Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 685: Someone wants to touch you!

The Zhangba Snake Spear can be regarded as a famous weapon during the Three Kingdoms period. After returning home, I contacted a Chinese-American and ancient weapons enthusiast through the T-shirt man, and offered the Zhangba Snake Spear for three million US dollars. Sold.

I gave a small change to the man in the T-shirt as an introduction fee, and finally left 10 million yuan in my account.

This is the most money I’ve ever made from a single item, but it’s also the heaviest time in my heart, because I always think of the two innocent villagers killed by Zhang Fei, and feel that my money was earned with bloody human lives. .

So I gave another one million to each of them. Although the money was not much, it was an astronomical figure for the diligent farmers. Sometimes giving too much would harm them.

During this period, Li Mazi wandered around outside all day long, trying to sell a few more negative things, but unfortunately he couldn't find any business until the first month of the year.

Li Mazi was very discouraged and said that the market has been bad recently, and it seems that there is no guarantee in this business.

"You even have your head stuck in the waistband of your fucking pants, so what guarantee do you have?" I scolded him silently.

However, his words also reminded me that when dealing with Zhang Fei Yinling during the Chinese New Year, Yin Xinyue had already expressed dissatisfaction with my work in this industry.

Although she is willing to endure this kind of worry because she loves me, as a man, I always have to give her something to look forward to!

In fact, I often think about it. When I make enough money, I will take over all the antique shops around me. Then I will find someone to help us take care of the business, and I will team up with Li Mazi to be the hands-on shopkeeper.

It just so happened that I accidentally earned 10 million this time. Adding in the original savings of Li Mazi and I, we can make at least 20 million together.

The business on the antique street has not been very good recently. I think everyone is willing to sell their shops. I will not kill them all and will give them a reasonable price.

If they don’t want to sit back and have nothing to do, they can still work for us. Anyway, they are familiar with me and can use it easily.

After I had the idea almost figured out, I started discussing it with Li Mazi.

Even though this kid is usually a thief, he is quite courageous when it comes to serious matters, and he immediately expressed his commitment to me. However, after we reached a consensus, we found that it was of no use, so we went back to discuss it with my aunt.

But I don’t feel much pressure. This is to leave a way out for myself. I believe Yin Xinyue will never object.

Sure enough, when I told Yin Xinyue about this in bed at night, she immediately expressed her support and said that she had saved some money over the years and could use it to help me.

"No need, keep your money for our retirement!"

After I finished speaking, I turned over and pinned her down. After all, I promised my mother-in-law to make a little Jiulin or a little crescent moon as soon as possible. This was something I couldn't take lightly.

The next day, Li Mazi and I ran from door to door. Due to my presence, other shops on Antique Street had little business, so many bosses nodded in agreement on the spot and only asked me to pay the money in one go.

This is not a problem at all, my dearest thing is money! However, a few shop owners who were barely doing business fell silent after I finished speaking, saying that the whole family was relying on the shop to make a living, so they were unwilling to sell.

I have a headache for this kind of 'nail shop', but I can't force it. I can only compromise and discuss with them to change the location of the shop I bought so that I can be connected with Li Mazi's shop.

With our generous promises, these bosses finally agreed. I each paid a deposit of 100,000 yuan, and then asked them to take care of everything at hand before February 2nd.

The second day of February is when the dragon raises its head, which is a good time for prosperity throughout the year, and they all agreed.

Calculating that by then we will have more than a dozen adjacent antique shops, taking up half of the street!

It’s just that these stores have different decoration styles. In order to form a unified brand feature, Mazi and I decided to renovate them. Within a month, Yin Xinyue and Ruxue continued to go through various procedures, while Li Mazi and I went shopping all over the world for decoration. Material.

But we never expected that such a big change would occur to everything we had agreed upon.

On the first day of February, Li Mazi and I were sitting in front of the store drinking. He suddenly frowned and said: "Brother Zhang, do you feel that something is wrong? Tomorrow is the time to make an appointment, but none of these bosses are here." They didn’t contact us and they didn’t pack their bags.”


