Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 682: Fierce Zhang Fei

With realgar wine, things are much simpler. Since Yin Ling didn't do anything yesterday, it means he was happy drinking, so he will definitely come again tonight!

I asked Uncle Wang to hold the banquet as usual, and even after it started, I carried a bottle of wine with my father-in-law and went over to have two drinks with his son-in-law and chat a few words casually. After all, that brother could be regarded as my brother-in-law.

There were no accidents all day long. The village was full of people walking in groups and kowtowing in the alleys. This was a scene I had never seen before in my life, and it was very strange to see.

After evening, I added a certain proportion of realgar wine to all the white wine I opened.

This will prevent the Yin spirit from immediately noticing that there is something wrong with the wine. By the time it senses something is wrong, it will probably be finished.

I asked Uncle Wang and his family to rest as usual, while I hid and waited silently.

Time passed quickly, and it was one o'clock in the morning in a blink of an eye. I yawned and then took a short nap.

After these few contacts, I found that the thing would bring a gust of wind with it every time it came, and it would make a sound when it drank. What's more, after it drank all the wine, the effect of realgar would be fully exerted, and by then it would There will definitely be screams of pain.

Unexpectedly, I fell asleep not long after leaning against the wall, and I don’t even know how I fell asleep. Anyway, while I was asleep, I suddenly felt very cold. I couldn't help but yawn, and I suddenly woke up.

I rubbed my eyes and looked towards the wine. I was shocked to find that all the more than 20 bottles of wine in the yard had been drunk. Yin Ling drank so much realgar but didn't make any sound. Isn't it afraid of realgar?

Thinking of this, I didn't care about hiding, and quickly stood up and looked around to see if it had left any clues.

At this time, a strong hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder, and a bone-chilling chill suddenly swept through my body.

My heart skipped a beat, and then my scalp felt numb.

"Don't move, or grandpa will break your neck!"

The voice of the black shadow came, and its cold hands clamped the back of my neck. I had no doubt that it would strangle me to death, so I pretended to give up resistance while silently gathering spiritual energy, waiting for Taijun She's spiritual power to be fully used. When it unfolded, I roared loudly, leaned forward and quickly escaped from its grasp.

Then he rolled on the ground, stood up, and whipped out the Sirius Whip.

The black shadow didn't expect me to be so fast, so he yelled and dodged again.

"Fuck you!"

I was so angry that it suppressed me, I cursed loudly, and quickly released Oudama, letting it smell the breath that the black shadow had just left on my neck, and gritted my teeth and shouted: "Follow me!"

Oudama caught up with me in a flash, and I walked slowly in the direction she left.

The shadow has been haunting the village these days, so its hiding place shouldn't be far away.

I was determined to clean it up once and for all, constantly awakening all the energy in my body along the way.

Unexpectedly, before leaving the village, Oudama came back and said dejectedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't catch up with it..."

Her eyes were red, and she couldn't tell how wronged she was. I scratched her little nose and told her to stop blaming herself. Then I suddenly thought of the black shadow kidnapping my father-in-law and mother-in-law years ago, and hurried towards Uncle Wang's house.

Fortunately, I had already arranged a powerful magic circle in the room of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, so I don’t need to rush around now.

After returning to Uncle Wang's house, I was relieved to see that they were all still in the house and there were no other abnormalities at home.

Then I pulled up a chair and fell asleep in the hall.

At dawn, I was woken up by a call from Li Mazi. He asked me when I would go back, saying that the first shot would be fired in the next year and asked me to open the business quickly.

I didn't tell him that I was already dealing with Yin spirits. I just said that I would go back right away and let him stay at home.

After hanging up the phone, I was just about to go home when I saw my father-in-law leading many people towards Uncle Wang's house.

"Dad, what's going on?" I rushed up to him and asked.

There was a trace of helplessness on the father-in-law's face, and he sighed and said, "All the livestock in the village died overnight."


My voice suddenly rose a few decibels. My father-in-law nodded painfully and told me.

Overnight, all the livestock in the village died, and they all had obvious wavy wounds on their bodies.

That's not all. Several small shops in the village were ransacked without exception. All the wine inside was drunk. Although other goods were not lost, they were messed up.

It seemed that the black shadow wanted to take full revenge on the villagers. I gritted my teeth and asked everyone if they could see clearly what weapon the black shadow used.

Everyone was silent as soon as I asked. After all, it happened late at night when everyone was sleeping.

At this time, a grocery store owner suddenly said: "I have surveillance there. I wonder if that thing was photographed?"

