Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 695: The Dragon King Sakara

But before I could be happy, a strong cold current suddenly appeared in front of my body, directly extinguishing the flames.

I didn't even have time to resist, and was injured by this unknown force. I stumbled back a few steps, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and finally leaned against the door.

"Young man, you are seeking death!"

As soon as I stood firm, an old voice came from behind the incense table, and then several figures appeared.

I took a closer look and found that they were all the Thai monks who followed Guo Lao.

Judging from the situation of the incense table, the evil god has never awakened. They should have just worked together to transfer the yin energy emitted by the evil god into Naikang's body, which made Naikang invincible and invincible.

"Death? Haha."

I spit out a mouthful of blood and smiled heartlessly: "Now that I'm here, I have no intention of going back alive. But don't worry, China's capable people will come in a steady stream, and the only thing waiting for you is destruction!"

The Achilles' heel of the Creature Sacrifice is that it cannot be interrupted during the sacrifice. The move I tried my best just now actually interrupted the sacrifice.

The evil god's eyes closed again, and the surrounding Yin Qi weakened a lot.

When the Thai monks saw this scene, they all sighed in annoyance. Especially after hearing my words, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch, and they subconsciously wanted to protect the statue.

"go to hell!"

I seized the opportunity and quickly recited the Beidou Tianrou Jue, commanded the Madonna Staff with my thoughts, and then struck it out horizontally.

"Little tricks."

Before the Madonna's staff could be struck out, these Thai monks lined up in a row at almost the same time and worked together to create a black circle of light. The black circle of light rotated rapidly, forcing the Madonna's staff back little by little.

I gritted my teeth to suppress the pain in my body, concentrated on maximizing the power of the Holy Mother's staff, and faced off against the aperture. However, one's power is limited after all. After holding on for less than two minutes, I couldn't hold it in anymore, and held it on my chest. The breath disappeared.

The Holy Mother's Staff fell to the ground with a clang. The Thai monks looked at each other and smiled evilly as they drove the circle of light towards me. And what I was waiting for was this opportunity. After the aperture passed the Madonna's Staff, I shouted loudly: "The time has come, kill!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the Madonna's staff that was originally attached to the ground bounced up and stood on the ground, and then countless tokens with the word "kill" in blood poured out from it, and they all hit the statue of the evil god.

This is a unique skill that I have secretly practiced recently. I hide the power of Killing Hu Ling in the Holy Mother's Staff. The two are integrated into one. As long as I don't activate the Killing Ling, others can't see it at all.

After being baptized by the spiritual power of the Holy Maiden's Staff, Killing Hu Ling will become more powerful. It is unexpected and has strong attack power. In an instant, dozens of tokens hit the evil god, and its Yin Qi weakened again. .

The Thai monks realized something was wrong and hurriedly retracted their aperture to block the token. As they chanted a verse, the halo of light merged into one, forming a black barrier in front of the altar. No matter how many tokens rushed up, the barrier could not be broken.

After this battle, I have regained my wits and am no longer in a hurry to fight with them. Since the altar has been destroyed, I think the evil god will not awaken during this period, and I will have time to prepare. I pretended to take a step forward, and when they were ready to receive my full blow, they suddenly turned around and fled out of the gym.

I was relieved when no one caught up with me until I reached the hotel where I was staying.

But I'm glad but also a little uneasy. After all, Thai people always seek retribution. I destroyed their soul sacrifice. How could they let me leave?

Moreover, there was no Guo Lao among the people I fought with just now. Where did this Guo Lao go?

I slowly went upstairs while thinking about this problem. When I walked to my guest room, I suddenly found that the door was open!

Seeing this scene, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart, and I ran in with a sullen face. I was horrified to find that the plaque of "Martial Spirit" was missing. There was a black mist lingering where the plaque was originally stored, which was different from the ones just now. The smell produced by the Thai monks is exactly the same.

I was stunned for a moment and then punched the wall. I realized that I had fallen into Guo Lao's trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. They lured me to the stadium, but secretly came to steal the plaque.

Although Huo Yuanjia is an outstanding martial artist in modern times, he only has a trace of ghost left now, and he will probably be beaten to death by those Thai monks.

