Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 678 Seven Whips to Drive Back Yin Spirits

At this time, the little flat head was still lying on the ground, sleeping soundly, snoring evenly, and not looking like he was possessed by evil spirits at all. I thought to myself, it would be a joke if I was just too neurotic.

Thinking of this, I laughed to myself and was about to take out my phone and play games for a while, but at this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind in the yard, and then the door of the house made a heart-stopping creaking sound.

Before he could realize what was going on, the iron chains in the house started to jingle.

I quickly looked down, and was shocked to find that the little crew chief who was snoring like thunder just now was sitting up now!

He was tied up with iron chains, but he completed a difficult action in an instant. The wind noise just now must have been the ghost that was haunting him. I secretly took out the Sirius Whip from my waist, clasped a magic talisman with my other hand, and stared at it cautiously, not daring to blink.

Xiao Pingtou sat for a while, and his confused eyes gradually became bloodshot, and finally turned abnormally scarlet, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark room.

"Who tied up grandpa? Let him go!"

As soon as Xiaopingtou opened his mouth, I heard a voice that did not belong to him. The voice was like a thunder in the plains, and the aura was also very powerful. The first thing it felt after finding out that it was tied up was not fear, but anger.

I suddenly felt that the iron chain was of no use to him. Sure enough, as he roared and exerted force, the iron chain snapped into several pieces.

Xiao Pingtou twisted his neck and shouted disdainfully: "You want to tie up grandpa with just this broken chain? Go ahead and dream!"

After saying that, it stepped forward, kicked open the door, and was about to leave. When it reached the door, it suddenly stopped, sniffed hard, and then burst into laughter. Then he suddenly turned around and saw the two bottles of wine I had put there. He ran over and picked up one of the bottles and drank it. In less than a minute, he drank all the wine from the bottle.

After drinking, he burped and said with satisfaction: "Good wine, good wine..."

Then he reached for the second bottle.

I knew it would leave after drinking the bottle, so I quickly jumped off the roof, rolled twice on the ground and then trotted into the house.


Seeing my appearance, Little Flathead asked viciously.

From his behavior, it can be seen that he has a moody character. I directly put the Sirius whip across my chest and yelled tit for tat: "Where is the evil obstacle coming from? Get out of here!"

"Hey, you dare to scold grandpa?"

Xiao Pingtou's face turned red instantly, and he raised his hand and threw the bottle over.

I quickly stepped aside, and the wine bottle whizzed past with a gust of wind, and instantly smashed a hole in the wooden door.

"Grandpa will dig out your heart and liver and eat it with wine!"

Seeing me ducking away, Xiao Pingtou roared angrily, and then rushed towards me. I rushed forward without fear and pretended to whip him with the Sirius Whip. However, the moment I approached him, I quickly turned around and accurately placed the talisman between his eyebrows.

The center of the eyebrow is a person's Yintang point, which represents a person's luck. The opening words of many gentlemen who tell fortunes are, I see your Yintang is dark... The Yintang here refers to the center of the eyebrows.

Generally speaking, if you encounter a ghost-possessed person, you can use chopsticks to pinch the middle finger to force the dirty things out, let alone stick a magic talisman on the Yintang point.

Those with high moral standards can even destroy ghosts with just one magic talisman, which is enough to see the key to Yintang point. But when I put down the magic talisman, Xiaopingtou just shook his body slightly, and without stopping, he clenched his fist and hit me.

I have never encountered this kind of situation before, and my heart suddenly felt weak. Fortunately, he gained part of Ran Min's power some time ago, and his combat effectiveness doubled.

But even so, I was able to get out of the way just now, and I could even feel its fist hitting my face, which was so painful!

I didn't expect this guy who loved to drink to be a ruthless character. I put away my previous optimistic attitude and cautiously confronted him. When it attacked me again, I suddenly knelt on the ground and slid down from his crotch with the help of inertia.

Taking advantage of this time, I used the Sirius Whip to hit it's crotch like a fish in the sea!

