Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 686 The Four Great Families

It turns out that the four major aristocratic families came to trouble me after being instigated by Longquan Villa. This is not surprising.

"I have met people from the four major aristocratic families in Macau before. At that time, they still wanted to please me. I was too lazy to pay attention to these wallflowers, so they just mingled with the people from Longquan Villa." said the man in the T-shirt.

"What do the four major families do?" I asked carefully, knowing nothing about it.

The man in the T-shirt said that the four major families sounded powerful, but in fact they did not have much strength.

In the nearly twenty years since the Cultural Revolution, basically all the lower classes have been outlawed, and if they are found, they will be labeled as feudal and superstitious, so many ancient sects have disbanded.

After 1978, with the enlightenment of national policies, four capable people appeared in the Wuhan area. They were bold and careful, and knew some special skills. Each of them recruited a group of local ruffians and formed a gang. The so-called four great families.

After listening to what the T-shirt man said, I felt that the four major aristocratic families were just a bunch of rabble, but the T-shirt man was indeed a bit arrogant sometimes, not to mention that I couldn't compare with him, and I really didn't know what to do.

I thought he could help shake up the place, but before I even opened my mouth, he said he was busy recently and asked me to contact Zen Master Baimei.

"forget it!"

I sighed and hung up the phone. I didn't intend to trouble the two old seniors, Zen Master Baimei and Senior Shu. At worst, I would have to fight with the four major aristocratic families.

When I went to bed at night, I held Yin Xinyue in my arms and said with emotion: "Daughter-in-law, you see, many times you can't just quit if you want to. There are too many things that you can't help but do."

"What if we change the city?"

Yin Xinyue said with a somewhat aggrieved expression. Before I could answer, she said to herself: "Hiding is not an option."

Yes, hiding is not the answer after all. If you think about it carefully, I have never taken the initiative to provoke others since my debut. Even though Longquan Villa tried to kill me several times, as long as they disappeared, I did not pursue them again. Of course, this was because I couldn't beat them, but that time in Fengdu Ghost City, I did show mercy to their young village owner.

My strength has been improving, but it seems that others always want to treat me like a weakling!

I tolerated it before, and I tolerate it now. How can I fucking endure it in the future?

I'm married and will have my own children soon!

Thinking of this, I felt fierce in my heart over and over again, go to the four major aristocratic families, go to Longquan Villa. No matter how powerful you are, as long as you don't offend me, we will never offend anyone. If you dare to offend me, I will kill you all!

Aren't they just four outdated old guys? Let’s just have some fun!

I called Li Mazi over early the next morning and asked him to go out and look for information on the four major families for me. Li Mazi was quite good at getting gossip.

When he saw that I was determined to start fucking, his dark face was flushed, and he said excitedly: "It should have been like this a long time ago!"

After Li Mazi went out, I took out all my magical weapons and prepared to take them with me to meet the four major families. Later, I thought that this would make them think that I was afraid of them. Anyway, I went with the mentality of stepping into the field. I thought about it and just brought invisible needles, and Emei thorns were used to defend the pockmarks.

I have memorized the royal treasure skills in the secret book, but I have never had the opportunity to use such a powerful weapon as the invisible needle. This time it is just an eye-opener for them!

When it was time for lunch, Li Mazi came back out of breath. He sat down on the chair and drank two large glasses of water before speaking out of breath: "Brother from the Zhang family, this time we two are so hot." Okay, let me show you this first."

He said this and handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and found that it listed in detail the distribution of power and the key businesses of the four major families. It even clearly recorded the masters in each family.

The four major families are Zhang, Zhao, and Yuan. Among them, the Zhang family is the smallest. It only has one fortune-telling stall under its umbrella, but it is the most famous among the four families. Because of its good fortune-telling skills, old man Zhang is known as the divine fortune teller in Mayi.

The Wang family was engaged in the antique business. Because they caught up with the spring breeze of reform and opening up at that time, the business was booming. Not only did the family have many brothers and sisters, they also had many thugs and necromancers like me. It was considered a relatively modern enterprise. . It is said that there is a district in Wuhan where they have a monopoly on the antique industry. No wonder they were able to find senior officials to suppress me.

The Zhao family was originally a papermaker, but later followed the trend and got body beautification. In recent years, they began to sell cemeteries, which really cost them a lot of money.

Because they often deal with corpses, everyone in their family seems to be very sick, but the Zhao family has a unique skill: coffin array! It is said that the ancestor of the Zhao family was a general during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and used a coffin array to defeat Zeng Guofan's Hunan army.

