Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 693: Sacrifice of Creatures

After hearing what I said, Li Mazi stopped backing off and said that if I had to go, I would take him with me.

"Just take a good look at our store!" I laughed.

Now is no different than before, with so many stores in hand, it is impossible for both of us to leave.

Although Li Mazi was reluctant, he reluctantly agreed after hearing what I said, and repeatedly told me to be more careful.

I packed some things that I might use, and then rushed to Guangzhou alone. Naikang and his team lived in a gym in Guangzhou, ready to accept challenges at any time.

In order not to alert others, when I arrived in Guangzhou, I first went to the stadium as a spectator to personally observe Shimo Nokoshi. At this moment, he was competing with a Chinese who had no family or sect.

With his full beard and bronzed muscles, Naikang does look quite good. And his opponent is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the light radiating from his eyes shows his considerable strength.

They played in the afternoon but never played against each other. Perhaps just to warm up the show, he also showed off his kung fu to the audience from time to time, constantly winning warm applause.

During this process, I carefully observed Naikang in the corner, but I didn't see any ghost in him.

In the evening, as the game got closer and closer, the audience stopped making noise and waited for the referee to announce the start of the game!

I knew the most critical moment was coming. I stared at Naikang intently and found that he bowed deeply to the audience in accordance with Thai etiquette, and then walked backstage.

I guessed that he was going to do something small, so I clenched my fists and waited. After about five minutes, Naikang walked out from the backstage. I took a closer look and was surprised to find a violent blood shadow behind him!

Although the original Naikang had a ferocious look, he was still within the scope of a normal person, but now he has become extremely bloodthirsty, with a devilish glare emanating from his eyes. Many viewers were so frightened by him that they lowered their heads. .

When he saw me, I didn't lower my head. He looked at me unexpectedly and with great interest, and even gave me a hook. I quickly lowered my head for fear of alerting him, causing him to laugh wildly with disdain.

After the game officially started, Naikang continued to crush his opponent as expected. I took the opportunity to quietly walk out of the audience and sneaked cautiously backstage. I wanted to see what Naikang had done!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the backstage door, two people who looked like bodyguards stopped me and asked me what I did.

Their tone was unkind, so I didn’t bother them too much. I just said I needed to go to the bathroom and left on my own initiative. When I turned around, someone happened to come out. He was wearing a khaki robe, with shiny hair, and a cane in his hand. He looked like a Thai monk, and most importantly, he had a strong sense of aura. Qi, this Yin Qi is particularly similar to Naikang's aura.

"Guo Lao, why did you come out?" The bodyguards asked respectfully when they saw him coming out.

Guo Lao ignored them, but looked directly at me and asked in broken Chinese: "What do you want to do?"

"Sorry, I went the wrong way."

This Guo Lao should be one of the forces behind Naikang, and he looked like he had two brushes. I lied and left quickly. When I walked back, I could clearly feel a pair of sharp eyes staring at me!

When I came out, Naikang had beaten today's opponent to death. I sighed slightly, left the gym and found a hotel nearby to stay.

Lying on the bed in the hotel, I called Wang Xun'er again to learn about the situation. She told me that the group of Thai people lived in the gymnasium every day and never went out, which was very strange.

I nodded, waited until one o'clock in the morning, and walked towards the gym again.

When I walked to the front door, I found that there were security guards on duty at the door, blocking the door tightly. It was obviously impossible to break in under their noses!

I reluctantly went around to the back and found that the stadium was connected to a six-story old residential building.

But the residential buildings are also surrounded by dense iron nets. If you look closely, these iron nets are all newly installed. They are probably the work of those Thais! Fortunately, my skills are now much better than before, and I have the power of Wu Dao Tianwang Ran Min. I climbed over the barbed wire fence in a few seconds and found that no one lived in the residential building. The corridors were full of garbage and exuded... Pungent odor.

I held my nose and went upstairs. Before I had walked a few steps, I felt the presence of Yin Qi.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly held the invisible needle in my hand, then used the sun-shielding charm to block the Yang energy on my body, and groped my way forward bit by bit.

With every step you take, the yin energy becomes stronger and the surrounding temperature decreases accordingly. This feeling made me very cautious, so much so that the distance from the corridor to the roof was only seven or eight meters, but I walked for several minutes!

It wasn't until I reached the end that I realized that there was no dirt at all on the roof. The soaring yin energy was actually emanating from the gymnasium opposite.

It seems that the thing is in the gymnasium. Fortunately, I covered the Yang Qi, otherwise it would probably be discovered.

I stood there for a while, and after I got used to the pressure of the Yin Qi, I directly controlled the invisible needle to fly towards the gymnasium, closed my eyes and felt it!

Soon, a blurry image appeared in my mind. The invisible needle quickly shuttled back and forth in the gymnasium, and finally stopped in front of a room, the needle swaying slightly.

This shows that the invisible needle feels the threat inside and is asking me if I want to go in?

This is the first time I have encountered this situation since I got the invisible needle. I hesitated for a while, then firmed up my mind and let it rush in.

With a soft sound of 'whoosh', a red light appeared in my mind, and then the picture became clear. I saw Guo Lao and several other Thai monks in similar costumes sitting cross-legged around Naikang, chanting in their mouths Reading verses that I don’t understand.

In front of them was an incense table with a row of red candles lit on it. On the table were bloody pig heads, skinned rats and a pot of dead babies with mutilated limbs!

Sacrifice of life!

Seeing this scene, I was so scared that I opened my mouth wide and almost screamed. Soul sacrifice is an ancient sacrificial method in Thailand. Like Baojiaxian, which is popular in northern China, it seeks the protection of ghost spirits through sacrifice.

The difference is that domestic Baojiaxian usually only eat incense and ordinary offerings, and their abilities are limited.

Living sacrifices, on the other hand, require living sacrifices, such as fresh poultry, fish, and even babies, so ordinary dirty things would not dare to accept such offerings for fear of being punished by God.

But as long as a Yin spirit accepts the offering, it will bring the power to destroy everything to the person offering it!

It is said that during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, some people in Thailand used life sacrifices to bring out the demon king, which caused the plague on the border between northern Thailand and the Qing Dynasty, causing great chaos. In the end, the Qing Dynasty traveled thousands of miles to transfer more than a dozen red cannons from the capital, and invited several Taoist masters from among the people, and finally they finally surrendered the Demon King.

Because of this, almost no one in the world has dared to use life sacrifices since then. I have only heard similar rumors from some seniors, but I didn’t expect to stumble upon this scene today!

If he guessed correctly, Guo Lao and their offerings should be whole live pigs, live mice and infant babies. Now these offerings have become mutilated, indicating that the things have accepted the offerings.

My heart trembled, and then I concentrated my attention and discovered that the creature sacrifice was enshrined in a bright red statue.

This statue is a typical Thai Buddhist style, but it does not show any mercy from the Bodhisattva. Instead, it has a green face and two long teeth exposed.

It had four hands. The first two were grabbing forward fiercely, and the two hands behind it were holding a spear and a hammer. I had goosebumps all over the floor when I saw it.

I subconsciously looked at the eyes of the statue, but I was shocked to find that when I looked over, it suddenly opened its eyes and smiled at me strangely!

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