"Take me to see it."

This is a typical small rural area. I didn’t expect someone to install surveillance cameras. I instantly became excited and ran home with him.

The boss used the computer to adjust the picture to last night, and then said to me: "Actually, I have watched it several times myself. Apart from being weird, I can't see anyone."

I calculated in my mind the time it would take for the Yin spirit to escape from me, and then quickly dragged the progress bar and quickly fixed the time at three in the morning.

Judging from the surveillance footage, the door was opened during this period, and one bottle of wine inside was opened one after another, and then automatically rose into the air. It looked like a transparent person was holding the bottle and drinking.

Obviously the Yin spirit had appeared at this time, but the surveillance did not capture its shadow. I dragged back a little irritably. After all the wine was drunk, I was surprised to find a cyan light flashing in the screen!

As the light became clearer and clearer, the light gradually turned into a gun-shaped weapon. Before I could react, the cyan light quickly hit the surrounding shelves, smashing the neat shelves into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Then the light pointed at the door of the back room, but stopped, seemingly hesitating.

In the end, it didn't enter the back room, but slowly disappeared from the video.

The boss's face turned green with fright when he saw this scene, and he said tremblingly: "It was almost, almost it entered the house!"

I nodded and felt a little shake in my heart. The back room was where the bedroom was. The boss and his wife slept here last night.

Fortunately, Yin Ling hesitated, otherwise they would definitely be killed.

It seems that it is still a little afraid of me, so it doesn't kill easily. I rubbed my head and thought for a long time, then ran outside and looked at the shelves that had not been cleared yet, and found that the marks on them were also wavy.

Could it be...

An idea suddenly popped into my mind, and I quickly searched for the Zhangba Snake Spear on Baidu on my mobile phone. I was shocked to find that the Zhangba Snake Spear has a wavy spearhead!

When I think about the black shadow's love for drinking and the fact that it was both the eldest brother and the strategist before, I suddenly reacted.

He is not a Liangshan hero at all, but the fierce Zhang Fei who is famous in history!

Zhang Fei was different from his two brothers. He had a bad temper and loved to drink. When drunk, he would go crazy and beat his subordinates black and blue.

Liu Bei once advised Zhang Fei over and over again, saying: You often whip athletes, but then you still let them serve you. This is a recipe for disaster! But Zhang Fei refused to listen. In the end, when he was drunk, his head was cut off by his subordinates Fan Qiang and Zhang Da, and he defected to Soochow.

Zhang Fei did not have much achievements in history. The only thing passed down to the world is his three roars on Changban slope, which scared off millions of Cao Cao's soldiers.

I personally don't have a good impression of Zhang Fei. I even think that the reason why he is famous throughout the ages is because of Liu Bei and Guan Yu. Based on his virtue, he is at best a reckless man.

What's even more irritating is that Zhang Fei, who became a ghost, lost the courage to fight in his lifetime, and turned into Zhang Paopao, who ran away if he couldn't be beaten, just like his eldest brother Liu Bei.

I can't stay here forever. After thinking about it, I feel that the only way to influence him is through the deeds of the three brothers.

That day I drew many portraits of the three sworn brothers in Taoyuan and distributed them to these small shops and villagers' homes that Zhang Fei had visited.

I asked them to stick the portraits on the doors and windows in the middle of the night, then lock the doors and windows and rest quietly in the house.

Now everyone in the village knew that a ghost had come to the village, and everyone was immediately worried that it would come to their homes. They all came to me to ask for a portrait. For a while, the whole village fell into a haze!

In desperation, I had no choice but to call on the whole village to prepare portraits of the Taoyuan Three Brothers. At night, I took Odama around the village and felt like a patrolman.

There were no accidents in the village in the first half of the night, but later the temperature became very low. I felt a little sleepy, had difficulty concentrating, and yawned from time to time.

"Bad brother, please go back and get some sleep. I'll call you if there's any situation." Oyu said distressedly.

I smiled, touched her little head and said, "Our little tail jade is becoming more and more feminine. I will find you a good husband later."

I said half-jokingly and half-seriously, Xiaolin and she were both single at the moment, so they could definitely be a couple.

Unexpectedly, Oyu's eyes turned red after hearing this, and he whined: "Oyu doesn't want a husband, Oyu wants to stay with the bad brother, and always stay with the bad brother."

When she said this, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and she might not even be aware of it. I was stunned for a moment, thinking to myself, she...could she be in love with me?

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