Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 699: Xiao Weiyu was disfigured

At this time, the little monk woke up. He was very confused about how all the injuries on his body were healed.

I told him what had just happened, which made him grateful but also very upset. As a Buddhist disciple, he actually missed the opportunity to meet the living Buddha.

"If you have a Buddha in your heart, the Buddha is by your side."

I said it as if I was learning what I was learning. He was stunned for a moment, and then nodded seriously.

After that, we went to see Guo Lao and found that Guo Lao was grinning at us like an Alzheimer's patient.

After taking a closer look, I found that two of his three Yang Fires had been extinguished. He was already very old, but now that his Yang Fires were extinguished, he would not be able to avoid many disasters and illnesses for the rest of his life...

Jigong wanted to make Guo Lao atone for his sins in this way. Is Guo Lao pitiful? Hateful? Is it sad?

Then the two of us returned to the gymnasium, and together with other Shaolin disciples, we chanted Buddhist sutras around the evil god sculpture for a long time. Only after the yin energy on it was completely washed away, did the young monk throw the sculpture into the furnace and destroy it.

Dragon King Sakara, you'd better close your eyes forever!

As for those Thai monster monks, they were all disabled by me using invisible needles.

But I still left room for them. Each of them had an intact arm. As long as they abandon evil and do good, they can still live on.

Of course, if they choose to continue doing evil, they will one day be completely eliminated, maybe by me, or maybe by the righteous way in the hands of Jigong Living Buddha!

The duel with the boxing champion Naikang came to an end. Many media reported the news immediately. Not surprisingly, I became synonymous with patriotism for the new generation and became the most dazzling star of the Chinese Martial Arts Festival.

But I am still me, Zhang Jiulin, an ordinary femininity dealer.

The Shaolin disciples left Guangzhou that day. Because I was injured, I planned to sleep all night before leaving.

While I was asleep, I suddenly heard a shrill scream in my ears. I immediately opened the quilt and found that Oudama, who was on guard for me, had returned to his original form and was lying on the ground twitching.

I subconsciously ran up to hug her, but found a hint of cunning flashing in her eyes.

At the same time, Oyu's weak voice came from behind: "Bad brother, she...she is fake..."

Before I could react, the 'Oudama' in my arms suddenly opened its mouth and bit my neck. Fortunately, the invisible needle sensed the danger at the critical moment and violently dragged my body back a few centimeters, thus escaping the fatal blow. He was hit, but a large piece of flesh was torn off his shoulder.

I hurriedly grabbed the Holy Mother's staff and blocked it in front of me. I looked at the fake tailedama in front of me with lingering fear and asked, "Who are you?"

"Haha, Zhang Jiulin, today is the day you die."

Before it could reply, Ichiro Ryuzawa jumped in through the window, held the fake tail in his arms, and said with a cold smile: "Are you the only one in this world who can raise a spiritual pet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cloud of black mist appeared from the fake tail tama, and then it turned into a black lizard covered with scales, jumped on Ichiro Tatsuzawa's shoulder and glared at me fiercely.

It’s not surprising that Ichiro Ryuzawa had a spiritual pet, but what surprised me was that he was able to stand up again, after all, his spine had been shattered by invisible needles.

As if he could read my thoughts, he thought of his experience in Fengdu and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "With the help of my father, I have completely transformed. Let's put an end to the old and new grudges today!"

As he spoke, a bright samurai sword appeared in his hand. He made a few moves in the air, and several sword flowers flashing with white light came towards me.

Instead of retreating, I moved forward, waving the Madonna's staff to smash the sword flower into pieces, and pressed forward step by step. When I got close to him, I threw the Madonna's staff fiercely, but to my surprise, he disappeared with a swish.

Before I could think too much, I was stabbed in the back. When I realized that he was behind me and wanted to turn around to meet the enemy, he dodged in front of me again.

It was obvious that his Japanese ninjutsu was even more powerful than before, so I had no choice but to sit cross-legged on the ground and read the Tao Te Ching to remain unchanged in the face of all changes.

Fortunately, I was very proficient in using the Tao Te Ching, and a Tai Chi aperture quickly appeared around my body, blocking his sword flowers.

Seeing that his attack had no effect, Ichiro Ryuzawa rolled his eyes and stopped, sneered and snapped his fingers: "Throw that little fox over to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, I heard the screams from behind me, and then I realized that she was in danger.

