Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 698: The Great Wall will never fall

"Is there any way?" I asked.

"The only way is for us to kill those Thai demon monks as soon as possible, so that their head-lowering technique will fail on its own!"

The young monk paused for a moment and said hesitantly: "How about I come in? You and the other Shaolin disciples hold off those old guys."

I refused without thinking. They had been working so hard these past few days just to let me shine, so how could I back down?

Fortunately, I have been practicing fighting these days when I have nothing to do. Huo Yuanjia's Yin spirit has completely integrated into my body, and it is not as uncoordinated as before.

The young monk didn't persuade me anymore, he just told me to be more careful.

Soon it was the day of the competition, and the auditorium of the stadium was full of people. During the preparation stage, I casually looked towards the auditorium, and I was shocked to find that Wang Xun'er and her family were there, and she was still sitting not far away. People from Longquan Villa!

Ichiro Ryuzawa, who was crippled by me, was sitting in the center. When he looked at me, he showed a perverted sneer. The other people in Longquan Villa nearby also stared at me eagerly.

"Oh shit."

I couldn't help but curse. They were obviously looking for trouble, but before I could figure out how to respond, the referee announced the start of the game.

Naikang, who was full of flesh, bit his pigtails and gestured his middle finger at me disdainfully. His eyes exuded the look of a wild beast, and I was subconsciously afraid.

We must not lose our position at this time, so I remained on alert and did not take the initiative to attack.

After a while, he roared and rushed forward, his casserole-sized fist roaring directly towards my throat!

This punch was undoubtedly done with all my strength, but just the wind of the punch made me feel an invisible pressure. I hurriedly ducked aside, but to my surprise, he seemed to know what I was thinking, and followed up with a whip kick.

Before I could react, he kicked me several meters away. I clung to the cable with both hands to keep from falling off the ring.

Before I could stand firm, Naikang rushed over again, his fists falling like raindrops!

Even though I was fast, I still couldn't dodge most of the attacks, and my movements became difficult in an instant.

At this moment, he is like my invisible needle, almost following the Thai demon monk's thoughts, and it is impossible to guard against it. Even if I aggressively attacked him, it was like hitting him on a steel plate. Nothing happened to him, but I was so shocked that my jaw split open, and blood dripped down.

Ordinary people may not be able to see that there is something wrong with Naikang, but the audience on the stage are from the circle. They can definitely see that there is something fishy about Naikang, but they still watch it with gusto. Only then did I realize that I was too honest!

I immediately awakened Huo Yuanjia's Yin spirit and attached it to my body, letting it guide me in fighting.

Frankly speaking, I have never tried this before. It's just that I am in a state of being beaten. Is it effective to try Huo Yuanjia like a dead horse?

I thought I would be rolling on the floor in pain like last time, but who knew that after Huo Yuanjia opened his eyes, not only did he not feel any pain, but on the contrary, he felt a warm feeling.

Then I found that my reaction ability had changed dramatically, and I could dodge Naikang without using too much effort when fighting against him.

With the help of my powerful dodge ability, I finally stopped suffering, but I still couldn't hurt him.

In my original plan, I was prepared to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring when I had to, but now that the people from Longquan Villa have appeared, the Eternal Spirit Ring cannot be easily taken out as a life-saving talisman, so I had to stand in a stalemate with Naikang, hoping that the Shaolin disciples would soon Defeat Guo Lao and others!

Unfortunately, Naikang's state did not change after nearly an hour, but my speed slowed down completely. After all, it was the first time to wake up Huo Yuanjia, and my body had reached its limit and could no longer withstand the high-intensity battle.

I was once again reduced to a situation of being beaten, being thrown around like a dead dog by Naikang. Instead, he was not as eager to deal with me as before, but deliberately tortured me.

The audience cheered from time to time, and the loudest among them was the Chinese. I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in my heart!

Finally, as if he was tired of playing, he picked up a prepared plaque from under the ring, laughed and threw it in front of me. On the plaque were written four shocking characters: Sick Man of East Asia!

"Haha, you Chinese are all the sick men of East Asia." Naikang raised his middle finger at me contemptuously.

"Oh shit!"

Time froze at this moment, I looked at the Eternal Spirit Ring, trying to wake it up but it was too late.

At this critical moment, Naikang's expression when he looked at me suddenly froze, and the violent energy around his body suddenly dissipated by 30% to 40%.

Immediately afterwards, a force appeared in my body out of thin air. This force caused me to fly away uncontrollably, and launched a beautiful roundhouse kick in the air, kicking the "Sick Man of East Asia" plaque in half.

This kick was fast, accurate, and hard, and its power was shocking. Even I was shocked.

There is only one explanation, and that is that Huo Yuanjia's Yin spirit has completely awakened, and now he is directly controlling me to fight!

At the same time, the voice of the little Ring Spirit sounded in my mind: "Congratulations, Master, you have reached 100% compatibility with Fearless Yuanjia's Yin Spirit. I am here to remind you."

"In a short period of time, the master will obtain Huo Yuanjia's own skill Jingwu: when facing foreign enemies, the attack power is doubled, the defense power is doubled, and the fighting power of the Mizong Fist is doubled!"

"Holy shit, how come you have such a perverted skill?" I was ecstatic when I heard the little Ringwraith's words.

But he soon became confused. Why did the little Nazgul talk to me while he was sleeping?

The little Ring Spirit explained that I am now its master, so when my body merges with the Yin Spirit, it will automatically report the relevant information of the Yin Spirit.