What's more, Wang Xun'er stole this plaque from her family and gave it to me. If she loses it now, she may not be able to gain a foothold in the Wang family.

I hesitated for a while, then called her and explained the situation.

"how so!"

Wang Xun'er was shocked at first, but then comforted her quickly: "Anyway, just be fine. Without the plaque, you should be no match for them. Find a way to come back quickly and pretend that I haven't looked for you. As for the plaque, I will do it myself." Find a solution……"

She spoke very quickly, wanting me to evacuate safely and then take the responsibility herself.

The more she reacts like this, the more I can see how important that plaque is to the Wang family! He immediately cut his finger and took a small cup of blood and sealed it, ready to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring at any time, and then went downstairs to go to the gymnasium to snatch the plaque back.

Because they had just fought once, the wounds had not been treated in time, and the whole body was in severe pain when running. I stopped under a tree to meditate and recuperate, but suddenly I found a shadow following me behind me.

I hesitated for a second, squatted down and pretended to tie my shoelaces, but quietly released the invisible needle and pierced his neck directly based on feeling, and then I jumped on him.

The figure waved his hand casually, and a ray of golden light appeared in front of him, which directly bounced the invisible needle back. Before I could rush forward, he turned around and started running.

I subconsciously chased him, and after chasing him two streets, I felt that he had lured me here on purpose, and that he had deliberately suppressed his speed along the way. After this trip, I was so tired that I was out of breath, but he maintained his original speed, and finally stopped in a park and turned to look at me.

He had no Yin energy on his body, and the move he used to block the invisible needle was full of Yang energy, so he was definitely not with the Thais, but I didn't know why he was following me.

"Would you like to continue running for a while?"

He was leaning in front of a rockery and looking at me with a smile. Only when I stepped forward carefully could I see his face clearly.

This is a handsome-looking man with a thin build, wearing a fat blue sweatshirt, and a string of thick ebony beads on his left wrist.

Could he be from Shaolin?

Thinking of this, I looked at him suspiciously and said nothing.

He smiled and casually pulled down his hoodie, revealing his bald head and a kind smile on his face. He folded his hands and bowed to me, then recited Amitabha.

"Why don't you Shaolin go deal with the Thais and come here to play hide-and-seek with me?" After seeing that he had no ill intentions towards me, I breathed a sigh of relief and then asked angrily.

After hearing this, he smiled dumbly and said, "Donor, don't get me wrong. Since Shaolin is the largest sect in martial arts, Shaolin naturally has its responsibilities."

"Shaolin has not responded to Naikang's challenge these days. Outsiders think that Shaolin is afraid. In fact, Shaolin disciples are secretly investigating the details of Naikang and his party."

The bald monk deliberately let it slip when he said this, and asked me if I wanted to know what the Thai people really wanted to do.

I was aroused by his curiosity, so I told him to stop talking nonsense and hurry up.

"Those Thai monks are actually evil cultivators. You can also understand that they are Thai ghost dealers. They did many evil things when they were young. They collected yin and replenished yang in China and killed more than a dozen innocent young girls. They were The masters in the country unite to teach them a lesson. But the Chinese people are compassionate, and in the end they just ruin their cultivation. I hope that when they go back, they can repent under the lamp in front of the Buddha, abandon evil and do good..."

"Unexpectedly, instead of repenting, they held a grudge. They have been practicing evil arts for revenge for these years. Recently, they felt that the time was ripe and wanted to use the power of the evil god Sagara Dragon King to avenge them. The so-called boxing champion Naikang was just theirs. It’s just a cover.”

What the monk said is similar to my previous guess, but I don’t understand why Guo Lao and the others were able to use Dragon King Sakara? After all, the Dragon King Sakara is one of the ten patron saints of Buddhism, representing goodness and justice.

"Everything has both good and evil sides. They are taking advantage of the evil thoughts of Dragon King Sakara and expanding them infinitely."

The monk then told me that my previous confrontations with Guo Lao and others were all under his close supervision. He reassured me, saying that the Thais only sealed the plaque of martial spirit and did not dare to destroy it.

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