle away from my hand? After all, I now possess Taijun She’s power.

His face turned ugly and he asked me who I was.

I didn't want to conceal my identity, but when I saw his appearance, he was obviously confused by the Yin spirit. I was afraid that he would inform the Yin spirit, so I casually said: "I am your wife's cousin!"

"When did you get a cousin? Why didn't I know?" Shi Jun glared at me fiercely after hearing this, and then looked at Tana and asked with a sullen face.

Tana looked very afraid of Shi Jun, lowering her head and not daring to speak. It wasn't until I winked at her that she nodded cautiously.

Shi Jun probably didn't expect that Tana would have the guts to lie to him, so he believed that I was her cousin, snorted and walked in front.

Just from this one meeting, I felt how low Tana's status was in the family! No wonder people say that the status of ethnic minority women is like that of ants. She suffered this pain silently but never thought of leaving Shi Jun. Naturally, she was influenced by traditional thinking.

I comforted her a few words, and then took a taxi back home. Shi Jun didn't plan to ride in the car with us, so I ignored him.

Shi Jun came back not long after we got home. He didn't say a word after he came back, and slammed the door. Not long after, he heard the sound of snoring.

"Master, do you want to wake him up?"

After Tana prepared dinner, she invited me and Shi Li to eat, and asked me hesitantly at the same time.

"Forget it, let him have a good sleep." I sighed and said.

She obviously felt sorry for her husband and wanted him to sleep a little longer. Anyway, Shi Jun is not crazy now, so there is no point in waking him up. He might even cause trouble for us.

Tana nodded and started eating in silence, because everyone was unhappy and the meal was boring. After the meal, I asked Tana to take the little girl to bed first.

"You go to Lily's room and rest for a while. Mother and daughter are talking outside."

Tana hugged Shi Li, who was already yawning, and said, "In fact, when I entered the house, I found that there were only two bedrooms in their house, and there was no place for me to sleep."

I just wanted to keep an eye on Shi Jun. I had no intention of sleeping at all, so I gently said to her: "You can take the child to sleep! I'll keep an eye here for a while."

After saying that, I took a hard look at Shi Jun's room. Tana quickly reacted, looked at me gratefully, then hugged my daughter and went back to the house to sleep.

Soon the night deepened and the living room became colder and colder. Fortunately, I bought a down jacket when I came here.

I tightened my tight clothes and leaned on the chair in the corner to rest. Although my eyes were closed, my ears were not idle, carefully feeling the movement in Shi Jun's room.

Since the police station released him easily, it means that he did not cause trouble again during his detention. I think Yin Ling was a little afraid of the police station for some reason, so I didn't bother him anymore.

Now that Shi Jun has finally been released, Yin Ling will definitely not miss this opportunity!

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't move, and I was not used to the temperature here in Inner Mongolia. I couldn't help but feel sleepy, and fell asleep after a while.

I was sleeping when I was suddenly awakened by Tana's scream, and then I felt a cold light coming towards me.

I opened my eyes in a hurry and saw Shi Jun stabbing me in the neck with a bright boning knife.

If he succeeds in this, I will have to go directly to see the King of Hell. At that moment, he shrank down reflexively to avoid the fatal blow, but he still stabbed his shoulder blade. Fortunately, the down jacket is relatively thick, and the skin is only scratched.

When he saw me running away, he attacked me again with fierce eyes, making it clear that he wanted to take my life.

I knew that he was under the influence of the evil spirit, so I immediately ducked and left the chair, and at the same time took out the Emei thorn from my waist to confront him!

I thought about using the Emei Thorn to deal with him, but unexpectedly he didn't care about my Emei Thorn and focused on cutting me with the boning knife. I could only passively use the Emei Thorn to resist his knife.

Although the Emei thorn is very effective in dealing with dirty things, it has no advantage at all compared with the thick boning knife. After a few rounds, I had several cuts on my body. Although I didn't suffer much injury, my clothes were completely ruined.

I was so angry that he didn't care about it anymore. I immediately recited Beidou Tianlang Jue, then used one hand to pull the Tianlang Whip out of the bag, and gave him a hard whip.

Shi Jun's expression changed after seeing the Sirius Whip, he turned around and wanted to run away, but it was too late!

The Sirius whip was struck firmly on him. Shi Jun's body froze, and he threw the knife towards me, and then fled out of the house like a bereaved dog.

I hurriedly hid aside, followed closely, pulled out a magic talisman and stuck it on his forehead. Shi Jun suddenly collapsed to the ground like a deflated ball, twitched a few times and then passed out.

I asked Tana to find a thumb-thick hemp rope and tie him up, then threw him on the bed. At this time, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked Tana in a bit of shock what happened just now.

"I was afraid that he would catch a cold, so I went into the house to cover him with a quilt, but accidentally woke him up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he said..."

Tana's face turned red when she said this: "He said you were my lover and thought you had cuckolded him, so he wanted to kill you."

