Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 694 The evil god opens his eyes


I couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then I realized when I saw the Yin Qi lingering around me. The scene it looked at me just now didn't exist at all. It was the Yin Qi that unknowingly controlled my consciousness.

I cursed in a low voice, and just as I was about to control the invisible needle to continue observing, I heard hurried footsteps and a series of curses in Thai from the gymnasium opposite.

Then the lights on the opposite side were turned on, and before I could react what was going on, the invisible needle swished back into my palm. I took a closer look and saw faint traces of blood seeping out from the needle.

The invisible needle actually hurt...

At the same time, the beads in his coat pocket were also spinning. It seemed that Oyu also felt the danger approaching. I didn't dare to stay any longer, so I slid down the stairs at high speed and ran back to the hotel before they found me.

I sat on the bed and stroked the invisible needle, reluctantly recalling the previous scene, wondering what had just happened? Just use your thoughts to communicate with the invisible needle.

It is just a piece of hair that the little rabbit has cultivated for thousands of years. It is born with spirituality. After such a long period of time, it has already developed a tacit understanding with me.

Soon the invisible needle told me that the problem was with me. It was because I was suddenly startled that the Thai monk present discovered something was wrong!

Because it was injured and could not review the previous scenes, I can only guess through this brief description.

The yin energy that frightened me must have been emanating from the statue itself. Guo Lao and others must not have known about my existence before this. This shows that the Yin spirit is inside the sculpture. Its strength is earth-shattering, and it doesn't care about me at all. It almost made my heart break with just its own Yin energy.

As soon as the invisible needle showed its legs, Guo Lao and others discovered it and injured it in an instant. This also shows the strength of Guo Lao and others!

Although I can't figure out their purpose, I also know that they have put in the effort to activate the soul sacrifice, and it is not just as simple as making Naikang the Southeast Asian boxing champion.

After thinking of this, I couldn't wait to deal with him even more, and immediately called Naikang using the number Wang Xun'er gave me.

"Who are you?" As soon as the call was connected, an indifferent man's voice came.

"Tell Naikang that I will challenge him the night after tomorrow!" I said through gritted teeth.

After hearing this, the other party was stunned for a moment, and then laughed contemptuously.

After hanging up the phone, I looked at the plaque beside the bed and felt the urge to call out the ghost of Fearless immediately! After all, the living sacrifice is extremely powerful. I'm afraid that Huo Yuanjia will rush to fight and be no match for that thing.

But then I thought about it. The nearby area should be under the surveillance of the Thais. Recruiting Huo Yuanjia in advance might expose the target. After weighing it, I decided to wait and then lay down on the bed to rest.

As I fell asleep, a creepy sound suddenly came from my ears, as if an old man was singing in my ears sinisterly.

I hate being disturbed when sleeping, so I cursed in a daze: "Can you please stop making noise?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly. I turned over and wanted to continue sleeping, but suddenly two drops of liquid fell on my face. The liquid was cool and a little bit hot, a bit like Fengyoujing.

Before I could react, more and more liquid dripped down, and soon my face was covered with that liquid, and my whole face was itching as if it had been bitten by mosquitoes.

In my sleep, I reached out and grabbed it randomly, and I suddenly smelled the smell of corpse oil!

I was shocked, as I was not sleepy at all. I sat up from the bed and heard bursts of joking laughter coming from the room: "Hehehe..."

Following the sound, I looked over and saw that people were constantly flashing outside the glass of the hotel, but I lived on the sixth floor.

I cursed secretly, rushed over and saw that there was nothing left outside the window. Looking into the distance, I saw a few heads leaving quickly.

This is undoubtedly the most powerful head-dropping technique: flying head-drop!

I have offended many Thai and Southeast Asian masters, but now the ones who can come to my door are naturally Guo Lao's group of Thais.

The clay figurine still has three points of blood, how can I tolerate being bullied to the doorstep?

I was so angry that I released Oudama and asked her to catch up with her following the smell of corpse oil, while I followed closely with the staff of the Holy Mother in hand.

On the way, I found that my face had become swollen, so I quickly picked up a handful of clay from the ground and wiped it on my face.

The soil has a certain adsorption effect on yin energy, and it quickly absorbs the corpse oil on the face, but the itching on the face still does not disappear.

I was in a hurry to chase the Thai, so I didn't care about it for the time being. When I chased him to the entrance of the gymnasium, I found Xiaoyuyu lying on the ground twitching continuously. When I ran up, I was shocked to find that she was injured!

"Oudama, how are you?"

I held her in my arms distressedly, and Oyu turned into a human form in my arms. A scarlet blood hole appeared in her lower abdomen, and she was bleeding out.

I quickly sealed her acupuncture points with fingers, then put her back in my pocket, took the Holy Mother's staff and rushed towards the main entrance!

From a distance, I saw two security guards looking at me maliciously. I flew over angrily and knocked them unconscious. Then I rushed into the stadium and ran toward the room where the Thai people enshrined the statues based on my vague memories. go.

The beads in the pocket kept spinning, obviously Oudama didn't want me to take risks!

But I have already lost my mind, how can I still care about so much?

Just as I entered the corridor, the doors of the rooms on both sides suddenly opened wide, and countless Thais raised their pistols and pointed them at me.

Seeing that they were obviously planning to shoot, my head buzzed and I rolled to the side in a hurry. At the same time, there was a crisp sound from the front.

"Oh shit."

Although their guys all wore silencers, if they dared to open fire in such a place, they must have taken care of the relationship in advance. I cursed angrily and launched the invisible needle in the air.

Although it had been injured before, it was still more than enough to deal with these ordinary people holding guns. However, the invisible needle flashed with silver light and rushed into the corridor, piercing all the arms of these gunmen in just one move.

Pistols fell to the ground with a muffled clang.

Then I gritted my teeth and rushed into the corridor with the Madonna's staff. As soon as I opened the door of the room where the statue was placed, a head with entrails opened its bloody mouth and bit me on the neck.

I jumped up and kicked the head with all my strength, kicking it away. I then recited the Beidou Sirius Jue and threw the Holy Mother's Staff over.

There was just a "bang" sound, and the head exploded in the air. Only then did I recognize that it was the corpse of an enshrined baby through the remaining internal organs.

Looking up at the incense table, I found that the pig's head had been half eaten, and only the mouse's head was left.

Although the eyes of the evil god statue were only half-opened, they exuded a powerful intimidation force. I couldn't help but shudder, rubbed my palms and bit my middle finger violently, letting blood drip down.

I want to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring!

A powerful Yin spirit must be summoned before the evil god awakens. Otherwise, at my level, I am not even qualified to carry its shoes.

Unexpectedly, the blood dripped on the ground and made a sizzling sound for an instant, and then condensed into lumps like fried pig blood, giving off bursts of fragrance.

Seeing my blood become like this, I retched, looked around and took a paper cup from the table, wanting to drop blood in it, but who knew that blood would also coagulate if dropped in it!

"What...what's going on?"

Seeing this incredible scene, I opened my mouth wide, and it took me a long time to come back to my senses.

At this time, the air around me seemed to have solidified. I felt like a pair of invisible hands were holding my throat, and my face quickly turned red. I bit my tongue desperately, and then read a passage from the Tao Te Ching, and then I felt a little better.

I looked around in panic, and I was shocked to find that the evil god's eyes had opened a little wider, and the sacrifices were correspondingly smaller. The mice on the table had already finished eating.


If it continued like this, it was about to fully awaken. I roared angrily, rushed forward desperately and knocked off the remaining pig heads, and then lit the incense burner with a lighter.

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