Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 692 Thai Boxing Champion

Since the four major aristocratic families were eliminated, Longquan Villa's conspiracy has completely gone bankrupt.

Li Mazi and I successfully took over half of the antique street. It is worth mentioning that after seeing my super strength, many shops that did not plan to transfer came to offer me tea and were ready to follow me!

For a time, Li Mazi and I became the well-deserved antique kings in Wuhan City, and many admirers came to visit us every day.

Li Mazi drinks with his clients every day, telling us stories about the horrific past that we have experienced, which makes these people look at us with admiration in their eyes.

And I never like this kind of situation, so I let Li Mazi take full responsibility, while I seized the rare peace and started a two-person world with Yin Xinyue.

After countless sleepless nights of hard work, Yin Xinyue's belly finally responded. Looking at her increasingly bulging belly, I seemed to see the scene of my son holding my hand and calling him daddy, and I felt unusually happy.

When she was seven or eight months pregnant, I sent Yin Xinyue back to my father-in-law's house and hired two Filipino servants for her.

After all, the business on the antique street is on the right track. Sometimes I am too busy to take time off, and I am afraid that I will not be able to take care of her.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law laughed from ear to ear looking at Yin Xinyue's big belly. I wanted to tell my parents about this news, but thinking of my grandfather's warning, I reluctantly gave up the idea...

After staying at my father-in-law’s house for a few days, I returned to Wuhan and officially started the business!

Since this guy Li Mazi is born in the Qing Dynasty and is naturally good at communicating with others, our reputation is getting bigger and bigger, so I thought about it and divided the business into two parts.

Li Mazi is responsible for selling ordinary antiques.

And I specialize in dealing with those extremely vicious evil things!

Generally speaking, Li Mazi is much busier than me. After all, there are too few femininities in this world, so I use my free time to continuously study the contents of the secret books. Unknowingly, his body became much lighter, and he was even able to pull his soul out of his body like the man in the T-shirt at the critical moment!

This is the famous technique of leaving the body. I have practiced it repeatedly for a month, and I feel that I can use it freely. However, without experiencing actual combat, it will always be just words on paper.

Just when I couldn't wait to find a vagina to practice with, Wang Xun'er drove up to my door in her Maserati.

She was wearing pink casual clothes and looked cute. She was not as sexy as when we first met. After seeing me, she took the initiative to hold my hand. She smiled slightly and said, "Boss Zhang, you have made a lot of money recently." Bar?"

Speaking of this, she pointed with interest at the plaques that covered half the street.

I spread my hands and smiled bitterly: "I'm just making a small fuss. This property is nothing compared to your Wang family. By the way, why does the beautiful lady have time to come to my little place as a guest?"

"I need your help with something." As he stepped off the Maserati, his expression gradually became serious.

When I saw this, I quickly invited her into the antique store, and then my brain started working quickly!

The Wang family is with me, and there are many famous masters in the yinwu circle in their family. If they really encountered any difficulties, they would not deign to come to me to ask for help.

Considering that Wang Xun'er was dressed so homely, I felt that this time it might be her private matter.

Sure enough, she held her cheeks and winked at me, and said straight to the point: "The Wang family has always been unprofitable, so I won't give you a penny for this business, but I believe you won't refuse, because You are a Chinese!"

"Oh? Why can't I say no because I'm Chinese?" I looked at Wang Xun'er's delicate little face and suddenly became interested.

"Some time ago, a boxing champion suddenly appeared in Thailand. His name is Naikang. He has fierce boxing skills. He once kicked off seven banana trees in front of the media. In a short period of time, he defeated all the invincible fighters in Southeast Asia."

At this point, Wang Xun'er's eyes showed a trace of anger: "That's fine if that's the case. What's abominable is that Naikang actually relied on the Thai power behind him to declare that Muay Thai is invincible and issued a challenge to the entire Chinese martial arts world! In China, Wing Chun is the leader. The eight major sects fought one after another, and as a result, seven were killed and one was injured. Even the leader of Wudang Sect, Taoist Chongxu, who has been inherited for thousands of years, was kicked to death by Naikang with his legs."


I gasped after hearing this. If even the Wudang Clan is no match, then this Naikang would be too terrifying!

