Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 690 Coffin Village

"There have been no outsiders in this village for many years. The village is full of elderly people. The whole village is lifeless." After the policeman finished speaking, he sighed and said in a subtle way that this place is very similar to the legendary Fengmen Village.

After hearing this, I felt a thump in my heart. Could it be that this is also a ghost village?

However, if Otama stopped here, it meant that the person must have entered the village. After thinking about it, I decided to go in and check. Seeing my insistence, the policeman was too embarrassed to let me go in alone, so he had to get off the car with me.

There are two stone lions at the entrance of the village. They have become dilapidated due to wind and rain. One lion has lost half of its head and is covered with moss. The other lion has also lost half of its body and is covered with cracks.

Entering the village along a bumpy gravel road, I discovered that the entire village was surrounded by a forest.

The village is full of adobe houses, many of which have been severely weathered. Many of the houses have no doors or windows, and are covered with dense spider webs. It is obvious that no one has lived in them for a long time.

The most terrible thing is that there is a dark coffin at the door of every house!

After walking forward for a while, I occasionally saw old people sitting in front of the door or doing something in the yard. When they saw us coming in, they just glanced at us and continued to do their own things, without any look in their eyes.

I was just about to go up to an old man to ask about the situation, when a voice suddenly came from behind me: "Young man, go back to where you came from. People here don't like to be disturbed by the outside world."

When he turned his head and looked, there was only a shadow that left quickly. I thought this figure looked familiar. If I thought about it carefully, wasn't this the thief who stole things? I immediately called a few police officers to chase me out, but as soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, the man disappeared as if he had evaporated!

I quickly asked the police stationed outside, but they said they didn't see anyone coming out at all.


I stood in the position of the policeman and looked towards the entrance of the village. I found that there was no blind spot. There was no reason why the policeman could not see that person.

How is this going? I wrinkled my head and thought about the coffin at the entrance of the village, and suddenly felt that the person who stole the things was related to the Zhao family.

As soon as we came out of the coffin array, we saw the temple, so this area must be his sphere of influence. The weirdest thing in Pankou Village is the coffins, and the thief also disappeared from the world. Everything has a strong flavor of the Zhao family. .

Since that man came to Pankou Village with cultural relics, he will definitely show up again. I plan to go in and take a look at it again in the evening.

We sat in the car to rest in the afternoon. I looked at Wang Xun'er and found that her injuries were much better. I borrowed a uniform from a female police officer and put it on for her.

Not to mention, when Wang Xun'er puts on her uniform, she really looks like a beautiful policewoman.

At night, a gust of cold wind appeared out of thin air around Pankou Village. I stood on the roof of the car and looked through the instructions of the invisible needle. I found that only a few houses had not closed their doors, and each coffin had an extra white item on it. clothes.

The clothes all swelled up in the evening breeze, and each one looked like a little person waving to me.

My heart skipped a beat and I quickly looked away. At this moment, the broken clock in the center of the village suddenly rang: "Dang...dang...dang..."

Accompanied by the ups and downs of the bells, will-o'-the-wisps danced in the village from time to time.

I rubbed my palms and got off the car and was about to enter the village. Several policemen quickly followed me. I always felt that the beating of the will-o'-the-wisps was related to the sound of the bell, so I walked directly to the edge and suddenly discovered that there was an ancient well under the bell!

Just as he was about to go over and take a look, a skeleton suddenly appeared from the well and said with a sneer: "This is not the place you came from. Get out quickly."

The voice was stiff, like a robot, and I stepped back subconsciously. Just as I was about to kill it with an invisible needle, the skeleton suddenly sank to the bottom of the water.

The policemen on the side were all stunned, holding guns, and they were all crowded together back to back. When I was thinking about whether to go down the well, the police captain's voice suddenly came from behind me: "Friend, go back quickly, we can't handle this case."

"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Hey, what can I tell you? In fact, it's not like no one has come to this village. Some old people come in every year, but they all come with coffins and shrouds. Eight years ago, a police officer wanted to check out Pankou Village. It’s a secret, but after entering it, it never came out again.”

"At that time, many comrades from the bureau were sent to search, and the province also set up a special task force, claiming that they wanted to see people alive or dead. Unfortunately, no clues were found. The police officer seemed to have disappeared from the world, and he has not been seen since. No one dared to enter Pankou Village. Later we sent out a drone, and guess what we captured!"

At this point, the police captain trembled all over, took a deep breath of air-conditioning, and continued: "The people in the village committed mass suicide! They all walked to the ancient well in the center of the village and lined up to jump in!"

After hearing this, I was shocked and subconsciously looked towards the well, feeling indescribably gloomy.

Since the police were very scared, I did not let them stay here anymore. Instead, I asked them to go back to the entrance of the village and wait for me, and I planned to stay here for the night.

The captain wanted to stay with me, but he was obviously scared, so I simply refused.

After the police left, the village became even quieter, and even the cold wind stopped blowing. The whole village was completely white, making it look particularly breathtaking.

I looked around and found a big tree to climb up, hoping to take a look at the villagers' mass suicide incident that the team leader had mentioned. But after waiting all night, nothing happened.

When it was almost dawn, I couldn't stand it any longer, so I leaned against a thick tree trunk and fell asleep. Not long after I slept, I felt my face was wet.

I thought it was raining, but when I opened my eyes, I saw that it was scarlet blood. I raised my head in horror, and suddenly I found a skinned corpse hanging above me, with only the face still normal.

Take a closer look, isn't it the little thief from yesterday?


I was so frightened that I fell down from the tree.

After I landed on the ground, I looked at the skinned corpse, and my heart became more and more frightened. When I climbed the tree yesterday, the corpse was not in the tree yet!

In other words, someone killed the little thief without my knowledge, and then hung him on a tree under my nose.

When human lives were involved, I didn't dare to stay longer, so I quickly went out and called the police in. Many young police officers intern vomited when they saw this scene.

The police captain was stunned for a long time, then pulled out his pistol and said sternly: "Damn it, this case can't be solved and all wages will be suspended from me on down!"

It was obvious that he was really angry and quite courageous. That night all of us lurked around the wellhead, preparing to catch the secret murderer.

There was nothing unusual at the beginning, and we were mentally prepared and didn't think anything was wrong. But in the middle of the night, the bell suddenly rang again. This time the sound was sadder than ever before. I panicked and subconsciously covered my ears.

Not long after I covered my ears, the police captain came over with a look of horror on his face, pulled my hand away, and asked cautiously: "Listen... what... is this sound?"

I opened my ears to listen, and sure enough I found creaking sounds coming from all directions, like the sound of an old-fashioned wooden door being opened, and there was also a faint ding-dong sound, like someone was knocking something.

All the policemen looked around in panic. The sound became clearer and clearer. It seemed as if they were far away from us, but also seemed to be right in front of us!

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