Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 696: Shaolin’s most eminent monk

I breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked him if there was any way to deal with the Dragon King Sakara?

No matter how powerful Huo Yuanjia is, he is only a national hero, and there is no way he can be the opponent of the Dragon King Sakara.

Although its altar has been destroyed by me now, when it reawakens, there will definitely be a bloody storm.

"Don't worry too much. The evil god is like a bomb. As long as you don't detonate it, there will be no danger. You made the Dragon King of Sagara close his eyes before he was about to awaken, which actually bought us precious time. , as long as we catch Guo Lao and the others before it awakens again, this matter will be solved. As for Naikang, he is just a soy sauce guy."

Having said this, the monk smiled faintly.

The monk's idea is very clear, which is to kill Guo Lao and others before the evil god awakens.

Since he took the initiative to come to the door, he must have wanted me to do something, so I took the initiative and asked: "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"I will lure those Thais away later, and you can take the opportunity to take back the plaque. Then you challenge Naikang as a Shaolin lay disciple. Don't worry, a few senior brothers and I will help you secretly!"

I nodded after listening, and asked him with some confusion why he asked me to fight Naikang openly.


The monk pondered for a moment and said that the masters sent by Shaolin this time were all masters of the earth generation. Shaolin Temple is divided into four generations, heaven, earth, xuanhuang, and earth generation. Almost all the earth generation are top figures among the young disciples. It would be unavoidable if they were used to accompany Naikang for a show. Too big and overqualified.

What's more, it was an old friend who asked me to fight with Naikang.

My face turned red after hearing this, feeling that the young monk looked down on me a little, but my attention was quickly attracted by the word 'old friend'.

"This is a good opportunity to show off our country's prestige. Senior Baimei specially asked you to come forward. You must do your best, Amitabha! The young monk thanks you on behalf of Shaolin."

White eyebrows?

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that this was what Zen Master Baimei meant.

After all, this is a competition related to the reputation of China's martial arts. If I win, I will become a hero that attracts everyone's attention. In this way, I will have a certain reputation in society. Ordinary thieves will definitely not be able to trouble me in the future.

He was paving the way for me and trying to find a way for me to gain official favor. After thinking about this, I was a little moved. When I looked up again, where was the shadow of the little monk beside me?

Thinking of the plan he just mentioned, I put two sunshade charms on my body, ran towards the gymnasium quickly, and entered the abandoned residential building again to observe.

Because the Evil God closed his eyes, the yin energy in the residential building was much weaker than before. I looked through the window and saw that the stadium was peaceful.

I thought that the young monk would take action immediately, but I waited for a long time and there was no movement. I yawned and prepared to go down to see the situation in person. If it didn't work, I rushed in forcefully.

At this moment, the quiet stadium suddenly became noisy. I looked over suddenly and saw that the young monk quickly escaped with Buddhist beads in his hand, followed by five Thai monks headed by Guo Lao.

They all used black apertures, but they could only compete with the golden light of the little monk. However, I tried my best to break through their black apertures. From this scene alone, it can be seen that although this young monk is a handsome young man, his strength is indeed one of the best in Shaolin Temple.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while. The young monk suddenly shouted a Buddhist word, and countless swastika-shaped golden lights pierced through like a rain of swords. Upon seeing this, the Thai monks' pupils tightened and they all wanted to withdraw their apertures. Unfortunately, it was too late. In the blink of an eye, the golden light rushed over. Their aperture shatters!

Normally, being defeated by your opponent in a fight means total failure, but what surprised me was that the Thai monks did not react too strongly. After looking at each other, they raised their hands and pulled out their own heads, headless. The body stood on the spot like a wooden stake, but the head made a circle around the city, spinning rapidly around the little monk.

They did not attack, they were just consuming the young monk's physical strength. After a while, the young monk's hand speed slowed down significantly, and the golden sword rain became increasingly sparse.

At this time, Guo Lao's head circled behind the young monk, his eyes rolled, and then he smiled evilly, opened his mouth wide and bit the back of his neck with his long teeth.

My heart instantly rose to my throat, and I subconsciously covered my mouth to keep from making any sound.

The little monk seemed to sense the danger behind him. He hurriedly turned around and used Buddhist beads to ward off Guo Lao's head. However, another head caught up and bit him on the back. A large piece of flesh was taken away immediately, and the blood instantly turned red. His blue sweatshirt.

When he turned around, Guo Lao rushed up to him again and took a bite on his shoulder blade...

In short, after the speed slowed down, no matter how hard the little monk tried, he could not avoid all the flying attacks. In the blink of an eye, his clothes were torn into pieces and turned into a bloody man.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I grabbed the staff of the Holy Mother and rushed over. Anyway, their bodies were right next to them. As long as their bodies were destroyed, no matter how powerful the evil magic was, they would become rootless duckweeds!

But when I saw the entrance of the gymnasium, my heart suddenly froze: Naikang and a group of Thais holding pistols surrounded the corridor, clearly protecting the Thai monks!

At this time, there is a layer of black mist surrounding Naikang's body. It is likely that he has just received the baptism of the evil god. I can't guarantee that I can defeat him, let alone dodge so many bullets. But he couldn't bear to see the young monk die tragically, and for a moment he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Just when I was gritting my teeth and preparing to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring, the scarred little monk suddenly recited a long string of Buddhist words in an ethereal voice, and then his whole body started to spin like a top, and a vortex formed around his body. Guo Lao and the others heads have been excluded.

At this time, the little monk suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me, then quickly jumped onto the barbed wire fence and fled out of the gymnasium.

The Thai monks chased me out one after another. I was overjoyed to see this scene and quickly took the opportunity to sneak into the gymnasium.

After finding the room, I looked around and made sure there was no one else in the room, so I quickly searched, but I couldn't find the plaque with the martial spirit after searching for a long time.

Isn't the plaque here?

I looked sad. After all, this room was their base. If it wasn't here, where would it be?

Just when there was nothing to do, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the corridor, and it sounded like someone was about to enter the room. My heart skipped a beat, and I looked around for a while, then dove under the altar table, and then cautiously stared at the door.

A few seconds later, Naikang, who was full of flesh and blood, and a group of gunmen walked in. He glanced around the room with ferocious eyes before his expression softened, and he waved and walked out of the room. But according to the sound, they were just standing outside and didn't go far.

I didn't expect that the seemingly barbaric Naikang was so narrow-minded. Now I didn't even have the chance to search other rooms. I punched the ground with some frustration, but found that I hit the wood. You know the floor in this room. It's obviously a marble floor.

I looked down in confusion and suddenly found that I was stepping on a plaque with a martial spirit.

I didn't expect those old ghosts to hide it here. It was really hard to find it anywhere, and it took no effort to get it!

I didn't have time to think too much, so I quietly climbed out from under the table, took out the plaque and walked to the window. When I passed the bodies of Guo Lao and others, I hesitated. I still didn't have the heart to destroy their bodies, but I didn't intend to let go. pass them.

I took out the invisible needle and aimed it at one of the bodies. The invisible needle understood and quickly stabbed his kneecaps, wrists and other joints, and then stabbed his cervical spine several times.

This time, he suffered comminuted fractures in the joints all over his body, and he could only be a boneless man for the rest of his life!

"It is your own fault and you will not live."

I sneered and prepared to change my body, but a murderous aura suddenly came from behind me.

I subconsciously lowered my head and suddenly found a face with distorted features floating behind me!

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