Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 674 Killing Hu Ling

After hearing this, Tana's eyes flickered for a few times, and then she suddenly realized: "Master, if you didn't tell me, I would never have imagined that my husband seemed to have changed from that time on."

I nodded and asked her if she still remembered who in the village had worked with Shi Jun?

It was obvious that Shi Jun accidentally encountered some taboo or obtained something during the construction period, which made him look like this.

Because the time span is relatively long, I will definitely not be able to find clues when I go to the scene now, so I thought that my co-workers at the time might have an impression.

Tana thought for a while and said that there was a person from the same village who went there to work with Shi Jun before, but that person moved not long after that, and she didn't know where that person went.

As soon as I heard that, I felt that the person's departure must be related to Ran Min, so I asked Tana if she had that person's contact information.

Tana flipped through the phone book for a long time, and was surprised to say that she still had that person's mobile phone number, but she didn't know if it was still useful. As she spoke, she handed over the phone book, pointed to a name named He Xi and said, "That's the person!"

I dialed the number, and the call was quickly connected. The other party asked angrily: "Who is it?"

It seemed that he was doing well recently. I didn't know how to beat around the bush, so I simply said straight to the point: "Brother He, can you do me a favor?"


He Xi immediately became cautious after hearing this. I touched my nose and asked in a low voice: "Shi Jun, who worked with you on the Baotou Highway, had an accident. I am the gentleman who specializes in solving his troubles. Now I want to ask, What on earth did you go through back then?”

"Ask me what I do, I don't know anything."

He Xi's tone instantly became cold, and it looked like he was about to hang up the phone. I quickly emphasized: "If Shi Jun dies, that thing will continue to look for the remaining people. Do you want to be entangled yourself?"

He was obviously frightened after hearing this, and he was silent for a long time and asked me if what I said was true.

"There is no need for me to lie to you, or even make this call to you, because Shi Jun has no money to give me, and I am doing this just to help you." I lied half-truthfully.

He Xi obviously couldn't stand it any longer. He hesitated for a while and said, "Are you at Shi Jun's house now?"

"That's right. Is it convenient for you to come here?"

After I said congratulations, I said I would be there immediately, and I smiled helplessly. That's how people are, they don't care about things that don't concern themselves, but when their own interests are involved, their enthusiasm is instantly ignited.

Just after lunch, Hexi drove to the door of his house. He exchanged greetings with Tana, then asked where Shi Jun was, and was about to enter the house.

"Don't go in, otherwise you'll alert the enemy."

I grabbed him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Brother He. I only want you to come here to hear you talk about the situation at that time. I won't let you take risks."

"Yes, brother, you have to help me, otherwise this family will be destroyed."

Tana said earnestly from the side.

He Xi took two puffs of cigarette and nodded heavily: "Okay, I'll say it!"

It turned out that when they were digging there a few years ago, they accidentally dug up a large stone tablet.

At that time, He Xi and several other workers felt that the big stone monument was evil, so they planned to bypass the stone monument and continue digging.

But Shi Jun is a serious and responsible person. He felt that leaving the stone monument was not conducive to the passage of the waterway, so he led everyone to work hard to dig out the stone monument. As a result, after digging for a long time, the stone tablet was not dug out, but a palm-sized token was dug out.

"Wait, what token?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but interrupt He Xi's words and asked curiously.

He Xi sighed and said: "That token should be a sign dropped by an ancient supervisor, because there is nothing written on it, only a dark red word for killing is written on it."

"At that time, I felt that there must be some dead person buried under the stone monument, so I advised Shi Jun to stop, but he refused to listen and continued to dig. We were all in the same team, and when he saw him doing it, the others were too embarrassed to be idle, so they all joined together. I did it, but it didn’t take long for something big to happen!”

"I don't know what happened, but blood started to emerge from under the stone monument, gurgling like a fountain. Those unlucky workers were instantly swallowed by the blood, and only Shi Jun and I were left alive."

He Xi's eyes turned red when he said this, and he trembled and said that seven or eight brothers from a team were folded in the cave, not even a body was left behind.

"Are you Han Chinese?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

He Xi was a little confused. I shook my head and said it wasn't that you and Shi Jun were lucky, but that thing only killed barbarians.

He thought for a moment and nodded in shock, then repeatedly said that this was really what happened. Then he realized what was happening and shouted angrily: "So that thing won't cause me any trouble at all. You lied to me, right?"

As he was about to leave, I quickly grabbed him to apologize and promised not to put him in danger. Only then did He Xi stay doubtful and continue telling the story.

After they ran out for a while, they braved the courage to go back and take a look. They found that several of the workers in the cave were gone, but there was a lot of blood on the ground out of thin air.

Even though Shi Jun was brave, he knew something was wrong, so he quickly buried the token back where it was before fleeing the scene.

After He Xi came back, he was afraid of getting into trouble, so he hurriedly moved. He said that although he was scared at the time, he never thought that dirty things would bother Shi Jun.

Listening to what he meant, the token was buried under the stone tablet in the cave. I immediately knew that the token was a negative object, and it was probably the order to kill Hu Hu issued by Ran Min back then!

I thanked He Xi and let him leave. After nightfall, I drove Otama to the abandoned road again.

Damn it, I feel so angry that my teeth hurt when I think about how far I went out for no reason yesterday!

It took less than an hour of driving to reach the destination, but I deliberately drove forward for a while and then walked back for a while.

After all, Shi Jun will make some small moves at any time these days, so there is nothing wrong with being careful.

After entering the cave, I found that the temperature inside was much colder than yesterday. As soon as I took a few steps into the cave, I felt the dark energy emitting from the stone tablet.

I pulled out my dagger and approached cautiously. Fortunately, the stone tablet didn't make any movement until I got there, so I started digging carefully.

Unexpectedly, the soil here was as hard as rock, and a dagger couldn't penetrate it at all. In desperation, I had to bite the tip of my tongue and drip a few drops of blood on it, and then I felt that the pressure on the ground was much lighter.

After digging down about fifty centimeters, I suddenly came across a hard object. I dug excitedly and finally saw the token in He Xi's mouth!

The token felt heavy in my hand, and there was an indescribable chill. I pulled out the dirt on it with my hands, and I was surprised to find that the entire token was made of pure gold, with the word 'kill' on it in the dark environment. It seems shocking.

I was thinking about how to call out Ran Min's ghost when Oyu suddenly pulled me in a panic. Then the stone tablet in front of us began to shake. With a dull sound, the rolling blood flowed from the stone and the ground. It gushed out from the gap and sprayed straight towards me.

If Oudama hadn't pulled me, I would have been sprayed on my body by now.

I knew Ran Min was coming out, and felt that I was no match for him in the cave, so I hurriedly ran outside.

"I said, you are not allowed to get in trouble with me again!"

As soon as I ran to the entrance of the cave, Ran Min's violent voice came from behind. I turned around and saw that the rolling blood had already caught up with me.

The blood condensed into the shape of a human, looking infinitely ferocious.

"King Wu Daotian, I admire you, you are a national hero."

Frankly speaking, I really admire him. Unfortunately, things have changed now. The Chinese people are all members of the same family. His view that those who are not my race must have different minds are outdated. I will not let him get involved. Innocent fellow ethnic minorities.

After a pause, I said resolutely: "Stop it!"

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