Wang Xun'er seemed to see what I was thinking, and said through gritted teeth that after Wudang was defeated, the arrogant Naikang already had a record of winning more than fifty boxing matches in a row. He continued to challenge the Shaolin Temple, the largest sect in China, at the top of Kunlun. , but it was a pity that the abbot of the Shaolin Temple was afraid of losing face, so he did not send any monks to challenge him.

Under such circumstances, Naikang openly shouted that the Chinese were the sick men of East Asia, that they would rather be cowardly than dare to take on the challenge, and so on. He also prepared to personally write a plaque of the sick man of East Asia and send it to the Chinese Embassy.

"Fuck you!"

The young man never likes to cause trouble, but he is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to national justice. After hearing all this, I couldn't help but cursed and asked Wang Xun'er directly what he wanted me to do.

"I want you to accept the challenge, kill him, defeat him, and kill him with the power of Muay Thai!"

Wang Xun'er said righteously: "I have investigated Naikang. He did nothing before the age of thirty, but after the age of thirty, his boxing skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he defeated all the invincible fighters in the world! I suspect there is something ulterior behind him. The secret is probably the use of some kind of evil spirit in Thailand, but the Thai power behind him is too huge. The Wang family has its own business in Thailand and is unwilling to get into trouble... That's why I came to invite you."

"By the way, our Wang family has treasured a rare artifact in the world. It is the 'Martial Spirit' plaque written by Dr. Sun Yat-sen to the Jingwu Sect in memory of Huo Yuanjia's death. There is a trace of Huo Yuanjia's ghost living on it. . If you are willing to go, I am willing to steal the plaque from home and lend it to you, but you will have to return it to me after you use it, are you willing?"

"I promise you."

After Wang Xun'er finished speaking, I agreed without even thinking about it. Even if I couldn't get a penny, I would let Naikang pay with blood. This is related to the integrity of the Chinese nation.

When Wang Xun'er saw that I agreed, she looked at me with a silly smile for a long time, then snapped her fingers, and two men in black carried the plaque and placed it in my shop. It was as if they knew I would agree.

Then she sent me Naikang’s address and contact information, and also sent me several videos of Naikang during the competition, so that I could observe more of the opponent’s little moves.

After Wang Xun'er left, I sat on the chair and watched carefully, and found that Naikang's movements were fast and accurate, and he often knew what moves the opponent was going to make before he even made a move.

If it is one or two opponents, it can be understood that Naikang has rich experience, but in so many duels, he is familiar with various boxing techniques in the Chinese martial arts, which speaks volumes!

Wang Xun'er's guess must be correct. This guy probably has some kind of evil object on his body, because the duel time is always at night, which is suitable for the haunting of evil spirits.

In the afternoon, when Li Mazi came back from outside, he saw me watching a boxing show and asked me when I started to like this kind of violent show. I curled my lips and pointed at the plaque placed under the counter: "Look at this."

"Let me go, this thing is genuine, where did you get it?"

Li Mazi looked at it for a while and asked in surprise. After this period of hard work, he developed a strong ability to identify and directly saw that this was a real guy.

I didn't hide anything, and told me the origin of the plaque and Wang Xun'er's words. I felt that because of Li Mazi's impulsive character, he would definitely clamor to fight Naikang after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, he frowned and thought for a while, then said cautiously: "Brother Zhang family, I think there is something going on here. After all, the Wang family is our enemy. Wang Xun'er suddenly appeared and gave away things from the Jingwu Sect. What do you think? They all smell of conspiracy!"

I glanced at him quite unexpectedly, feeling that Mazi had not practiced in vain during this period, and his character had matured a lot. In fact, I had long thought that the Wang family might want to use Naikang's hand to kill me, or even set a trap for me deliberately.

It’s just that I choose to believe Wang Xun’er. Even if there is really a conspiracy, I have to go. Putting aside national justice, I also want to solve all possible troubles before the child is born!

(ps: I have been thinking about the second confrontation between Zhang Jiulin and Longquan Villa recently, as well as the upcoming top ten ancient artifacts! So the update is a bit slow, please forgive me! It will resume three updates in the middle of next month.)

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