When I turned around and looked, I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart: the Yin Yang Tiger, the elder of Longquan Villa who survived in Fengdu Ghost City, was holding Xiao Wei Yu's neck tightly at this moment. Xiao Wei Yu tried hard to break away, but the Yin Yang Tiger could defeat it. How could Zen Master Baimei's people let her escape?

Not only that, there were several unfamiliar faces standing next to Yin Yang Tiger, and they all looked at me with evil intentions.

Before I went to bed, I considered that they might come to cause trouble, so I asked Xiaoweiyu to help me be on guard. I didn't expect that she didn't even have a chance to notify me!

Yin Yanghu just glanced at me, then walked up to Ichiro Tatsuzawa carrying the tail tama, and raised the little tail tama high.

Then Ryuzawa Ichiro let go of the black lizard, and the damn lizard flicked its tail with a 'wow' sound, then pounced on Xiaowei Tama and started biting him.

Even though Xiaowei Yu was a thousand-year-old fox demon, his magic power was restricted by the Yin Yang Tiger. In the blink of an eye, he was scratched by the black lizard and was covered in wounds, with blood dripping on the ground.

"Bad brother, don't be fooled, he just wants to anger you!" Xiao Weiyu said tremblingly, then closed his eyes and endured it.

What she said was right, Ichiro Ryuzawa just wanted to anger me and defeat me with his own hands in order to avenge the one-shot attack that day.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Yin Yang Tiger, it would be easy to break through my defense.

Although I felt like a mirror in my heart, watching Xiaowei Yu being tortured, my heart felt like needles pricking me.

Seeing that I didn't rush over immediately, Ichiro Tatsuzawa waved his hand, and one of his men walked over with a small bottle, opened the lid and poured it down from the top of Kootama's head.

When the turbid liquid came into contact with Xiaowei Yu, she instantly let out a scream like that of a wild animal, and black smoke suddenly appeared from her fur, with faint sparks on it.

At the same time, there was a pungent smell in the air. I recognized it for a moment, and my face changed suddenly. This was fucking sulfuric acid!

I couldn't bear it any longer, so I stood up and rushed forward desperately, snatching the little tail jade from the hands of Yin Yang Tiger, biting my tongue and spitting my own blood on the part of her that was burnt by sulfuric acid.

"Fight me, I will make your life worse than death!"

After Ichiro Ryuzawa said with an evil smile, he raised his knife and slashed at me. My attention was focused on Otama, and I was hit by him on the spot, and my whole back instantly became cold.

Then he threw the knife away and kicked out fiercely. I subconsciously raised my leg to block it, but because of my unstable center of gravity, I fell to the ground, and the small tail jade in my hand fell far away.

Ichiro Ryuzawa seemed to be tired of playing, and clenched his fists together, making a crunching sound. Then he jumped up and rolled twice in the air, then swooped down with two fists and hit me in the chest.

"Bad brother..."

At this moment, Xiao Weiyu suddenly flew over from the side and took the two punches for me. Then she spit out a mouthful of black blood, called me "Bad Brother" and passed out.

"Ryuzawa Ichiro, I'm going to chop you up alive!"

I roared hysterically, stood up from the ground with all my strength, rushed over and grabbed Ichiro Ryuzawa. Before he could take action, he broke free from my hands, leaving only one piece of clothing behind.

This is the golden cicada escape technique commonly used by Japanese ninjas. Without thinking, I controlled the invisible needle and stabbed it behind me, but it missed the target. At the same time, Ichiro Ryuzawa jumped down from above and kicked me to the ground, and said viciously: "Don't even think about hurting me with it again."

After saying that, he raised his katana and made several consecutive moves, and countless blades of light struck at Otama and me.

I turned over and protected Otama under my body, feeling extremely unwilling to die at the hands of a villain like Ichiro Ryuzawa!

In fact, when I fought against Naikang, I conserved my strength a little, so we wouldn't be in this situation. But that battle was about national honor, and I couldn't lose!

In order to save the little monk's life, I used my last trump card, the Eternal Spirit Ring. It can be said that I have no fighting power now.

Just when I thought this round of sword light was going to kill me, a flash of silver light suddenly flashed above my head, followed by a clanking sound of metal colliding.

I looked up in surprise and found that the person coming was Wang Xun'er. She was holding a slender soft sword in her hand, and she knocked away all the light from Ichiro Ryuzawa's sword!

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