"Okay, okay, okay." I said three good words in a row and let Huo Yuanjia use my body with tears in my eyes.

After all, one of my favorite songs since I was a child is: The Great Wall will never fall, and the Yellow River is surging.

I, Zhang Jiulin, was born decades late and never got a glimpse of the Jinmen hero Huo Yuanjia, but today I saw it!

With an earth-shattering sound, my body rotated with incredible force and punched Naikang.

Naikang panicked and tried to resist, but my punch bypassed his arms and hit his chest solidly.

The first form of Mizong Fist: Yaksha explores the sea!

Although Naikang was not afraid of pain, it was obvious that this heavy punch had broken at least four of his ribs!

"Ah!" Naikang roared angrily, hugged my body and swung me into the air. This is the killer trick in Muay Thai: the crocodile tail swing.

If I faced this move, I would definitely be beaten to death by Naikang, but who is possessing my body at this moment?

It's Huo Yuanjia!

Does Fearless have any rivals? No!

I was in mid-air, but I calmly grabbed Naikang's clothes with both hands, shouted, and used my strength to push him out.

The fourth form of Mizong Fist: The prodigal son turns back!

Naikang didn't expect that I would use this move at all. He was blinded on the spot and was thrown heavily onto the ring by me.

The beaten Naikang was too slow and was no match for me. He soon bled to death from his orifices.

In the end, the referee declared Shaolin Temple the winner, and the audience burst into thunderous applause. I bowed politely to them, and then yelled with all my strength: "Chinese are not the sick men of East Asia!"

"well said!"

Wang Xun'er was the first to stand up and clapped excitedly, followed by the Wang family next to her, and then the entire venue stood up.

The people in Longquan Villa also stood up, but they looked at me even more strangely.

I ignored them and dragged my tired body to the backstage. As soon as I got upstairs, I saw blood all over the floor. Two Shaolin disciples were lying on the ground. Of course, the Thai people were not much better. They were almost wiped out. .

However, the young monk and Guo Lao could not be seen among them. I asked a Shaolin disciple and found out that Guo Lao ran away when he saw that the situation was not good, and the young monk chased after him.

I quickly released Weiyu and asked her to take me to chase the little monk. Finally, Weiyu took me to an abandoned factory. I heard Guo Lao's laughter from a long distance away.

"Haha, no matter how powerful you are, why don't you still lie at my feet?"

I quietly walked up to him and saw Guo Lao holding his head high and trampling the young monk severely under him.

The little monk was twitching all over and holding something tightly in his hand. I took a closer look and found that it was his prayer beads. Unfortunately, the beads were broken!

In a sense, the beads represent him. Now that the beads are broken, it means that he himself is dying. I looked at the Eternal Spirit Ring, gritted my teeth and sprinkled the blood I had prepared earlier on it.

Just for a moment, the Eternal Spirit Ring noticed a faint light, and then the little Ring Spirit appeared in my mind. It said with a smile: "Master, we meet again."

"The situation is urgent, I want to summon a Yin spirit to fight!"

Seeing that Guo Lao was about to kill me, I said impatiently, but the little Ring Spirit said dissatisfiedly: "Master, don't be anxious. I want to tell you that with the improvement of your cultivation, you have passed the Eternal Spirit Ring. The test has the first level of use function, which is: selecting generals!"

"What, I can finally choose the Yin Spirit I need to fight?" After hearing what the little Ring Spirit said, I was stunned for a moment, and finally shouted with tears of joy: "Choose Jigong!"

Jigong is a living Buddha who represents justice and kindness in the world. He is the most suitable person to use him to deal with those demonic monks.

The most important thing is that he and the young monk belong to the same Buddhist sect, and he will definitely be able to save the young monk's life!

"Congratulations to the master for successfully summoning Monk Daoji. Monk Daoji was a famous eminent monk in the Southern Song Dynasty. Although he did not abide by the rules and precepts and liked to drink and eat meat, he traveled around the world, punished evil and promoted good, and saved countless people. Therefore, he is widely praised among the people. Respected as: Jigong Living Buddha. Comes with the skill Purdue: a high probability of healing all wounds."

As soon as the little Ringwraith finished speaking, a golden light appeared next to Guo Lao, and then a sloppy old monk walked out of the golden light holding a broken cattail leaf fan and half a roasted chicken leg in his mouth.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Daoji glanced at Guo Lao, shook his head and recited a Buddhist verse, and then waved his cattail leaf fan violently.

Guo Lao's mouth had opened in an O shape since Jigong appeared. It wasn't until Jigong took action that he realized he wanted to escape.

"Ouch...where do you want to run to..."

Jigong asked with a smile in his unique crazy voice, and waved his cattail leaf fan again, Guo Lao's whole body was frozen.

Jigong ignored him, took off his prayer beads from his wrist, and placed them on the chest of the little monk who fell to the ground.

The beads suddenly became transparent, and the Buddhist scriptures engraved on them emerged like runes, swirling around the little monk, and finally blended into his body.

The scars on the little monk's body quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Little friend, we meet again, and this time I see the justice in your heart!"

After doing all this, Jigong turned around and threw away the eaten chicken bones, raised his hand to make a drinking gesture, and finally left with a smile and a song: "The hat is torn, the shoes are torn, and the cassock on the body is torn. You laugh at me, he Laugh at me, everyone laughs at me..."

He was reminding me that if there is a Buddha in my heart, I can become a Buddha even if I eat meat and drink alcohol; if there is a demon in my heart, even if I burn incense and worship, I can only be a demon.

I shook my head, recalling the scene when I first met Jigong, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

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