I got out of bed, took the phone and ran to the yard, and dialed the number of the man in the T-shirt.

"What's up?"

The call was quickly connected, and the man in the T-shirt got straight to the point without any emotion in his voice.

Fortunately, I had long been accustomed to his style, so I told him about being an alcoholic as quickly as possible, and asked helplessly: "What should I choose now?"

The man in the T-shirt was silent for five seconds before speaking slowly: "Do you still have the right to choose?"

I immediately realized that if I had dealt with femininity for money and excitement before, then since I came back from Fengdu Ghost Market, I have been completely tied to my identity as a femininity merchant.

All the monsters and ghosts in the world know my name, and I don’t know how many people are secretly spying on me, so I can only face all difficulties head-on, otherwise I will die without a burial place, and my death will be even worse than my grandfather’s.

"I understand, then you should go to bed early." I sighed and said weakly, and then I was about to hang up the phone.

But the man in the T-shirt said coldly: "You joined the ghost market in order to save them, and now they are being implicated by the ghosts because of you. It can be considered a cause and effect."

The man in the T-shirt hung up after saying that. I looked at Yin Xinyue who was sleeping soundly. Although I still felt distressed, my heart was no longer shaken!

After I woke up the next day, I didn't hear anything strange happened in the village. Maybe the shadow didn't want to confront me, so it deliberately restrained itself a little.

In any case, this is good news. At least he doesn't have to be on the opposite side of Yin Xinyue right away.

The shadow did not appear for several days. Our family gradually emerged from its shadow and had a warm Spring Festival.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, my father-in-law set up several banquet tables at home, and everyone in the village who was close to him came. Thirty or forty people took turns toasting to me, and each person had three glasses full.

This is the rule of their parents, which shows the recognition of the new son-in-law by the maternal family. As a southerner, I don’t know the inner ways. I am not afraid of those who come at first, but the cup will come to the end.

I couldn't hold it any longer in the middle, so I came out to get some air while going to the toilet. Yin Xinyue saw that my face was very red and gently asked me not to drink so much.

"Everyone has three glasses of wine. Even if I don't drink, I still have to drink."

I complained helplessly. Yin Xinyue was stunned after hearing this, and then said awkwardly: "It's my fault that I didn't remind you that you only need to drink the first two of these three glasses of wine, and you need to drink the third glass completely."


I was so drunk that I almost felt my nose twisting after hearing what she said. I wanted to push her to the ground on the spot and take revenge.

Then I returned to the wine table, and according to Yin Xinyue's words, I successfully persisted until the end. Despite this, I drank at least more than a kilogram of white wine in one day, and my mother's breathing was full of the smell of alcohol.

After the guests left, I dragged my aching head to the bed and lay down, sleeping until the afternoon of the next day.

After I woke up, I shook my head, which was still aching, and heard the noise coming from outside, so I asked Yin Xinyue what was going on outside.

"It's okay, just go to sleep!"

Yin Xinyue said with a sullen face and her voice was very low. She pushed me down on the bed just as I was about to get up.


I glanced at her doubtfully, and Yin Xinyue said with a dark face: "Someone comes to ask for your help, but I won't allow you to go."

Unexpectedly, someone came to the door in the third year of junior high school. Not only was Yin Xinyue unhappy, but I also didn’t want to take the business so early.

After all, according to Chinese custom, it is always better not to get involved in unknown matters during the first month.

I knelt on the bed and looked over quietly, and found that my father-in-law was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a few elderly people, chatting.

Although they came to me for help, there was not much restraint on their faces. They all seemed to get along well with their father-in-law. If you look carefully, two of them came over to toast me yesterday. I still remember one of them. It seems that he should be called Wang. uncle.

"Honey, why don't I go out and take a look?" I asked.

Since the other party is my father-in-law's friend, I feel it's a bit embarrassing to pretend to be sleeping here. My father-in-law can help me hold them off for my safety, but as a junior, I can't cheat my father.


Xinyue naturally knew the stakes, and nodded helplessly after complaining.

After getting permission, I quickly put on my clothes, combed my messy hair, and walked out to say hello to them.

"Xiao Zhang, does your head still hurt?"

The father-in-law asked deliberately, and then explained: "My son-in-law is from the south. Yesterday, he started drinking to the end, but he drank too much."


"It's good to be sincere, and it's good to be honest."

After my father-in-law finished speaking, everyone smiled kindly. I scratched my head in embarrassment and asked them what was wrong.

I already made my attitude clear when I came out, so my father-in-law didn't change the subject anymore. He took back the smile on his face and said, "The drunkard is back again."

"What the hell?" I was stunned.

It turns out that these brothers all have sons-in-law coming to visit this year. Because our family had a treat yesterday, Uncle Wang asked his son-in-law to come.

After Uncle Wang went back yesterday, he put all the tobacco, wine and fish for the banquet in the yard. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, several boxes of white wine had been drunk, and there was no meat or vegetables left. The entire table Only the cigarette remained untouched.

Uncle Wang had heard about Xiao Pingtou and the deceased before, so he instantly realized that the thing had entered his home!

He thought it was okay to lose some wine, but it would be terrible if that thing killed someone on a whim, so he wanted to beg me to catch the ghost.

"I'll think of a way."

The black shadow appeared several times, which annoyed me so much that I just kept doing it, making it the first ghost to be subdued this year!

Because it comes and goes without a trace, and unlike other ghosts that are unaware of life and death, but run away when in danger, it is difficult for me to catch it directly, and I can only write about the wine it likes to drink.

After thinking for a long time, I looked at several old people and asked, "Who has realgar wine at home?"

Realgar wine is white wine or rice wine made from realgar ground into powder. It has the effect of repelling insects and was once used by the ancients to ward off evil spirits.

Because realgar is toxic, people basically no longer drink it, but use it to ward off evil spirits during festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Double Ninth Festival. Since the shadow loves to drink, I think this is a good breakthrough.

It's just that realgar is popular in the south, but rare in the north. I'm afraid they don't have it.

Unexpectedly, my father-in-law nodded directly after hearing this and said that he had realgar wine at home. Then he brought a small iron bucket from the toilet, opened the lid and handed it over, and asked me if it was this?

I took a look, what a guy! A barrel full of genuine realgar wine, with authentic color and taste.

"I've been talking about it for two years. Xiaoyue bought it when she came home. She asked your mother and I to sprinkle some on the window, saying it could ward off evil spirits. But the two of us couldn't stand the smell, and we couldn't bear to throw it away. , just put it in the toilet." My father-in-law said with a smile.

After listening, I recalled that two years ago, Yin Xinyue and I were in an ambiguous period. At that time, she followed me to deal with a lot of things.

Maybe she remembered when I used realgar wine and bought it for my parents. She is such a filial girl. No wonder she threatened me with divorce yesterday to stop interfering!

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