Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 679: Liangshan Heroes

I was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted: "Dad, are you saying that this man's death is related to that drunkard?"

My father-in-law nodded and said that he felt like this and wanted me to go over and see what was going on. If it is really that evil spirit that is causing trouble, please ask me to destroy it so that it doesn't come back to harm others.

There was a hint of blame in his words that I didn't kill the Yin spirit yesterday. I knew he wasn't targeting me, he just felt sorry for this human life!

I gritted my teeth and said, "Dad, don't worry! If this person is really killed by a ghost, I will definitely find him out."

"Forget it, people cannot be resurrected after death, so you should be careful."

My father-in-law waved his hand, and then took me to the bridge at the entrance of the village. From a distance, I saw many people surrounding the bridge. When I got on the bridge, I was surprised to find that one of the railings had been damaged.

There was a broken-down tricycle in the dry river. The body and the front of the car were squeezed together, directly squeezing the driver in the driver's seat into a meat pie. Blood flowed all over the ground. Under the sunlight, the car shone with an eye-catching color. Next to it are gaudy small commodities.

Police cordoned off the tricycle, possibly waiting for forensics to arrive.

The faces of the onlookers were full of panic. The adults covered the children's eyes with their hands, and some bold ones were talking among themselves.

I leaned in and listened for a while, and I finally understood. It turned out that the deceased was not from the village, but lived in the next village.

It is said that he sells groceries. Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon and the business in the rural market is very hot, he sets out early in the morning before dawn. As a result, when he drove to a small bridge, he suddenly lost control and crashed through the railing. The scene was filled with the smell of alcohol and blood.

It didn't take long for the professional forensic doctor to arrive, and they quickly determined that this was a car accident caused by drunk driving. Before leaving, the police officer leading the team seriously reminded the villagers present to drink less during the Spring Festival. ,be safe.

As soon as the police left, the group of ordinary people saw that there was no excitement to join in, so they left one after another. They talked about everything, but the most discussed topic was the topic of drinking less.

After everyone was almost gone, I asked my father-in-law to go home first and prepare to go off the bridge to explore the situation. Unexpectedly, he shook his head and said, "I saw a lot of dead people when I was young. This is nothing."

After saying that, he took the lead in walking away like an old man. I shook my head helplessly, thinking that the old man was indeed very curious.

Because the deceased was a nearby person and had his own family, the police even removed the cordon. I easily walked to the body to inspect it. At this time, a woman's heartbreaking voice suddenly sounded on the bridge: "You guys What do you want to do, don’t get close to him!”

Following the sound, I saw a woman looking here with tears on her face. It looked like she wanted to run over, but she fell to the ground as soon as she took a step, and her body and face were immediately covered with mud.

The woman didn't care, and climbed slowly from the bridge to this side.

It seemed that she was the wife of the deceased. I sighed sadly, ran forward and helped him up, and then carried her to the tricycle.

"Ah...Master, why are you gone when you are doing so well?"

After she saw the deceased, the hope in her eyes was instantly shattered and she became extremely desperate. I could clearly feel the helplessness radiating from her body, so I advised her to be sad and resigned.

"My condolences. My child lost his father when he was in elementary school. My condolences...haha..."

The woman suddenly laughed as she spoke, which shocked my father-in-law and me. We were afraid that she would not be able to accept it for a while and would become a madman and hurt us.

He was also afraid that she would not be able to think of a way to commit suicide later, so he had to stand by in embarrassment.

Fortunately, after the woman finished laughing, she knelt down next to the body and burst into tears. Being able to cry proved that the pressure had been released, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

When she was tired of crying and shedding tears silently looking at the corpse, I stepped forward and asked: "Sister, did your husband come out of the house? How much alcohol did she drink?"

"My husband didn't drink! He didn't drink!"

The woman seemed to know that her husband was convicted of drunk driving and died, and shouted hysterically: "He has been busy going to the market these days. When he gets home, he prepares the goods for the next day. He even squeezes out time to eat and sleep. , where can he drink? Besides, he seldom drinks alcohol on weekdays, and he is the kind of person who avoids the drinking table whenever he encounters it. "

After saying that, she started to cry again, and while crying, she said that her husband's death was unjust.

The woman was telling the truth. I no longer doubted it, but asked her if she would allow me to examine the body again.

