Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 691 Jade Girl’s Blood


At this time, a little policewoman suddenly let out a scream and pointed toward the wellhead in horror.

Everyone looked over at the same time, and were horrified to find that a highly decomposed corpse crawled out of the well. There was also a basin-shaped meat ball hanging on the belly of the corpse. As it clapped its hands, it made a thumping sound.


One policeman could not withstand the pressure and opened fire. As he struck, all the policemen opened fire, and countless bullets were fired into the body's belly.

But it was fine at all. Hehehe smiled at us, showing his fangs, then he retracted his stomach and exerted force, and countless bullets were reflected back!

The few policemen at the front were caught off guard and were instantly knocked to the ground by flying stray bullets, letting out a series of wails.

At the same time, countless shadows appeared in all directions. I gritted my teeth and looked over, and found that all the white clothes on the coffin came to life, and each piece of clothes contained a skeleton, approaching little by little.

"No, rush out!"

I cursed loudly, grabbed the nearest skeleton from the air, and smashed it to pieces with the Emei Thorn.

The captain knew that the matter was out of his control and ordered the police officers to retreat in a panic.

I held the Emei thorn and controlled the invisible needle with my mind. Together with Wei Yu, I formed a defense line of about five meters to cover the evacuation of the wounded.

When I was approaching the village entrance, I just breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a strong murderous aura behind me. I looked back and found that the road to the village entrance was blocked by a dense crowd of old men and old ladies!

There was no trace of yang in their bodies, their faces were green, and they looked like dead people at first glance, but the police couldn't tell. The first few policemen actually went up to use their way.

I was busy dealing with the white-clothed skeletons chasing after me, but with just a twist of my face, those policemen were killed in the hands of old men and old ladies.

"Don't come close, that's a dead person!"

I roared, threw the Emei thorn at the group of dead people, concentrated my energy and forced the spiritual energy in my body to my Dantian. When I felt a burning sensation in my lower abdomen, I shouted sharply: "Open!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless clones of the rotating Emei Thorn suddenly appeared. Countless Emei Thorns appeared at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, they killed all the old men and women blocking the village entrance.

The police fought and retreated, and finally rushed out of Pankou Village. By a rough count, eight comrades were killed or injured!

The captain's face was ashen. If such a big thing happened, he would definitely be suspended and investigated.

Although he really wanted to solve the case, no one could explain this kind of thing clearly. With red eyes, he said that he was not afraid of being dismissed, but he must solve the case personally, so he decided to hide the news for the time being.

In fact, what I originally thought was to rush out and ignore this matter. Unexpectedly, when I came out, Wang Xun'er woke up. When she saw me, she asked in surprise: "How did you get in here? This is the Zhao family's coffin." base!"

"It's not just to save you!"

I replied angrily, recounted my previous experience, and then asked the police to go back first while I rushed into the village alone.

Since this is really the territory of the Zhao family, it’s better to choose a day and fight against them!

As soon as he returned to the well, Zhao An, dressed in black robes, came up from the well. His pale face twitched and he said, "Zhang Jiulin, I really underestimated you."

"Without further ado!"

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and controlled the invisible needle to kill him.

The person who stole the cultural relics came here undoubtedly to deliver the cultural relics to Zhao An.

They made Pankou Village a well-known ghost village. They raised coffins and corpses in it, sent people around to steal cultural relics, and then transported them out through their coffin array after they were brought here. They were good at laundering money!

And the person who stole the things was killed, probably because his identity was exposed, which made Zhao An angry, right?

As I rushed forward, Zhao An swooped back into the well, and the big bell immediately covered the well cover.

Before I could react, countless Yin spirits suddenly appeared in the air and rushed towards me!

I didn't take it seriously at first, and used my mind to control the invisible needles to crush them mercilessly, but not long after, Li Mazi's scream suddenly came from behind me, "Brother from the Zhang family, save me!"

Turning around, he saw that Li Mazi was resisting with all his strength with an umbrella, and said with difficulty: "If you knock me out, will I stop coming? Can I let you die on your own?"

His words moved me so much that I almost cried. I quickly rescued him from the past, and then turned to deal with other ghosts.

Suddenly, I felt a cold feeling in my lower abdomen. I turned around and saw Li Mazi's shadow beside me. A skeleton pierced my stomach with sharp white bones!

"Oh shit."

I punched it away, but in the following time, ghosts kept pretending to be my relatives, including Xinyue, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and even my neighbors.

Their speech and behavior were so lifelike that even if I knew it was a conspiracy, I would still have to rush in and save them first!

Over and over again, my thoughts became a mess, and the power of the invisible needle weakened.

I had no choice but to use my spiritual power to control Emei Ci, but in this way I couldn't defend without blind spots, and I soon became scarred.

"This is the most powerful enchantment formation of the Zhao family. The jade girl's essence and blood must be dripped into the ancient well to subdue these evil spirits!"

Just when I was at a loss, Wang Xun'er's voice came over. She put on her tight clothes, smiled at me and said: "One life for another, I saved you this time, and we won't owe each other anything in the future." !”

After saying that, she opened her hands and said seriously: "A beautiful girl is a virgin, I am still a virgin, come on!"

"Isn't this not good?"

I asked awkwardly as I struggled to knock the skeleton next to me away.

"Where are you thinking? It's just blood on my fingertips!"

After Wang Xun'er understood what I meant, her eyes suddenly turned red. She took the Emei thorn from my hand and scratched her fingertips, then rushed up to push the bell.

Unexpectedly, after working hard for a long time, the big clock still didn't move. I took out the Killing Ling from my chest, gathered my spiritual power in my palm, and then swung the Killing Ling violently.

The golden light on the killing order flashed instantly, and the moment it collided with the big clock, it made a metallic vibration sound, and then pushed the big clock away with a bang.

Wang Xun'er hurriedly stepped forward and dropped the blood essence into the well. Not long after, a gurgling sound came from under the well mouth, like the sound of boiling water rolling, and faint screams could be heard.

All the ghosts around me disappeared. I took out a flashlight and shined it in, and found that the well water had turned blood red. In the rolling blisters, Zhao An was twitching, and the flesh all over his body was cooked, giving off a mushy smell.

Zhao An pointed at Wang Xun'er with his last breath and said in disbelief: "How could you two... partner up..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell asleep in the well forever.

The next day, the police went out in large numbers and seized all the coffins, corpses and cultural relics in the village that Zhao An had not had time to resell.

Then they used iron fist to seize all the properties under the jurisdiction of the Zhao family. Of course, in addition to the anger of the public security department, the Wang family also contributed to this.

In short, the once powerful Zhao family collapsed after Zhao An's death. Wang Xun'er and I were released after recording a confession from the police station.

As soon as I came out, several off-road vehicles from the Wang family surrounded me, honking their horns as if in provocation.

"I said before, one life is for another, and we will be enemies when we meet again." Wang Xun'er said coldly.

I spread my hands indifferently and looked at the men in black sitting in the off-road vehicle: "Which one of you will come first?"


Wang Xun'er smiled, then quickly kissed me on the cheek, got in the car and drove away: "From today onwards, there will only be the Wang family in Wuhan. If Longquan Villa wants to arrest you, you have to ask me first!"

I touched the fragrant pink lipstick on my face and looked at the Maserati as she gradually went away, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

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