Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 670 Tornado

Shi Jun's family is so poor that they can't even open the pot, but he turned a deaf ear to these jewels, and yet he showed such strong hatred for the deceased. I think the Yin spirit should also be from that dynasty, and may have a grudge against the deceased in the tomb, so After awakening, I will seek revenge on him!

Although I was very greedy when I looked at these jewelry, I also knew that this was not something I should take. After thinking about it, I decided to do good deeds and accumulate merit. I pieced the body together and put it back in the coffin, and then piled up the grave one by one with my hands. After two heavy snowfalls, no one will know that Shi Jun opened the tomb.

After doing everything, I sighed helplessly. I originally wanted to follow them and catch them all, but I didn't get any useful clues except that Yin Ling might be from the Jin Dynasty. I also had to help Shi Jun wipe his ass.

In order not to cause additional cause and effect, after I repaired the tomb, I took the spiritual power bred in the coffin into my body.

I helped him and took his spiritual power, and we have forgotten each other ever since!

On the way back, I always felt that I had overlooked something, but I couldn't remember it for a while. It wasn't until I felt the newly added spiritual power surge in my body that I suddenly realized what Shi Jun said just now: So what if you die!

You guys mean that he doesn’t just want to dig a person’s grave. Unfortunately, I was only focused on helping the deceased to deal with the aftermath and forgot to follow Shi Jun. If Shi Jun is discovered digging a grave elsewhere, he will probably be regarded as a tomb robber. Once the Yin Spirit chooses someone else to continue causing trouble, I will fall into a quagmire.

Just when I was at a loss, Tana suddenly called me. She said that Shi Jun had gone home and asked me where I was.

It seemed that Shi Jun was tired after digging a grave tonight. I breathed a sigh of relief and asked her to keep an eye on Shi Jun, and then hurried home. After returning home, Tana was standing at the door waiting for me. She said that Shi Jun fell asleep after he came back and asked me where I went.

"I...I accidentally lost you."

I pretended to be embarrassed, thinking that if you knew what I saw, you would definitely regret it.

Since Shi Jun was simply controlled by the Yin spirit, the Yin spirit did not stay on him. This undoubtedly made it more difficult for me. I could only secretly observe and wait for clues every day.

In the next few days, Shi Jun still ignored Tana and me, but he seemed to be frightened by my Sirius whip, so he didn't cause any trouble for me. He dug graves every night, slept during the day, and even skipped meals. He hid in his room every day and ate instant noodles, while I worked hard to secretly wipe his butt every night.

Over the course of a week, he dug up six corpses in succession. Without exception, these corpses were all dressed in minority costumes from the Jin and Jin Dynasties. I became more curious about the identity of the Yin Ling, and at the same time, I became more and more looking forward to the coming truth.

After all, he was digging the tombs of nobles. Even if he wanted to dig out all the tombs of nobles buried nearby, it wouldn't take long.

What I didn't expect was that just when I was feeling confident, more than a dozen policemen rushed into Tana's house, and with loaded guns, they pulled Shi Jun, who was sleeping, out of bed and took him away.

Tana fell to her knees and grabbed the leading policeman's clothes tightly, pleading: "Officer, what on earth did my man commit? Why should he be taken away?"

"Shi Jun has been destroying nearby ancient tombs recently and is suspected of tomb robbing."

After saying that, the policeman shook off Tana and left with a wave of his hand. Tana was left with a face full of despair. Seeing my indifference, she begged: "Master Zhang, you must save my Shi Jun. He was not like this before, woo woo woo..."

"Don't worry, wait for the news at home."

I said seriously, and after that, I quickly ran towards the place where Shi Jun's body had been mutilated these days. I didn't understand why the police found it. After all, this was what I was afraid of in the first place, so the recovery work was done well.

Did he dig graves elsewhere? But he was still fished out from the police station by me. He had no chance to commit the crime before!

As I ran, I thought about countless possibilities in my mind. When I reached the first tomb, I was shocked to find that the tomb that I had repaired had returned to the way it had been destroyed by the stone army!

I looked carefully in disbelief and found that even the position of the corpse was exactly the same as before! Then I visited several other tombs and found that these places were also restored to the way they were just after being destroyed by the stone army.

But he is always under my surveillance. Even when I am sleeping, Xiaowei Yu will keep an eye on me secretly. Shi Jun is just an ordinary person, and he will definitely not find Xiaowei Yu who has never been seen before, so he must not have done all this.

I thought about Yin spirits, but quickly dismissed the idea.

These places are relatively remote, and it is impossible for the police to discover them at the same time and target them immediately. Now that Shi Jun has been arrested, there is only one explanation: someone is doing evil in secret. Yin Ling is still using Shi Jun and will never give him to the police no matter what.

Since the person behind this knew everything about the situation here, he must have witnessed what I had done before. Normally, I should have been arrested by the police. But the person behind it actually skipped my step. With his ability, he didn't have to spend a lot of time to deal with Shi Jun.

The only explanation is that he was targeting me and asked the police to arrest Shi Jun to prevent me from dealing with the evil spirit this time. Not providing me to the police meant that they wanted to deal with me in their own way.

The only people who have this ability and hate me so much are probably the people from Longquan Villa!

Thinking of this, I hurried back to Tana's house and took Odama with me, which can effectively reduce the possibility of being plotted. Tana was still crying and asked me what to do. I thought about it and called a friend who was the police chief. I helped him handle a difficult case a long time ago, and the two of us have become friends since then. .

The call was quickly connected, and he joked with me in a familiar manner: "Hey, which gust of wind brought our Zhang Daxian here?"

"I miss you, brother."

I said very shamelessly, and he coughed twice and said, "Okay, I don't know you yet. If you have something to say, say it quickly. I have to go to a meeting later."

"Then I won't be polite."

I was really afraid that if I delayed the policemen in handing over Shi Jun, it would be really troublesome, so I quickly told him the situation. He knew who I was and even expressed his support for me. After asking for the name of the police station where Shi Jun was arrested, he hung up the phone and asked me to wait for news.

While I was waiting for the news, I called Yin Xinyue. She told me that she had been filming with the crew these days and was having a great time. She also joked that why did I remember to call her?

I was relieved to see that she was fine, and hung up the phone after a few pleasantries. It didn't take long for my friend, the director, to report back that the police here were about to hand Shi Jun over, but he happened to intercept him and asked me to go to the police station to pick him up.

Although he said it calmly, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. I know that he, a director from a different place, has limited face here, so he must have taken care of it for me, but he didn't say it.

I thought about it and decided to give him two gifts that could help him get promoted and make a fortune during the Chinese New Year.

After Tana heard that I was taking her to the police station to pick someone up, she was so excited that she almost knelt down in front of me. She said simply: "Don't worry about what my husband has done, this family is complete only if he is here."

This is probably the best interpretation of Chinese women’s way of life!

I had reached a certain level by kidnapping the same person from the police station twice in a row within a week, which made the director look at me inexplicably weird.

As expected, after Shi Jun came out, he once again coaxed himself back home, and at midnight he slipped out again with the engineer shovel in his arms.

As usual, I waited for him to leave and repaired the tomb, then pretended to leave. In fact, I secretly put a sunshade charm on my body and hid it in the nearby grass.

After waiting for less than five minutes, the beads in my pocket suddenly started beating violently. This was Oudama's message to me!

I immediately braced myself and looked toward the tomb, and suddenly I saw a black tornado appearing behind the tomb. The tornado contained strong Yin energy, and it circled right above the tomb, spinning crazily.

At this time, an incredible scene appeared!

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