Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 673: Ran Min, the King of Wu Dao

"Bad brother, you're okay, haha, that's great!"

At this time, Oyu's voice sounded, and she stretched out her white and tender little hands to hug me. First she rubbed me excitedly, and then she started to cry. While crying, she said: "I thought I would never see you again." You, what should I do if you die?"

It turned out that although she escaped from the ancient tomb after listening to my words, she was not willing to leave. Instead, she stayed nearby, hoping to see me come out, although she knew that this possibility was very small.

Who knew that I would actually come out of the ancient tomb intact, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

After all the tossing before, Oyu and I were exhausted, so we simply didn’t go home and started to rest on the spot.

The wounds scratched by the zombies on my body had begun to fester. Oyu pouted her little mouth and helped me suck out all the corpse poison inside, and then I applied some ointment on myself.

Although I knew that Yin Ling might make another move next, I really didn’t have the energy to look for him, so I hugged Otama and fell asleep.

I was suddenly awakened by a rapid ringtone in the middle of the night. I took out my phone and saw that it was Tana calling me. She asked me where I was now.

"I'm outside now and will go back tomorrow." I thought she was worried about me and quickly explained.

Unexpectedly, Tana hesitated and said: "Master, it's starting to snow again. I'm afraid my husband will go crazy again later."

After hearing what she said, I realized that snowflakes started to fall in the sky, and the top of my head was gray. It was probably a rare heavy snow.

"When did Shi Jun come home?"

I asked as I walked back, and Tana said that Shi Jun had been back for a while. I looked at my watch and felt that he went home directly after rescuing me and didn't go anywhere else.

This made me feel much more comfortable, so I hurried back. Halfway through, the snowflakes started to get bigger. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it in time, so I asked Oyu to go back and keep an eye on me.

"No, I won't leave you!"

Weiyu said stubbornly, obviously she hadn't recovered from the previous danger. I stretched out my hand and scratched her nose to tell her not to worry. After all, green-haired zombies are not found everywhere, and ordinary things are not enough to leave me alone.

After hearing this, she hesitated for a moment before nodding and leaving. I sighed and followed quickly towards the village where Tana was located.

I kept guessing about the identity of the Yin spirit along the way, and before I knew it, I returned to the village and heard the noise coming from Tana’s house all the way away.

The sound sounded like Shi Jun was arguing with someone. I hid in the corner and took a look. Sure enough, there were several middle-aged people standing in the yard with their arms akimbo, looking at Shi Jun eagerly. Shi Jun held an engineering shovel in his hand, looking ready to fight for his life!

Tana kept trying to persuade them, her face full of anxiety. After listening to a few words, I realized that these were Shi Jun's neighbors who came to help out of good intentions.

Anyway, Wei Yu is hiding in a corner nearby. I am not afraid of following Shi Jun. After thinking about it, I called Tana and asked her to send away the neighbors first, and then deliberately let Shi Jun go. Have a clever plan.

After hearing this, Tana understood what was going on. She turned to the neighbors and said, "Brothers, go back and rest! Leave him alone. We can't lose a grown man."

Those people left quickly after hearing this, while I hid in the dark and watched carefully. After a while, Shi Jun walked out of the house and quickly left the village.

He was wearing brand new clothes and seemed to be meeting someone. I thought he was probably going to meet the Yin spirits, so I quickly followed him.

After walking along the endless prairie for several hours, I felt like I was running out of strength, but he still had no intention of stopping. I had no choice but to grit my teeth and persevere. After walking for a while, a highway appeared in front of me. I took a rough look at the road signs and found that I was already at the junction of Ordos and Baotou.

If Weiyu hadn't been watching from the front, I would have really thought that Shi Jun was taking me for a walk on purpose.

As the snowflakes fell heavier and heavier, there was more and more snow on the ground. When walking on the road, the lower part of the calf was wet.

At this time, something happened to Shi Jun in front. He jumped off the road, climbed along the outer slope for a while, and then disappeared.

Before I could react, Oudama appeared, and she said firmly: "Bad brother, there is a secret passage on the back of the slope! The person you want to chase got into the secret passage."

It seemed that the Yin spirit was hiding in the secret passage. I accelerated my steps excitedly. When I climbed up the slope, I realized that the secret passage was bigger than I imagined. It was almost like a bomb shelter.

I think this was supposed to be a project, but it ended up being unfinished.

