Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 671: Tomb of the Grassland God

The tomb I had just repaired returned to its messy appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye under the tornado caused by the Yin Qi!

Seeing this, I couldn't help it any longer, and immediately let Oudama out, and at the same time, I quickly rushed towards the black tornado with my Sirius Whip.

Normally, Yin Qi will not appear out of thin air, especially if there is such a strong Yin Qi, there must be some Yin spirit at work. But after Oyu and I rushed over, we found that there was no Yin spirit behind. I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that the Yin Qi just now was the deity, it was an invisible Yin spirit!

I have long heard my grandfather talk about invisible Yin spirits. Generally speaking, invisible Yin spirits exist in a gaseous state. They can be divided into two major categories. One is those who failed to transform into human form from animals or plants and have since lost their own The physical body becomes a special spirit body floating between the Yin and Yang realms.

The other kind is amazing, because their cultivation has gone beyond the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements, and they can transform into any form on their own. This kind of Yin spirit has been mentioned in many movies and TV dramas. One of the most classic characters is the Wutian Buddha dressed in black in "Journey to the West". He is the most powerful invisible Yin spirit.

It was the first time I encountered an invisible spirit since I took over the business. I would be bragging if I said I wasn't nervous, but I wasn't afraid at all, because it must be a relatively weak invisible spirit, and since it was the one causing trouble, this time The incident has nothing to do with the people of Longquan Villa, and I don’t have to worry about it all day long.

Thinking of this, I suddenly turned around and found that the tornado was circling and running towards the depths of the grassland. It was moving very fast. In the blink of an eye, it only left a black line in my field of vision. I quickly fed Weiyu a few Dropping blood, he said seriously: "Oudama, please, you must help me catch it."

"Okay, bad brother, watch out!"

As soon as Oudama finished drinking the essence and blood, he flew out, leaving only a long string of sounds. I was stunned for a moment, and then felt a lot of confidence in my heart. I was very unfamiliar with the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and I didn’t dare to use the spirit-inviting spell casually, so I could only run to keep up.

After running for a while, I saw the tornado and Oudama intertwined in mid-air. I gritted my teeth and chased after it, and found that it was no match for Oudama, but it was better because it could change its body shape at any time. Overall No one could hurt anyone, but I knew that Nagao Tama would be dragged down by it over time, so I immediately used a finger to hit the black tornado.

Immediately afterwards, I concentrated on taking back the command, and the tornado was forced to fly towards me!

This is an improvement on my treasure-controlling technique in the secret book. According to what is said in the secret book, if you practice to a certain level, you will be able to control the corresponding level of evil objects. I thought about it for a long time after watching it, and I always felt that the spiritual power created by oneself, such as spiritual talismans, finger judgments, and blood essence, could also be controlled by the magic of treasure control the moment they came into contact with dirty things.

It's just that I have been exploring before, and today is the first time to actually do it.

Watching the black tornado slowly approaching, I was overjoyed. This showed that my idea was correct! After it got close to me, I quickly used the Sirius Whip to greet it.

Every time it is struck, the tornado's Yin Qi will become weaker. After the Seven Whips went down, the Heavenly Wolf Whip became ineffective. The tornado was probably really afraid of me. It had no intention of fighting with me and quickly flew away into the distance.

Oudama chased after it again, but due to the invisible Yin spirit's strong desire to survive, Oudama was never able to completely catch up with it.

I dragged my legs to Oyu's side and was already exhausted. I squatted on the ground panting and asked, "Where did that thing go?"

"It suddenly disappeared and I..."

Oudama said with some embarrassment. I was stunned for a moment, put Oudama on my shoulder and looked around cautiously.

That tornado was nothing powerful except for its speed. How could it disappear for no reason, let alone get rid of Otama easily, so I thought it had some conspiracy.

After walking forward for a while, the surrounding air suddenly became stuffy and not as cold as before, as if we had entered a closed environment.

I paused for a moment, then realized that I had accidentally hit the other person's throat. Although the environment in front of us is still grassland, we must have entered other spaces, otherwise the temperature would not have changed so much, not to mention that only this can explain why the tornado suddenly disappeared.

I pretended not to know anything, but my feet slowed down and asked quietly: "Can I still go out?"

"It can't be done anymore."

Odama lowered her head and said, she also realized that we were trapped.

I sighed and held the Emei thorn tightly on my waist, preparing to face the next danger. Sure enough, with a burst of chaotic laughter, the grassland in front of him suddenly became invisible.

Every time I screamed, a ghostly face would suddenly appear around me. Looking at these familiar faces, I felt a thump in my heart.

