Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 697: Hero Huo Yuanjia

After it missed a hit, it didn't deal with me again, but returned to the body that was crippled by the invisible needle. It seemed that he felt that his body was hurt, so he hurried back.

Even masters who are accustomed to flying head descents have to use their hands to straighten their heads again after their heads are placed back on their necks. And when this man's head came back, he made a 180-degree turn. He looked down and saw his heels.

I wanted to reach out to straighten my head, but found that my arms were hanging down limply...

Before he could react, the effects of the comminuted fractures of his limbs were revealed, and he immediately fell to the ground and twitched.

Only then did he realize that his body had been crippled by me, and he shouted hysterically: "Asshole, I'm going to kill you! Ah..."

As soon as he made a sound, I realized something was wrong. The next second, Naikang and his men rushed in. When he saw me and the Thai monk lying on the ground, Naikang was stunned for a moment, and then ordered the gunmen to kill me.

I broke out in a cold sweat. I held the plaque in one hand and jumped out of the window with all my strength. I felt the bullet whizzing along my scalp and hitting the residential building opposite, making a clanging sound.

Since I was carrying the plaque, I couldn't use rolling to relieve the force. I could only let my body lean forward, slide out a few meters and then kneel on the ground with my legs. This completed the entire landing process.

As soon as I stood up straight, several heads popped up next to me. It was Guo Lao and others who were back. I cursed secretly: The little monk is unreliable! Worried that he had already been killed, he gritted his teeth and decided to use the invisible needle.

At this moment, the young monk suddenly appeared next to me. He was naked from the upper body, and blood was flowing down his eight-pack abs. After seeing the plaque in my hand, he nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Get out of here quickly. ! I will give you the queen."

After saying that, he grabbed me and threw me hard, and then threw me out of the circle surrounded by Feitou.

Guo Lao, who was closest to me, wanted to catch up, but the young monk threw the prayer beads that he never left his hand and hit him on the head. Guo Lao screamed and retreated.

The Thai monks saw that the young monk wanted to protect me with all their lives, and their eyes turned scarlet for a moment, and they all rushed towards the young monk. It seemed that the posture was to kill everyone!

I looked at the young monk fighting hard and remembered Zen Master Baimei's expectations for me. I gritted my teeth and left the scene.

The first thing I did after returning to the hotel was to check the plaque. I was relieved when I saw that it was not damaged. Then I spread incense paper and candles on the ground to invite the ghost of Fearless out.

Although the Yin spirit in front of him is only one of Huo Yuanjia's three souls and six souls, and looks very blurry, it still exudes the aura of a warrior.

But I saw Huo Yuanjia wearing a simple gray gown and a felt hat. Although he was strong, his complexion was as sallow as if he was seriously ill, and he coughed once or twice from time to time.

I instantly remembered Huo Yuanjia in history!

Huo Yuanjia is from Tianjin, and his father Huo Endi is a famous local bodyguard. Huo Endi has prohibited Huo Yuanjia from practicing martial arts since he was a child, hoping that he can become a talented scholar and bring glory to the Huo family.

But the young Huo Yuanjia had a natural curiosity about martial arts training. If he was not allowed to practice, he would secretly learn it day and night, and finally mastered the family's secret skill: Mizong Fist.

After mastering Mizong Quan, Huo Yuanjia was said to be invincible in all over Tianjin.

At exactly this time, the British strongman Opinion came to Shanghai to challenge, flexed his muscles, got off the ring, and said that the Chinese were all sick men of East Asia and were no match for him.

As a result, Huo Yuanjia faced off and scared away Opiyin in one round. From then on, Huo Yuanjia became famous all over the world and was called the Hero of Jinmen.

After that, Huo Yuanjia felt heavy when he saw the Chinese people smoking and losing their fighting spirit, so he founded the famous Jingwu Gymnastics Club. It is hoped that Chinese people can awaken the soul of the nation and strive for self-improvement through martial arts training.

However, the Japanese did not want to see all this, so they sent Japanese samurai to compete with Huo Yuanjia, hoping to kill the heroic spirit of Huo Yuanjia! They knew that the Japanese samurai were no match for Fearless, so they sent a doctor to diagnose and treat Fearless under the guise that Fearless had lung disease, and also prescribed special medicine. In fact, it was just a bottle of rotten lung that killed people. medicine!

As expected, Huo Yuanjia was hit and vomited blood in the ring. Everyone advised Huo Yuanjia to abstain from the game and go to the hospital for emergency treatment. But Huo Yuanjia resolutely fought to the end for the sake of national justice. Although he defeated the Japanese samurai, he sacrificed his precious life.

After Huo Yuanjia's death, the Chinese people were deeply moved and completely awakened. They were no longer the sick man of East Asia.

In order to express his respect for Huo Yuanjia, Sun Yat-sen specially mentioned the words "martial spirit" and presented it to the Jingwu Gymnastics Association to commemorate Huo Daxia's spirit in heaven!

Seeing Huo Yuanjia in front of me, sick and coughing, I immediately understood that his Yin spirit was still in the same state as when he was poisoned.

I can't help but feel a little worried. Such Huo Yuanjia's skill is only 50 to 60% at most. Can he be put to use?

