Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 676: Alcoholism becomes a craziness

After I came back from Inner Mongolia, I closed the antique shop and carried Ran Min's order to kill Hu Hu with me every day. I usually didn't feel anything special, but every time I slept, a warm current seemed to flow into my heart.

After a period of time, I found that my strength was much stronger and I could easily lift objects weighing 100 kilograms. Maybe this is the power given to me by King Ran Min?

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, Ruxue also had a holiday, and she charmingly pestered Li Mazi to travel to South Korea. In fact, Li Mazi has the same rural sentiments as me, and she especially hates those European sissies, but she couldn't stand Ruxue Moji, so she had to let her go.

Yin Xinyue and I planned to buy some New Year's goods and return to our hometown in Shandong. If we didn't count helping our elders deal with ichthyosis, this would be my first home visit. Before leaving, Yin Xinyue and I checked out a large selection of nutritional products in the mall.

Yin Xinyue's face lit up with joy: "You are finally willing to accompany me home for the New Year!"

"Young fool." I glanced at her while driving, and took a moment to pop a sip on her little cherry mouth.

After entering the north, the road was seriously icy and the speed of the car slowed down. I expected to reach her house before dark, but it was delayed until midnight.

As soon as we entered the village, we saw two old people standing in the ice and snow waving to us. Yin Xinyue's eyes turned red immediately. She quickly asked me to park the car and dragged the two old people up. She said distressedly: "Mom and Dad, why are you out on such a cold day?" ah."

"The roads outside have been too slippery in the past few days. It's so late and you haven't arrived yet. I'm going to pick you up. Your mother must come with me."

My father-in-law, wearing a cotton coat, looked at me with a smile and said, "Are you exhausted? Come on, go home. Your mother has cooked a table of dishes for you. We have cooked them several times."

Although my father-in-law and mother-in-law's skin turned pale from the cold, their faces were filled with happy smiles. I am infinitely grateful. It's heartwarming but also a little sad. Speaking of which, I haven't gone back to see my parents for a long time.

It's a pity that I can't go back easily. This was my grandfather's repeated warning before he died.

I don’t know why, but what grandpa said must be right!

I was afraid that my father-in-law and the others would see what I was thinking, so I took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it. Instead, I kept my head down and drank a lot of strong wine. After eating, I went back to the bedroom to rest.

"How about my parents treating you well?"

After closing the door, Yin Xinyue sat cross-legged on the bed in her pajamas and said with her bare white and tender feet.

I chuckled and said, "Mother-in-law, the more she looks at my uncle, the more she likes him." After saying that, I rushed over like a hungry tiger.

"Later, my parents haven't gone to bed yet." Yin Xinyue whispered, pushing me weakly with a pair of small hands.

"It's okay, I'll be gentle."

I said perfunctorily, can I still hold back the arrow with the arrow on the string?

Soon the room was filled with the sounds of love.

The next day I woke up to the smell of stewed pork. When I opened the door, I saw my father-in-law setting up a large iron pot with bricks in the yard. It was full of local pork raised in the countryside.

Local pork is different from pork in the city. The pigs in the city are raised on feed. Although the meat is fat, it is full of toxins. Local pork is extremely chewy, healthy and environmentally friendly, and when stewed, a whole village can smell it.

My father-in-law was sitting on a small bench at the moment, handing out some firewood from time to time. When he saw me, he said kindly: "Why are you up? Anyway, there is nothing wrong. You drove all day yesterday, so go and get some sleep!"

"Dad, I'm asleep."

I was a little embarrassed and wanted to light the fire for him, but my father-in-law refused to let me do menial work. If it couldn't be done, I could go out and see how old the northern countryside was.

"Yes, you two should go out for a walk and show your face in front of the villagers." The mother-in-law was frying meatballs in the simple kitchen and leaned out half of her body to agree.

I was about to say no, but Yin Xinyue nodded to them, pulled me out without explanation.

It turns out that they have a rule here. In the first year of marriage, the son-in-law must hold a banquet on the second day of the new year. At that time, relatives and friends in the village will come to participate and take turns toasting to the son-in-law.

Although I have been here before, basically no villagers have seen me, so it is necessary to get familiar with the villagers before the second grade of junior high school. At least let them know that I am the son-in-law of the Yin family, otherwise I will drink for half a day. It would be embarrassing to not know who is who.

I followed Yin Xinyue as I walked through the streets and found that most of the village was decorated with cheerful Spring Festival couplets. A group of children were running around in the snow nest, playfully putting firecrackers in cans and having a great time.

When she meets familiar people, Yin Xinyue will greet them warmly, and then tell me whether I should call them uncle, aunt, or uncle.

Fortunately, their family moved here later, so they have few relatives, but I was still very tired after going around. Yin Xinyue said with some contempt: "Isn't it going to work anymore?"

"Don't you know if I can do it?"

I asked sideways, Yin Xinyue's face turned red and she said angrily: "This is on the street, you are acting like a hooligan."

I laughed and felt quite comfortable.

In the next few days, the two elders kept preparing things for the New Year, but we were not allowed to do anything. Yin Xinyue and I did nothing but eat and sleep every day, just like living Bodhisattvas.