"Ouch! It hurts grandpa to death."

After Xiao Pingtou was hit, the hostility in his body instantly dropped a lot, and he squatted on the ground and howled in pain.

At this moment, all his attention was on his lower body, and other parts were undefended. I took the opportunity to hit the back of his head, chest, limb joints and other more important parts with a few whips.

The little flat head fell completely to the ground now, and there was still the last whip of the Sirius whip left. I wanted to continue hitting his crotch, but I was afraid that the little flat head would cut off his descendants, so I couldn't help but hesitate.

At this time, he cursed angrily: "How dare you sneak attack on grandpa, you scoundrel. I'll see if grandpa doesn't skin you when he wakes up. Wow."

Before he could finish speaking, I turned cold and whipped him hard on the crotch. He immediately stopped roaring, covered his crotch tightly, and began to look at me with fear in his eyes.

The Sirius whip has expired. If I can't scare him away now, I may not be able to restrain him later!

Even if I release Otama by then, we may not be able to defeat him if we join forces. Thinking of this, I showed a fierce expression, smiled ferociously at its crotch and said, "I will make you a eunuch right now!"

Unexpectedly, after I said this, Yin Ling's eyes became even scarlet, and he stared hard, as if he wanted to burst his eye sockets. This was not a good sign, so I had to pretend to swing down the Sirius whip, while my other hand quietly reached into my pocket and held a very precious golden talisman.

Unexpectedly, he roared loudly at this moment, and then a black shadow emerged from the little flat head's body. Before I could see the outline of the black shadow clearly, it turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

I wasn't very well prepared for our first fight. In order to prevent the Yin Spirit from fighting me to death, I didn't catch up.

However, Oudama consciously stretched out half of a fox's head from his pocket, and asked cutely: "Bad brother, do you want me to catch up?"

"No need." I said, touching her little head.

During the Chinese New Year, many lonely ghosts will come out to find people with weak luck to take advantage of them. There is no malicious intention. Moreover, most Yin spirits accept them as soon as they see fit, and withdraw after enjoying some offerings. Few Yin spirits are so difficult to deal with.

No matter what, if you can scare away the evil spirits from Xiaopingtou, you will have won the first battle! Those two blows to his crotch just now will definitely leave a lifelong shadow on him.

Xiao Pingtou woke up early the next morning. He asked in confusion: "Why am I here? Why does there be such a strong smell of alcohol on my body?"

His tone, way of speaking, and overall temperament are completely different. It seems that this is the real crew cut.

Not long after, the big man who received the call from his father-in-law rushed over. After seeing his cousin return to normal, he grabbed our hands and kept saying thank you. He also took out a small pile of red bills from the wallet he had sewn and handed them over. Give me.

"Brother, you are embarrassing my brother by doing this." I said angrily and pushed his money back.

When I meet ordinary people like this, I usually don't charge any reward. At most, I just take something to settle the cause and effect. What's more, they are more or less related to their father-in-law, so they definitely can't ask for this money.

Luo Hu and Little Flathead wanted to visit relatives, so they didn’t insist anymore, but they proposed to treat me to a nice meal sometime after the Chinese New Year. Little Flathead scratched his head with embarrassment and said, “I don’t know how to drink. Use juice instead."

After he finished speaking, we all looked at each other with helpless smiles on our faces.

Then my father-in-law went out to see him off. I felt a little tired after not sleeping all night, so I went back to my room to rest. But not long after I fell asleep, I was woken up by my father-in-law. He said solemnly: "Jilin, there are dead people in the village."

I didn’t expect that such a thing would happen in the village as the Chinese New Year was approaching. I couldn’t help but say, “Everything in the world is unpredictable.”

"That's not what I meant." My father-in-law shook his head: "Someone was killed in a car accident while driving drunk, but he turned out to be a teetotaler!"

After speaking, my father-in-law gave me a somewhat thoughtful look.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

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