I was stunned for a moment, and then I felt that there was something wrong here.

I had been busy with Mazi before and had forgotten about this incident. After he reminded me like this, I realized that the bosses nearby seemed to be still doing their own business during this period and had no intention of changing hands.

Could it be that they want to play tricks on me?

I walked out with a sullen face. When Li Mazi saw this posture, he picked up two beer bottles and followed behind.

The two of us went out with the attitude of asking for help, but we got a huge rejection! All the doors of the shops that promised to sell to us were locked. Looking through the windows and door cracks, the things inside were still in their original arrangement.

"What a shame."

I gritted my teeth and cursed, took out my mobile phone and called them. It turned out that these shop owners said exactly the same thing. They didn't say they didn't want to sell. They just said that they were busy at the moment and would wait to transfer the store later.

After hanging up the phone, I was so angry that my teeth were itching, and I wanted to find out the troublemaker right now!

More than half of these shops are loss-making shops that cannot continue to operate. Unless the bosses are stupid, they will definitely not play this trick on me. There must be someone behind the scenes controlling all this.

Li Mazi was not a fool. He threw the wine bottle on the ground and asked me what to do.

"Just wait, they won't avoid us because of the 100,000 yuan. The purpose of going out temporarily is to wait for the results." I said.

"What's the result?"

"The result of our battle with the man behind the scenes!" My head suddenly became big, I scratched my hair randomly, and I became nervous.

The person who has trouble with me this time must be a human being. I can deal with the ghosts these two times, but I can't fight with humans.

Next, Li Mazi and I stopped all the work at hand and even called Ruxue and Yin Xinyue back.

The series of procedures they were responsible for were almost completed, so they complained about us at first, but after hearing what I said, they all fell silent.

"Don't go out as much these days. Even during the day, be careful." I warned uneasily, hoping that the man behind the scenes would show up soon. The waiting was the most painful thing.

Unexpectedly, the mastermind behind the scenes didn’t show up for three days in a row, but many people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came to inspect my store!

They had a bad attitude. They searched my antiques as soon as I entered the house, saying that there might be things dug up by tomb robbers and they would have to hand them over to the state.

I simply ignored their bullshit because they must have been ordered by the person behind the scenes. Fortunately, we just went through the formalities, and I have certain connections in the city government, so I will suffer a loss in this matter.

But this incident reminded me. As soon as they left, I called the senior leader of the city government and asked him what was going on.

"Brother, it's not that I won't help you, it's the higher-ups who want to touch you this time!" Before I could finish speaking, the other party blocked me.

I was stunned after hearing this. After all, the other party was the deputy mayor and he had no right to interfere. The status of the person who wanted to touch me was obvious.

"Then, can you tell me why, or what should I do before they stop?"


The other party hesitated for a while, then sighed heavily, "They want to squeeze you out of Wuhan. Have you heard of the four major aristocratic families?"

"You know, why, is it related to them this time?" I raised my eyebrows and asked lightly.

Wuhan is a mixed bag of dragons and snakes, with all kinds of onmyojis, antique dealers, fortune tellers, fortune tellers, and feng shui practitioners, among which the four major aristocratic families are the most powerful.

But everyone works together for a living and has their own territory, so they are basically on the same page with other forces.

The most important point is that Li Mazi and I are just simple traders of negative things. It is impossible to have any interests with them, so why should we be in trouble with me?

Li Mazi and I thought about it for a long time but had no idea, so we had to call the man in the T-shirt and ask him if he knew about the four major aristocratic families in Wuhan.

"I've heard of them, but I'm not familiar with them."

The man in the T-shirt said coldly, with a disdainful attitude toward these people, and then asked me why I suddenly asked about this.

I told him what happened in the past two days, and the man in the T-shirt suddenly raised his voice a bit: "Longquan Villa finally can't sit still anymore!"

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