Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 675 Summoning, Cao Mengde!

"Hero? Haha, all dynasties have been wantonly slandering me, saying that I am a butcher and a beast. Everything I have done has been deliberately ignored by them. Is this the hero you call me?"

Ran Min's smile was a little charming, but it was more desolate. He shook his head and continued: "Forget it, I, Ran Min, did not kill Hu to be a hero, but to preserve the blood of China."

"I don't understand how the once great Chinese nation could be reduced to trying to please the barbarians! I won't stop, but I can give you a chance to survive. Leave here and don't come back again!"

What he said had a kind of royal melancholy. For a moment, I really wanted to leave, but when I thought of Tana's words, "This family is complete only when my husband is here," my mood suddenly became much clearer.

The past has become history, and no matter what is right or wrong, it should not affect the current society.

Ran Min is great, but he only sees the conflicts and hatred between nations, but does not see the unity and mutual assistance between nations.

Thinking of this, I threw the token to Wei Yu and asked her to take the token and leave first. Then, when Ran Min wasn't paying attention, I threw the Emei Thorn first.

Immediately afterwards, I recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue and rushed towards him with the Holy Mother's Staff in both hands!

Unexpectedly, the Emei thorn passed directly through Ran Min's bloody body and fell to the ground weakly, but nothing happened to him. He suddenly exuded a powerful murderous aura, looked at me and roared coldly: "You forced me to do this, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as he finished speaking, I rushed forward, raised the Madonna's staff and hit him on the head. Just as I was about to hit him, Ran Min disappeared with a 'swish'.

Before I could react, he kicked me hard from behind and kicked me away.

Obviously, his speed was much faster than mine. I was forced to recite the highest level of the Beidou Sirius Art, and threw the Madonna Staff in the air. As the Sirius Art took effect, the Madonna Staff spun rapidly, and dazzling golden light came from the staff. It spread quickly after emerging, filling the entire cave in an instant.

He thought he could subdue Ran Min now, but he smiled disdainfully, said something sinister, and then waved his arm violently, creating a blood-colored wall out of thin air, completely blocking the golden light of the Holy Mother's staff. .

Only then did I realize that I was no match for him. It wasn't that he was so powerful in life, but that his obsession was so deep that he developed a strong resentment!

I wanted to withdraw, but it was too late. He was completely angered by me. He grabbed my neck and punched me in the abdomen.

While beating, he shouted hysterically: "Why would you rather help the Hu people deal with me than let me deal with the Hu people? Why, do you still have Chinese blood flowing in your body?"

He is no longer in a hurry to kill me, but vents his anger with punches.

My whole body was about to fall apart after being beaten by him, and blood spurted out in large mouthfuls. I knew that if I continued to consume it, I would definitely fall into trouble today, so I desperately broke away from his hand, and then violently bathed the Eternal Spirit Ring in the blood. .

"Master, we meet again."

Just two seconds after I was soaked in blood, everything around me suddenly moved away from me. My eyes went dark, and at the same time, the voice of the little Nazgul appeared in my mind.

"The situation is urgent, activate the spirit selection mode! I need to summon a ghost to fight for me."

I had communicated with the Nazgul a lot in the past few days, and we were already very familiar with each other, so I stopped talking nonsense and shouted eagerly.

"Okay, we are selecting generals, please wait a moment."

After the little Ring Spirit finished speaking, a scene similar to a card shuffle appeared in front of me. Countless Yin Spirits that I had saved were spinning around, and with a final ding, the scene was fixed on Cao Cao.

"The general selection is completed. Congratulations to the master for winning Cao Cao's Yinling War! Cao Cao, also known as Mengde, was a famous politician, strategist, and writer in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He founded the Wei State among the Three Kingdoms. He is known as: A capable minister in governing the world. , the traitor in troubled times. Comes with his own skill to return to his heart: There is a chance to surrender the Yin-like spirits of generals."

As soon as I finished speaking, I returned to reality. When Ran Min saw me breaking away, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "I want to leave now, but it's too late."

"I should say this!"