Fengdu! I saw these little ghosts when I participated in the ghost market in Fengdu!

You must know that I have no enmity with them. They have tricked me into coming here now because they must be coveting my secret book and the Eternal Spirit Ring.

My heart felt cold, and I fumbled to turn on the flashlight of my phone and shine it forward. At this moment, a row of lamps lit up all around, illuminating my eyes like daylight. I subconsciously looked forward and suddenly found myself in an underground tomb. On both sides of the tomb were glazed lamps used in ancient palaces. The wicks inside burned very brightly. There were also many tigers carved from stone on the ground. There were eagles and other animals, and the dozen green-faced and fanged imps were sitting on a large sarcophagus at the end of the tomb, looking at me with proud smiles on their faces.

Before I had time to think about how these ghosts could lure me into an underground tomb, an obscene voice came over.

"How about it, Zhang Jiulin, no matter how powerful you are, you are still brought here by my Qian Changgui? Hahaha."

I followed the sound and looked over, only to see the black tornado running back and forth among the ghosts, provoking me unabashedly!

But it thinks too highly of me, and it has boundless power. I'm just a ghost dealer.

Since the Thousand-Change Ghost is so unscrupulous, it means that these little ghosts at least don't take me seriously at the moment. But after a cursory look, I found that although these little ghosts are more scary than the last, they are all low-class little ghosts.

Since I came back from Fengdu, I have met little ghosts more than once who tried to take advantage of my secret books and rings, but I have completely tortured them, so it is understandable that these little ghosts got together.

The problem is that together they are no match for me, so how can they look so carefree?

They must have some conspiracy, so I decided to take a preemptive strike. I glanced at Wei Yu on my shoulder, then grabbed the Emei thorn and rushed towards the imps.

The Thousand-Change Ghost was the first to pounce and get entangled with Otama. Anyway, Otama wouldn't suffer in a short time, so I simply jumped over it and ran towards the other imps.

Unexpectedly, the little ghosts didn't fight me at all, and fled in all directions before I could get over. I had no choice but to throw the Emei Ci out and control it from the air to chase the little ghosts.

Unfortunately, I have been practicing how to control the Heavenly Wolf Whip recently, and I am very good at Emei Thorn, so I have no accuracy at all. In desperation, I had to recite the Tiangang Mantra and rush towards the nearest imp with the Tiangang Footwork.

It was not so lucky this time. I caught it in my hand. I took out a magic talisman with my other hand and slapped it on the forehead. A black smoke instantly appeared from its body and turned into air in the blink of an eye.

The other little ghosts were completely frightened, with incomparable panic on their faces, and they hid behind the sarcophagus. From the looks of them, it seemed as if the sarcophagus could protect them.

I calmed down and rushed over with steady steps, but I didn't expect that when I got close to the sarcophagus, I was bounced back by an invisible force. Because my whole body's center of gravity was in front, my whole body was suddenly ejected three or four meters away.

Seeing this, the gloom on the faces of the little devils disappeared, and they became arrogant one after another, and one by one they began to grin at me.

"Oh shit!"

The power emitted by the sarcophagus is very powerful. I think this is why the little devils dare to challenge me, but I really don't believe in this evil!

I continued to walk up Tiangang steps and approached slowly. After I felt the pressure of the sarcophagus, I quickly recited the Tao Te Ching silently.

Sure enough, the pressure on the sarcophagus was much reduced as soon as I read "Tao Te Ching". I pushed forward slowly based on my feeling. Although the speed was very slow, I finally didn't get bounced back.

When I was about to cross the sarcophagus, the invisible pressure suddenly intensified! I almost got ejected again, but fortunately I was prepared and didn't make a fool of myself this time.

I knew that if I was ejected again, it would be difficult to suppress the sarcophagus, so I concentrated my energy and accelerated the speed of reciting the Tao Te Ching.

As I got closer and closer to the sarcophagus, a layer of black crystal gradually seeped out from the surface of the coffin, which looked a bit like asphalt and black blood, giving off a foul smell.

This is the smell of corpse transformation!

There was a thump in my heart, and I subconsciously opened my mouth wide, and suddenly stopped reading the Tao Te Ching. By the time I realized something was wrong, it was already too late. My whole body seemed to have been hit by an iron fist and I fell heavily to the ground.

Before I could stand up, the lid of the sarcophagus exploded with a bang, breaking into countless pieces, and then two hands covered with green fluff stretched out from the coffin.

"Oudama, run!"

The first thing I thought when I saw these two hands was that it was over and I had encountered a big guy.

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