Under the leadership of Wei Yu, I climbed in carefully. There is usually an echo in such an unpopular cave, so I didn't even use a flashlight and walked extra carefully for fear of alarming Shi Jun!

After walking for a few minutes, a candlelight suddenly appeared in front of me. I took a closer look and found Shi Jun kneeling in front of a huge stone tablet, crying bitterly.

He magically took out some sacrificial snacks and paper money from his pocket. I was dumbfounded and felt that his pocket was like his mother's little warehouse.

Shi Jun said to himself while worshiping: "King Wu Dao, I am your descendant Shi Jun, please accept my filial piety."

After hearing this, my mind buzzed, King Wu Dao, the ghost this time turned out to be King Wu Dao, who made the barbarians frightened!

Am I dreaming?

King Wu Dao, whose real name is Ran Min, is a great hero who shook the world.

His contribution to the Chinese nation far exceeds that of Yue Fei, Zheng Chenggong and others. It can be said that if he ranks second on the list of Chinese heroes, no one would dare to rank first!

At that time, war was raging in the Central Plains. Five large Hu tribes including the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Qiang, and Di outside the Great Wall united together and launched a fatal attack on the Central Plains.

A large number of Han people were forced to flee to the south, and those who failed to escape became meat on the chopping boards of the Hu people!

They were bullied, oppressed, and massacred. In just a few years, eight million Han people died. This tragic scene is known in history as: Five Husbands Rebellion in China, far surpassing the Nanjing Massacre in later generations.

At that time, Cangliang was in the north, clothes and clothes were migrating to the south, Hu Di were everywhere, and all the descendants of the Han family were about to be slaughtered.

Just when the Han people were facing life and death, the great hero Ran Min appeared.

It can be said that the emergence of Ran Min is a miracle, a miracle that saves China. This indicates: God will never destroy the Han people!

At that time, Ran Min was already a great warlord leading an entire army, but he did not consider his own personal interests, nor was he afraid of death. Instead, he made a series of impressive moves.

He gave all the army's food to the people fleeing famine, and issued the world-famous order to kill Hu Hu, encouraging the bloody men of China to stand up and resist the enemy. In the end, he led the charge and was surrounded by 140,000 enemy troops at the foot of Lixing Mountain. He killed more than 400 people and died of exhaustion.

After Ran Min died, heaven shed tears and the earth shed tears, which inspired the fighting spirit of the entire Chinese nation! In the end, all these barbarians were driven out of the Great Wall, and peace returned to the Central Plains again. Ran Min was also posthumously named: King Wu Dao.

It is a pity that later dynasties wiped out all Ran Min's achievements in order to appease the emotions of ethnic minorities.

It is really sad that this person is not even mentioned in current textbooks.

It was precisely because of the influence of history textbooks that I subconsciously ignored this hero. If Shi Jun hadn't spoken, I would never have thought it was Ran Min.

Since the Yin Ling is Ran Min, it's not surprising that he has such a hatred for the Hu people!

Then I observed for a while and found that Shi Jun seemed to simply come to pay homage to Ran Min this time and did not do anything extraordinary.

After a while, Shi Jun turned around and came out, and I hurriedly squatted in the corner. Fortunately, the light here was dim, and he was thinking about something, so he walked past me without noticing my presence.

After he went out, I thought about it. Now that the motherland is prosperous and powerful, fifty-six ethnic groups have long been united into one big family. Even if he is a descendant of Ran Min, he should not be like this. He must have been affected by something. influence of things.

I have already seen Ran Min's strength. Faced with this existence that surpasses Xiang Yu and Lu Bu, it is better to avoid fighting him until we find Yinwu...

I immediately walked out of the cave and waited until dawn to take a few photos on the slope.

When I got home I showed Tana the photos and asked her if she knew where this place was.

"Is this the road near Baotou?"

She recognized the place at a glance, and then cursed and said: "A few years ago, a leader came to inspect and said that he wanted to raise funds to dig a river for people's convenience under the highway."

"At that time, the leader found a lot of engineering teams to start the work. Everyone felt that working for the government would not suffer. Who knew that the leader left with the money in the middle of the work, and did not even pay the wages of the migrant workers..."

Tana said that the reason why she was so angry was because Shi Jun was also on the engineering team at the time, so their family was also cheated.

When I heard this, I subconsciously asked: "Did Shi Jun start to change after he came back from that construction site?"

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