On New Year's Eve, someone in the village married a wife and held a traditional open-air banquet.

My father-in-law had a good relationship with the old man in the family, so he took me with him to help, serving tea and water.

The owner of the house brewed a whole vat of tea, and I spent the entire morning wandering around the wine tables carrying a large kettle.

In the past few days, many people in the village have gotten to know me. When they saw me coming to deliver water, they enthusiastically asked me to take a sip.

When I met someone who invited me sincerely, I didn’t put on any airs. I had a drink with the person appropriately and we got along very harmoniously.

When I saw the waiter bringing bowls of Sixi Meatballs to the table, I let out a sigh of relief and thought it was almost over.

This is what Yin Xinyue told me before going out. The last dish is Sixi Meatballs, which means the end of the banquet, not to mention it is quite elegant.

It didn't take long for my father-in-law to come back. He invited me and other helpers to come to the kitchen, and each of us filled a bowl of hodgepodge and squatted on the floor to eat.

"Eat more, you'll have to clear your plate later."

My father-in-law handed me two steamed buns and explained. I nodded to express my understanding. Nowadays, more and more rural people choose to go to hotels for weddings and weddings. Although it is much more convenient, it also loses the feeling of the New Year.

I decided to hold a farm banquet like this in the village instead of going to five-star hotels after I have a baby.

Just as I was thinking, there was a sudden crackling sound in the distance. It was obvious that someone was making trouble and smashed all the dishes on the table. Listen carefully, it was also mixed with rude curses.

I couldn't help but frown, wondering who could be so blind and causing trouble during someone else's wedding.

"Go over and have a look!"

The always honest father-in-law stared at the direction of the sound and was silent for a few seconds. He suddenly put the bowl on the ground and walked over with a sullen face.

Other people serving food also followed suit, and many of them loosened their belts slightly, often starting fights if they disagreed.

I was completely confused watching this scene. Although my father-in-law and the others were just trying to ensure that the banquet ended successfully, this style of painting was really strong.

Just when I was stunned, my father-in-law and the others had already walked away. I quickly ran a few steps to follow and looked over there. Sure enough, a table had been overturned. The floor was full of broken plates and mixed dishes. It looked bigger than the toilet. All dirty.

Although everyone at the banquet was blushing and thick-necked, it was easy to see that only one person was causing trouble!

This man has a short crew cut, looks to be in his thirties, wears a pair of glasses and a brown jacket, and is gentle and elegant. But he grabbed an old man with gray hair and shouted while beating him: "Why don't you let me drink?"

The old man had an innocent face and one of his teeth was knocked out.

At each table there was someone representing the head of the family to accompany the guests. When the person at this table saw his father-in-law coming over, he said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Old Yin, how are we going to do this?"

"What's going on?" asked my father-in-law.

"After the Sixi Meatballs were served just now, everyone started to eat, but this little guy was still pouring wine for himself. The old man next to him persuaded him to drink less. Who knew After hearing this, he immediately got angry, got up and overturned the table!"

The person accompanying the guest had embarrassment written all over his face when describing the process. After all, he was the one accompanying the guest, and it was his responsibility if the guest got angry, but this little crew cut made people speechless. He made such a big deal just to have a few more glasses of wine.

"Hasn't this kid never drank before?"

The father-in-law looked at the little crew cut and said strangely. After speaking, he asked the villagers next to him: "Did I remember correctly?"

"I remember correctly. I also remember that he doesn't drink."

"Yes, yes, this boy has never drank alcohol..." People around him started talking about it.

At this time, a big man with a beard came over next to the little flat head and hugged his father-in-law with an apologetic face.

After being introduced, I found out that he and Xiao Pingtou were from the same village and were uncles and brothers.

The big man sighed and continued what his father-in-law had just said: "Xiao Liuzi did not drink alcohol before, but since the beginning of winter this year, he suddenly became obsessed with wine."

"At first, I was quite happy when he came to me with a bottle of wine, thinking that my brother was finally willing to drink. Who knew that after that, he would come to me to drink every day, and every time he would drink heavily. At first, I was reluctant. When I stayed with him, I almost got a stomach puncture from drinking."

The big man rubbed his face and said sadly: "After I couldn't drink anymore, he actually started looking for people to drink from all over the village. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he hears that there is alcohol somewhere, he will go there as soon as possible to join in the fun! "

"Because he didn't drink before, everyone thought it was new, so they entertained him warmly at first, but later they found out that he drank like water and couldn't stop the car at all. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and everyone is afraid He is an alcoholic, and no one will dare to drink with him in the future.”

"He has been quarreling with the villagers a lot over this matter. As long as someone kindly advises him not to drink, he will quarrel or even fight with them like a madman. No, getting married here allows him to seize the opportunity to drink. .”

After speaking, the big man shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to do with this stupid cousin.

After hearing this, the anger on the father-in-law's face dissipated a lot. Instead, he asked with some concern whether he had taken Xiaoliuzi to the hospital for a checkup. He quietly pointed to his head as he said that!

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