Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 700 I came with the Immortal Slayer Sword!

Seeing this, Ryuzawa Ichiro gritted his teeth and was about to fight her, but was stopped by Yin Yang Tiger. At this time, an energetic voice came from outside the window: "Tiger, after all, Zhang Jiulin has just earned his face for the circle. Isn't it a bit against the rules for you to do this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure jumped in through the window. After landing, he looked at Yin Yang Tiger coldly.

This man looked to be at least sixty years old. He was wearing a moon-white tunic suit. Although he was short in stature, his eyes were shining. Surprisingly, it is Wang Xun'er's grandfather: the head of the Wang family!

Wang Xun'er didn't care about anything else. She hurried over and hugged me. She asked with red eyes: "Jiulin, how are you? It's all my fault that I came late..."

She was wearing a dark red windbreaker and black stockings. She was originally very elegant, but now she was crying like a porcelain doll. I was very moved from the bottom of my heart, tried my best to smile, and then asked her to help me save Otama.

Only then did Wang Xun'er realize that I was protecting Xiao Weiyu, and he hurriedly took Xiao Weiyu out and laid it flat on the ground, quickly sealed her acupuncture points, and then used a soft sword to cut off the piece of her flesh that had been corroded by sulfuric acid.

I watched this scene and couldn't help but shed tears.

If Xiaoweitama turns into a human form in the future, she will definitely be disfigured. No matter what method is used after returning, we must help her grow new skin!

On the other side of the room, the head of the Wang family was confronting the Yin-Yang Tiger. Both sides watched in silence as Wang Xun'er and I finished all this.

"Mr. Wang, you'd better stop meddling in other people's business!"

It can be seen that Yin Yang Tiger is still a little afraid of the head of the Wang family, and he lacks confidence when speaking.

After hearing this, the head of the Wang family let out a wild laugh, and an invisible aura radiated out. Then his eyes suddenly turned sharp: "Although your Longquan Villa is as skilled as a cloud, today, I came with the Immortal-Slaying Sword!"


Yin Yang Tiger's mouth opened wide in an instant. The head of the Wang family didn't look at him anymore, he just stood proudly.

Wang Xun'er dragged Xiao Weiyu with one hand and supported me with the other as she walked out. Ichiro Ryuzawa shouted and wanted to stop him, but was restrained by Yin Yang Tiger: "Young Master, let them go!"

When I walked out of the hotel, I couldn't believe that the scene just now was real, that the arrogant Longquan Villa would let me go so easily.

If the Wang family was really that powerful, I wouldn't have discovered it until now.

If I guessed correctly, the immortal-killing sword mentioned by the head of the Wang family is what Yin Yang Tiger is really afraid of. I didn't expect that the seemingly inconspicuous Wang family actually has a magic weapon in hand, and I couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Fortunately, I had a kind heart and saved Wang Xun'er. Otherwise, enmity with the Wang family would have been a huge trouble!

However, this also shows that in life, you must maintain a kind heart at all times. A seemingly insignificant thing may lead to a good conversation or a tragedy in the future...

After returning to Wuhan, the first thing I did was to find a way to help Xiao Weiyu heal her injuries.

In fact, those injuries were not a big deal to her. The most troublesome thing was that the area where sulfuric acid was poured on her was just above her neck. After she came back, she never changed into a human form and was depressed all day long.

Senior Shu has two skills in formulating elixirs. After I told him the situation, it only took the old guy more than a month to prepare a bottle of Yurong Shengji Powder and sent it to me via SF Express. Fucking collect.

Fortunately, Yurong Shengji Powder is very effective. It only took a week after applying it. New fur grew on Oudama's neck. She couldn't wait to change back to her human form. The skin on her neck was as white as mutton-fat jade. !

After settling this worry, I selected a set of jade teacups used by Qianlong from the store, and took the martial spirit plaque with me to visit Mr. Wang at his home.

On the one hand, it was to return the plaque, and more importantly, to thank him for his life-saving grace. Mr. Wang invited me to have a casual meal, and the old man and the young man chatted happily.

Several times I wanted to ask him what the Immortal Killing Sword was, but in the end I refrained from asking.

When he was about to leave, Mr. Wang casually asked: "Jiulin, what do you think of our Xun'er?"

"Eh? Xun'er is great."

I replied without thinking, but he retracted his smile and said lightly: "You don't really think that I saved you because you brought glory to the country."

This time I understood. I was stunned for a moment and pretended not to understand and replied, "Of course not. Aren't we the best partners?"

"Haha, good point."

Mr. Wang laughed and patted me, and I smiled too.

Just on the way back to the antique shop, I fell into deep thought. The meaning of the old man's words just now was obvious: Xun'er might... maybe... probably 100% fall in love with me.

Although I was the first to block Mr. Wang's mouth in the guise of a partner, I couldn't use this reason to face Xun'er.

It seems like I need to find a chance to have a good talk with her.

Damn it, sir, am I going to be lucky this year?

When returning the plaque to the Wang family, I pulled out Huo Yuanjia's ghost from my body and returned it to Zhao intact.

Since my body had adapted to Huo Yuanjia's Yin spirit, as soon as I took it out, I obviously felt a little empty in my soul, so I bought a lot of Chinese medicinal materials for conditioning. After a month, the discomfort in my body gradually disappeared.

I didn't dare to see Yin Xinyue because I was injured before. After I recovered, I immediately took the time to return to Yin Xinyue's hometown. Her belly was already very big, and the baby would arrive in two months. I couldn't help but think of my grandpa.

If his old man knew that the Zhang family had a child, he would definitely be very happy.

I stayed in Shandong for a week. I helped Yin Xinyue go to the fields to see the beautiful scenery every day, and helped my father-in-law and mother-in-law do some simple housework. I looked at the smiles on the faces of the whole family and felt very happy.

But happy days are always short-lived. After only a few days, he received a call from Li Mazi. He whispered: "Brother, come back quickly! Someone came to the store to ask for you. I don't think he looks like him." I'm asking for help, so I guess the person who came here is evil."

"Okay, I'll go back right away!"

Li Mazi handled business with ease, but he couldn't deal with people in our profession. I didn't dare to delay. After hanging up the phone, I hurriedly said goodbye to my family and hurried back to Wuhan.

When I entered the store early the next morning, I saw Li Mazi sleeping on the table, and a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa next to him.

He was probably in his fifties, with a Chinese-character face, round-framed old scholar glasses, a crisp suit, and a dark ancient sword in his hands. Although he closed his eyes and fell asleep, his back was He was still standing straight, so he looked like Lian Jiazi.

I frowned, quickly woke up Li Mazi, and asked him what he did after entering the store.

"Hey, little're back."

Li Mazi wiped his hair, said something dazed, rubbed his eyes and pointed at the middle-aged man: "He has maintained this posture since he came in. I am convinced."

After saying that, Li Mazi yawned and went back to sleep. Although he didn't say a word, I knew that he had been waiting for me all night and fell asleep because he couldn't bear it anymore. I was quite touched.

"came back?"

As soon as Li Mazi went upstairs, a strong voice came from behind. I turned around and saw that the middle-aged man had woken up at some point. He looked at Li Mazi's back going upstairs, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You... It’s a good partner and a good partner.”

After speaking, he stood up, stretched his body, and said playfully: "As expected of me, a member of the Zhang family, I have built such a large industry with my bare hands in two or three years."

"Are you from the Zhang family?" I ignored the second half of his sentence and asked eagerly.

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