Thinking of this, I cast my gaze again, and found that although Huo Yuanjia's Yin Ling looked sickly, his eyes were extremely bright, and there was an awe-inspiring righteousness in his eyebrows, which made people unable to take a peek. .

Seeing me staring at him again and again, Yin Ling slowly spoke in a deep voice: "Why did you call me out?"

He must have seen my identity and knew that I could send him away at any time, but when he spoke, his voice was still tepid, neither humble nor arrogant, and he really had a heroic demeanor.

I admired him from the bottom of my heart, so according to the etiquette of that era, I cupped my fists and saluted. Then I briefly talked about Naikang's campaign to wipe out the martial arts in the Central Plains. Finally, I implored earnestly: "Master Huo, Thais use the power of evil spirits." , killed many Chinese martial arts masters, and insulted us as the sick men of East Asia, can you help me defeat them?"

"Humph, they are asking for trouble!"

After hearing this, Huo Yuanjia snorted coldly, his eyes instantly became extremely determined, and then said that as long as the national spirit can be maintained, he is willing to fully cooperate with me.

After all, he is a legendary figure, and Huo Yuanjia's national complex is touching. I saluted him again, then asked him to wait, and then slowly pulled out the ghost of Huo Yuanjia from the plaque.

I had already lost a lot of energy from the continuous fighting, and now that the Yin spirit was being pulled out, I lost all strength and collapsed to the ground.

After waiting for a long time, and after my breathing stabilized, I looked at Huo Yuanjia and said, "Please enter my body!"

He understood my intention, nodded and turned into a wisp of smoke that entered my mouth. I felt a stream of air flow from my throat straight into my Dantian. After the Dantian, this stream of air kept getting bigger and bigger. I just felt like a puff of air in my lower abdomen. It hurt like a knife, and veins popped up on his forehead. He desperately took the Holy Mother's Staff and bit it with his teeth.

Huo Yuanjia's ghost was still changing, and I couldn't bear it anymore. I threw away the Madonna's staff and rolled back and forth on the ground like a monkey under a tight spell.

All the nerves in my body were beating, as if they were repelling Huo Yuanjia's ghost. I held a breath in my chest. When he adapted to my body and completed the fusion, I felt a surge of blood, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He came out and then lay on the ground in a state of collapse, losing his intuition.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that I woke up and found the little monk sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed. When he saw me getting up, he smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Only then did I realize that Guo Lao and the others already knew that I lived here. If the careful little monk hadn't come to guard me, I might have been killed in my sleep. Thinking of this, I nodded gratefully to him, then got out of bed and moved around a bit.

Although my limbs are still a little sore when I move, my strength has really increased, and I can even feel the whirring wind from my fists!

Of course, all this is thanks to Huo Yuanjia's Yin spirit.

When the young monk saw me in this state, a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, and he asked me to prepare for a life-and-death battle with Naikang in three days.

"Three days, will they agree?"

I asked in surprise. After all, the evil god was unlikely to awaken in a short time. Naikang was just a blank slate at the moment.

The young monk nodded and said: "They didn't want to agree at first, but this time Shaolin strongly proposed to challenge. For a while, many countries in Asia began to wait and see! The Thais were forced by the pressure of public opinion to bite the bullet and accept..."

"But they may be causing trouble behind my back, so you have to be careful." The little monk told me.

I am not worried about this. I believe that Shaolin Temple will do its best to protect my safety. After all, I represent their honor.

In the next three days, many people from various sects came to Guangzhou and stayed near the stadium. Among them were many well-known experts in the circle. Even the owner of the hotel where I stayed noticed that something was wrong and wanted to call the police several times. …

At the same time, there were sounds of fighting outside every night. On the first night, I was curious and leaned against the window to watch. When I saw a few Shaolin monks chasing Thai people, I couldn't help being happy, and I stopped paying attention to it.

What's interesting is that the two sides can't fight for long every day, because every time they fight for a while, countless spectators will hear the noise and come out. The Thais will immediately retreat out of face, and the Shaolin disciples will no longer pursue.

In a blink of an eye, the night of the third day arrived, and there was only more than an hour left before the duel between me and Naikang. The young monk who had been outside to inquire about the news suddenly rushed back with a solemn face and asked me if I knew about the medicine.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a frown.

Medicine drop is one of the top ten evil arts in Nanyang. It belongs to the same type of head drop as flying head drop. Generally speaking, it is dropped through various toxic objects, which is similar to voodoo.

Although Yaojiang is powerful, it is not as flexible as Feitoujiang, so generally we think Feitoujiang is more powerful.

The little monk sighed and said helplessly: "After all, I was negligent. Naikang took a lot of highly poisonous insects today. Those Thai demon monks teamed up to drug him! When the fight started later, Naikang took a lot of poisonous insects. Kang will become a soulless machine, do you know what that means?"


I took a breath after hearing this. Naikang's behavior was purely suicidal. No matter whether he could defeat me or not, he would definitely be rotten after this battle and eventually die of poison.

But then again, he will become a killing machine in a short period of time. Even if I stab him with a knife, he will not feel any pain, not to mention that he has the Yin energy of the evil god to protect him!

No matter how powerful Huo Yuanjia is, there will be a moment when his strength is exhausted, but Naikang doesn't know the pain at all, so how the hell can he fight?

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