I was speechless for a while after listening to it, and thought to myself that Shi Jun's imagination is quite rich. If we were really consorts, why would we bother to get him out of the police station if we wished he could die outside?

After such a fuss, Tana became even more worried about Shi Jun, so she asked me to go to Shi Li's room to sleep for a while, while she got a hot towel and went into Shi Jun's room.

I listened to the noise over there again, and it wasn't until Tana turned off the light that I breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed to fall asleep. This time I fell asleep completely, and even had a dream, in which Yin Xinyue gave birth to a big fat boy, and the family watched the baby and laughed happily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I took the child from Yin Xinyue's arms, he suddenly turned into a green-faced and fanged ghost, opened his big mouth and bit my throat.

I couldn't hide from such a close distance, so I subconsciously lay down behind him. As he lay down, the back of his head hit the bed, and he woke up instantly.

Although I often dream, I rarely have this kind of strange dream, which makes me feel bad. I wanted to call Yin Xinyue and ask her what she was doing, but I accidentally heard crying coming from next door.

I heard that the voice was from Tana, and I realized something was wrong. I quickly got up and ran over, and I was surprised to find that Tana was tied to the bed with a large wad of toilet paper stuffed in her mouth.

Shi Jun, who was originally lying on the bed, had long since disappeared. It seemed that he was completely crazy!

Toilet paper is very easy to dissolve. It is likely to slowly melt as Tana struggles. By then, it will most likely block the trachea and eventually suffocate to death.

If I had not been awakened by the dream, the consequences would have been disastrous.

I immediately took the toilet paper out of her mouth, dug out a pile of shredded paper scraps from her throat, and then cut the rope on her body with a dagger.

"He just went out not long ago, let's go chase him."

Before I could speak, Tana said urgently, and got out of bed to run out. I grabbed her and said seriously: "Stay at home and watch Shi Li."

After saying that, I casually popped out a few Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talismans and handed them to her, then chased outside.

Although Yin Ling didn't have murderous intentions towards Tana and her daughter before, there's no guarantee that he won't go crazy after being stimulated by me, so it's better to be careful.

Inner Mongolia has been a sparsely populated place since ancient times, and the same is true for their village. The area around Tana's house was empty. When I looked around, I saw a figure moving quickly in the distance.

He walked very fast. I thought he was in a hurry to see the Yin spirit, so I quickly followed him. After walking for more than an hour, there were no houses around. As far as the eye could see, it was all boundless prairie, which rustled with the cold wind.

Since there were grass and vines under my feet, I was worried that I would scare off snakes if I made any noise, so I didn’t dare to walk too fast. But he walked recklessly and made a lot of noise.

But this was convenient for me, otherwise I might have lost him in the waist-deep grass.

After walking forward for more than half an hour, he finally stopped. I rubbed my eyes, opened my eyes and looked over, and I was shocked to find that there was a grave in front of him!

This tomb is obviously quite old, and the tombs on it have been eroded by the wind into a very small mound, which is really hard to recognize unless you look carefully.

Could this be where the Yin spirit hides?

I quietly held the Sirius Whip in my hand, and just waited for the Yin Spirit to appear, then I would rush up and beat him. What I didn't expect was that Shi Jun actually took out a small engineer shovel from his arms and clicked several shovels against the grave.

Looking at Shi Jun working hard to dig the grave, I was completely confused, because he was clearly trying to dig the grave. Could it be that he wanted to rob the grave?

I decided to wait patiently and see what he wanted to do.

He didn't seem to know how tired he was, and dug out the coffin in one breath. You must know that it is winter now, and the land here in Inner Mongolia has long been frozen. Normal people simply don't have this ability.

Then he jumped in. I took the opportunity and carefully took a few steps forward. I heard a clicking sound coming from inside. It must be that he was opening the coffin.

It didn't take long for a pungent fishy smell to come from inside, a bit like salted fish, and a damp musty smell.

I pinched my nose and continued to observe, and found that he was crawling out with something on his back. When he came out completely, I took a closer look, and I was shocked to find that it was a shriveled corpse!

Shi Jun placed the body on the ground, then slashed at the body with an engineering shovel, and did not stop until the body was cut into eight pieces.

"Hahaha... So what if you die, I will let you die without any body parts! Hahaha."

At this moment, Shi Jun seemed like a devil from hell, carrying an engineering shovel and speaking viciously. The voice was simply a note of death.

When he chopped up the corpse, I felt a little broken. Now that I heard his laughter, my whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Fortunately, he left soon after. After he left completely, I hurried up and took a photo of the body with the flash of my mobile phone. I found that the body was wearing the clothes of ancient ethnic minorities, which looked similar to the clothes of the Jin Dynasty.

Although the body was divided into countless pieces and the clothes were in pieces, I could still tell from the fabric and texture of the clothes that this was a nobleman. Thinking of this, I curiously jumped into the pit to take a look, and was shocked to find the inside of the coffin. There were actually a lot of gold and silver jewelry placed there, which were faintly glowing!

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