But I think there's a lot of pretentiousness involved.

There are very few Yuan family members in the end, and they don’t have any unique skills, but most people really don’t dare to mess with them, because they are the descendants of the famous Taoist Yuan Tiangang in the Tang Dynasty, and they are recorded in the genealogy. This is a bit like Liu Bei back then, who used his status as a clan member of the Han Dynasty to go around eating and drinking...

The four major families themselves all have a certain degree of influence, and after joining together, they became the famous local snakes in Wuhan! Other retail investors or small groups have to rely on them.

In this way, it is equivalent to all the Taoist forces in Wuhan standing on the opposite side of us, so Li Mazi said that we are popular.

Under this premise, I no longer blame those bosses, but muster up confidence to prepare for a fight with them.

As long as the four major families are destroyed, the others will naturally disperse. In order to prevent them from being prepared, I decided to strike preemptively. There is a saying in the art of war: first it is easy and then it is difficult. Of the four, the easiest to deal with is naturally the fortune-telling Zhang family.

Shensuan Zhang lives in Huquan, an independent two-story house, which is both his home and his place.

Huquan was originally a relatively poor place, but with the economic development of Wuhan, a large number of migrant workers gathered here. The original poor people made a fortune by renting out their houses.

In recent years, the authorities have been talking about demolition, but until now there has been no movement, just because the people here are too complicated. There are locals who sell local goods, schoolgirls who work special part-time jobs, and many pyramid schemes. A friend of mine once went there to have his hair washed, and was imprisoned for half a month. In the end, he wrote a paragraph on the RMB and lost it. On the road, he was seen by passers-by and was able to escape.

But the more chaotic the place, the more superstitious people become. There are a steady stream of pilgrims in Shenzhen Zhang's shop every day, so that he only tells people the five hexagrams every day, and the rest can only wait until next time!

But I didn’t believe in this evil, so I drove the car to the intersection and walked in according to the map on my mobile phone. As soon as I entered a small alley, I saw various girls sitting on plastic benches on both sides of the road. They all stood up and waved to us: "Brother , Massage?”

When Li Mazi saw these beautiful scenery, he couldn't walk immediately. A pair of wretched little eyes turned around. I slapped him on the head and said through gritted teeth, I will tell Ruxue if you do this again. .

He smiled angrily and then looked away.

After walking forward for a while, I saw a lot of people standing in front of a store not far away, including young, old, women and children. Everyone had different expressions on their faces.

When I looked up, I saw a dark yellow wooden plaque hanging at the door of the store, with two words written on it: "Fortune telling."

This must be a place for fortune-telling. I raised my feet to walk in, but Li Mazi grabbed me and asked weakly: "Can you tell fortunes?"

"Do you still need to tell fortunes to find trouble?" I looked at him with disdain and strode into the crowd.

Many people thought I wanted to jump in line and muttered something dissatisfied, but they were suppressed by my sharp eyes.

"Who is coming?"

Sure enough, Shensuan Zhang felt hostility when his back was turned to me, and a purple mist suddenly emitted from his body.

I ignored him and looked around the room to myself, and found that there was only one phone from the Republic of China period with a dark energy lingering on it. It seemed that there was a dark spirit living inside.

But after all, we were very young, and he was not a powerful character. I slowly opened my palm, and when the spiritual power in my body was full, I stretched out my hand towards the phone a few meters away, and the phone flew into my hand with a swipe.

Seeing this scene, the people behind me who were waiting for fortune-telling immediately went crazy and asked me what kind of unique skill this was. Is it retrieval?

"This is an authentic heavenly master. He will tell everyone's fortunes for free. There is no charge for it! If you have anything to do in the future, come to us. Don't come here again to listen to this old bastard's nonsense." Li Mazi is very good at taking advantage of the situation and taking advantage of the crowd. In a state of confusion, hurry up and start fooling around.

When everyone heard this, their faces became hesitant, and they were obviously not so superstitious anymore.

Shensuan Zhang sensed the change in the atmosphere, and had no time to pretend to be arrogant. He said calmly: "If you two friends have the ability, just go ahead and use it. I only help people who are destined to solve their doubts, and I don't force it! That little bit of money is just for nothing." It’s just used to accumulate merit.”

Although he was smiling when he spoke, I still keenly caught the fleeting fierceness in his eyes. It seemed that he was also a ruthless person!

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