I said excitedly, huge joy surged through my body, I actually invited Cao Cao, the great emperor of Wei Wu! As a powerful hero, Cao Cao surpassed Ran Min in terms of wisdom. What's more, Cao Cao was also a great national hero when he rejected Wuhuan from the north.

Seeing my sudden confidence, Ran Min was stunned for a moment. At this moment, a blue ghost flame suddenly flashed next to me.

After the flame fell to the ground, it quickly changed into Cao Cao's appearance. He was wearing a crown and gorgeous clothes. He was stroking his black beard with one hand and holding a seven-star sword with the other. He pointed at Ran Min and said, "Do you know?" wrong?"

"You...are you Cao Mengde?"

The hostility in Ran Min's body instantly dropped a lot, and he fell in front of Cao Cao almost worshiping him and said: "My descendant, Ran Min, has admired Cao Cao since he was a child. He wants to be a guard of China like you, and even sacrifices his life for it." I don’t know, I don’t know what’s wrong!”

"Since the Zhou Dynasty, the world has been divided into eight hundred princes. However, all the outlines were lost, and only then did the Qin Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Han Dynasty Qin Dynasty emerge, and finally the three-legged tripartite alliance with the two Jin Dynasties emerged."

It seems that Cao Cao is really relieved. When talking about the Jin Dynasty established by the Sima family usurping power, there is no hint of personal grudges.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ran Min and his voice suddenly rose a few decibels: "It is precisely because you are very similar to me that I don't want to be your enemy. Let future generations handle the affairs of future generations. Leave with me!" Stop worrying about past grudges."

After hearing this, Ran Min hesitated for a moment and nodded vigorously.

Cao Cao showed a pleased smile, then faced me and stroked his beard, preparing to leave. I quickly shouted: "Mr. Cao, can I discuss something with King Wu Daotian?"

"What can you, my boy, do to discuss with me?"

Ran Min, who was persuaded by Cao Cao, lost all his anger at this moment, looked at me and asked calmly.

"King Wu Dao...can you give me part of your spiritual power?"

That's right, I shamelessly want to extract the soul again! After hearing this, Ran Min looked at Cao Cao and saw that he had no objection, so he agreed.

I was so happy that I exposed my back to him. Unexpectedly, Ran Min said: "Most of my spiritual power is in killing Hu Ling. If you want, just bring the token with you. After a while, the spiritual power will be used by you." absorb."

I didn't expect that it would be so easy to obtain Ran Min's spiritual power without having to endure pain. I immediately expressed my gratitude to him and Cao Cao.

"Work hard and benefit the common people, hahaha!"

Cao Cao left me a few words and left with a smile. Ran Min looked at me one last time and turned around to leave.

The matter has finally been resolved here. It can be considered a near miss. I also got Ran Min's order to kill Hu Hu. After I absorb the spiritual power and sell it as an antique, I can make a lot of money.

As soon as we got home, Tana excitedly came up and grabbed my hand and said that Shi Jun had gotten better and was as loving to her as he was a few years ago. She started to cry as she spoke, thinking that she would never enjoy Shi Jun's love in her life.

"Life has to be both sour and sweet, don't be sad." I advised and prepared to leave.

Tana smiled and said: "Master, it's not too late to leave tomorrow. Shi Jun went to town to buy things overnight and is ready to entertain you."

"You're welcome!"

I smiled and waved my hand, and then booked a flight back.

Seeing that I insisted on leaving, Tana hurriedly took out half a bag of garlic, some mushrooms and other local products from the kitchen, and stuffed them into my car.

She didn't give me money because she knew I didn't need the thousands of dollars, so she expressed her greatest gratitude with souvenirs.

I smiled and looked at this pile of souvenirs, but I was much happier than getting paid!

However, I couldn't help but worry. This time the Thousand-Change Ghost escaped. Who knows if it would hide in the dark and attack me again?

Just leave it to fate! There is no need to care too much. If you are too persistent in everything, you may become an extremist like Ran Min.

After all, the world is beautiful, and letting others go is actually letting yourself go.

(ps: Laojiu’s public WeChat ID is open, readers are welcome to pay attention! WeChat--Add---Search: Daomen Laojiu. The public account has suspense and horror stories every day, and you can also communicate with the author at close range. You can’t Missed it!)

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