Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 680 I want to divorce you!

In just a few seconds, the surrounding air suddenly began to flow rapidly. At the same time, a black shadow appeared out of thin air on the grave. I looked over with wide eyes and quickly recognized it as the ghost from last night!

"Hahaha, let's drink."

Yin Ling laughed to herself, sat cross-legged in front of the grave, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and poured it into her mouth, making tut-tut sounds from time to time.

Soon the box of wine was empty, and it said with unfinished content: "You will get so much wine if you kill one person, kill a few more tomorrow, hahaha."

After saying that, it burped, stood up, and prepared to leave.

Hearing that it wanted to kill people, I instantly became angry. Regardless of the danger, I rushed out and pointed the Sirius whip at him, and shouted coldly: "Who are you!"

What surprised me was that the Yin spirit was not surprised at all when he saw me. Instead, he showed an expression that he knew I was here for a long time.

This is not a good sign, I gritted my teeth and asked again, while I began to accumulate strength in my heart. Although the spiritual power of the Sirius Whip was exhausted yesterday, I was able to use the Royal Treasure Technique to increase its power!

It's just that I'm not strong enough now, and the Imperial Treasure will cause dizziness, coma, and other adverse reactions, so I'm generally not willing to take the Imperial Treasure, but when faced with this vicious Yin Spirit, I was completely angry.

"Do you think you deserve to know grandpa's name?"

The black shadow smiled disdainfully. I didn't answer it, but I leaned closer step by step. A stream of heat surged out of my dantian and chest, gathered on my arms and then passed into the body of Sirius Whip.

This was the first time that I released the spiritual power of Mrs. She and Ran Min at the same time, and I was particularly excited. Looking back at the black shadow, it seemed to see that the Sirius Whip was unusual. Although it slowly backed away as I stepped forward, it didn't feel the same fear as last night.

You know, I almost burst its balls yesterday. There was no reason for it to be so calm. I felt more and more uneasy. I shook my head and forcibly ordered myself not to think about that anymore, and just stared at the Yin Spirit.

But at this moment, the cell phone in my pocket suddenly rang. I took it out and saw that it was Yin Xinyue who opened it. I was shocked and hurriedly answered the call.

"Brother Zhang, my parents suddenly disappeared in the house. They disappeared..."

Yin Xinyue's voice was more panicked than ever before, because her parents were staying well in the room, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yin Xinyue has been with me for so long and has seen too many dangers. She immediately thought that it might be an alcoholic and said pleadingly: "Husband, please don't make things difficult for that alcoholic anymore. I know that as long as you let it go, it will Then he won’t cause trouble for us again!”


After hearing this, my eyes instantly turned red, I clenched my fists tightly, and gritted my teeth and said to the shadow: "Who the hell is a good guy who kidnaps someone's parents? If he has the ability to fight me with real swords and guns."

"Hey, my eldest brother said, don't be soft when dealing with your enemies!"

Heiying answered arrogantly, but when he mentioned the word "eldest brother", his face was full of smile, which gave me the feeling that he and the "eldest brother" he mentioned were having sex.

Now that the situation is critical, I have to compromise, hold back the anger in my heart, and whisper: "I am just entrusted by others, and there is no grudge between us. If you let them go now, I will definitely not stop you from drinking in the future." .”

"This is true!"

The black shadow was shaken for a moment after hearing this, but soon, it shook its head and said coldly: "Don't lie to me. The military advisor said that I am easily deceived after drinking, but I won't listen!"

As it spoke, it shook its head, and before I could react, it turned into a wisp of smoke and flew away.

My mind was now filled with my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and I had no intention of caring about it anymore. I immediately ran home and as soon as I entered the door, I saw Yin Xinyue sitting on the sofa wiping tears. When she saw me, she slapped me on the face and said decisively: "Zhang Jiulin, if anything happens to my parents, I will divorce you immediately."