After hearing this, her face suddenly darkened, and she cautiously asked me who I was.

"Don't worry about who he is, as long as he can help you."

My father-in-law probably didn't want others to know too much information about me, so he rushed to reply, and then said calmly: "You know the nearest alcoholic demon in your village, Xiao Liuzi? The reason why Xiao Liuzi is so good at drinking is because he is haunted by ghosts. Fortunately I met my son-in-law.”

After speaking, my father-in-law pointed at me, his face full of pride.

After hearing this, the woman became suspicious. She slowly took out an obsolete Nokia mobile phone from her bag, made a fumble and asked in a low voice, sounding vaguely like she was asking for news about Xiao Liuzi.

After a while, she hung up the phone, turned around and knelt on the ground with a bang, and said with a pleading look on her face: "It seems that you are really a master, sir. Please avenge my man, and you can't let him die in an unknown way." ah."

As if she was afraid that I wouldn't agree, she added: "We have saved some money from selling things over the years. As long as my husband can close his eyes, I will give you all the money without leaving a penny!" "

From the panic at the beginning, to the doubt later, and now the perseverance, they all show that she is a simple rural woman.

How could I possibly take her money? Without her man, her life will be very sad in the future.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little panicked. I took a few deep breaths before letting her take me home to check on the situation.

She nodded and said yes, but she would have to wait for someone from the village to take the body back. Could I wait a while?

I came here specifically for this matter, so of course I have no dissatisfaction. It’s just that this man died so miserably, and I must have a lot of resentment in my heart. I am immune to this resentment, but my father-in-law is an ordinary person, so I let him go home first.

"I can't help you anyway, I'm going back first, please pay attention to your safety."

The father-in-law said and left, and not long after, two trucks drove over. More than 20 young and middle-aged men got out of the truck, crying and carrying the body up. Then directly drag the abandoned tricycle to the scrap station.

In fact, this small tricycle can still be used after repairing it, but rural people are more superstitious, and anything that has been used by dead people will generally not be used again.

The deceased had a large group of brothers in his family, so the funeral did not take much time. It was just in time for the Chinese New Year, and the woman did not want everyone to be implicated, so she kept the funeral simple.

At noon, relatives and friends came to express their condolences, and the funeral was held in the afternoon.

The woman said that the deceased had been living in the small store opened by her family recently, so during the funeral, I walked around the store several times, but couldn't find any clues.

Now that the person has been buried and there are no clues, I feel like I have no idea where to start. Simply wait until night, try your luck and come to the grave of the deceased with a box of liquor, then use a sun-shading charm to cover the yang energy on your body, and quietly hide in the woods nearby.

If the deceased was really killed by the ghost spirit last night, then the ghost spirit will probably come to the grave to make a fuss tonight, and will definitely reveal his true colors after seeing the wine I have laid out!

The weather got much colder in the second half of the night, and the gray sky began to rain and sleet, and the wind blew on my face, making it cool.

I was hungry and sleepy, so I curled up into a ball and leaned against a tree to rest. I then released Otama and let her circle the grave and keep an eye on me.

Oyu has been eating meat with me these days. He nodded obediently and disappeared without a trace.

I closed my eyes with relief and recalled what the Yin spirit said last night when it controlled Little Flathead, and a word suddenly appeared in my mind: Liangshan!

It seems that the Liangshan heroes in "Water Margin" usually use the opening line "What is grandpa doing?"

Could it be that this guy is one of the heroes from Liangshan? Judging from his love of drinking and his carefree personality, this is really possible.

After all, "Water Margin" is a novel adapted from real history and is not entirely fabricated. With this idea in mind, my thoughts suddenly came alive.

After all, one hundred and eight generals in Liangshan belong to the reincarnation of Tiangang Disha. If he really becomes a Yin spirit now, it may be difficult to deal with ordinary things. If it doesn't work then, just find a way to invite Lu Dongbin to take over!

While I was thinking about it, Xiaowei Yu flew back in a hurry, landed on my shoulder and said excitedly: "Bad brother, there is a strong Yin Qi approaching!"

"Oh shit."

After I took the tail jade back, I frowned and cursed, "It won't come sooner or later, but it comes at this time, and I haven't thought of a countermeasure yet."

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