"Mom and Dad, it's going to be okay."

I didn't care at all about the burning pain on my face, nor did I resent her slap. My heart was full of guilt. If I hadn't been so nosy, how could something like this have happened?

I held Yin Xinyue in my arms. She struggled hard, but I wouldn't let go no matter what. Yin Xinyue made a fuss for a while, started to cry, hugged me and said with a trembling voice: "Husband, I'm so scared."

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

I said swornly, but there was no thought in my heart. This black shadow could kill people just to drink, so how could it tolerate me beating its balls?

Just when I was at a loss, the beads in my pocket suddenly started beating violently. I quickly released Oyu and asked her if she had any ideas.

After Oudama turned into a bead, she could also feel the yin energy around her, but she couldn't communicate with me, so she usually conveyed information to me through beads when there was an emergency.

"Bad brother, I can feel the position of the aunt whose fried meatballs are so delicious!" Odama said with an innocent face.

The aunt in her mouth undoubtedly refers to Yin Xinyue's mother. After hearing this, I grabbed her hand and asked eagerly: "Where is it? How do you know?"

"You are stupid if you say you are stupid. Have you forgotten that my aunt and I exchanged fates before?"

Wei Yu stuck out his tongue, and then quickly flew outside. Yin Xinyue and I knew that it was taking us to find our father-in-law and mother-in-law, so we hurriedly followed behind.

After flying to the small bridge in the village, Oyu stopped and pointed to the place where the deceased's body was found in the morning and said that the person was there.

After hearing this, I quickly ran down and suddenly discovered that there was a large pit more than two meters deep. I took a photo of it with my mobile phone and saw at a glance that my father-in-law and mother-in-law were tied together back to back, with a hole stuffed in their mouths. A dirty rag.

After seeing Yin Xinyue and I, our eyes suddenly turned red. I didn't dare to waste time, so I quickly cut the ropes on their bodies with a dagger, and then helped them up one by one.

Before we walked onto the bridge, there was a sudden gust of wind behind us. I turned around subconsciously and found that a black shadow had appeared behind us at some point. It said sinisterly: "I just went to find some wine to eat. These two You found the old guy, it seems you are really capable."

"Grandpa is having a good time drinking today, so I'll let you go for now. If you dare to go against me again, I won't give you another chance to save them." After saying this, the black shadow laughed wildly and walked past me in a provocative way. Full of flavor.

I gritted my teeth and was about to rush forward, but Yin Xinyue held me tightly and whispered, "Brother Zhang, please!"

Listening to her soft voice, my hands gradually relaxed, watching the black shadow completely disappear.

I'm not sure it can be solved once and for all, but it can deliver a fatal blow to my parents-in-law at any time.

Yin Xinyue can't afford to gamble, but I dare not!

Because the two elders were frightened, they rested early after returning home. Yin Xinyue's condition improved a lot. She turned sideways and touched my cheek and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

I shook my head and said nothing. All I could think about was the desperation and determination in the eyes of the deceased's wife, and the Yin Ling's behavior of having no bottom line just to drink.

I will definitely find a way to solve it, otherwise I will feel sorry for my conscience. But the scene just now reminded me that I will always encounter all kinds of ghosts in the future, so how should I protect my loved ones?

Suddenly, I understood why my grandfather never let me see my parents again after he handed over the antique shop to me.

He is doing it for my good and the Zhang family’s good!

Seeing that I didn't speak for a long time, Yin Xinyue hugged me gently and said sorry while sobbing.

"I know that your identity is destined to be inseparable from this kind of life, but I love you and I am ready to die with you!"

She choked up and continued: "But I'm really afraid that my parents will be hurt. What should I do?"

"Go to sleep."

I understood her thoughts very well. I wanted to say something several times, but found that everything seemed weak. In the end, I just kissed her gently and sighed.

Soon Yin Xinyue fell asleep. I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling, feeling particularly confused.

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